5.20 The Devil You Know: You Want The Horseman Rings, Or Not?

May 06, 2010 09:07

5.20 The Devil You Know: You Want The Horseman Rings, Or Not?

Crowley offers help
Finding Horsemen and their rings;
What will be the price?

Read the rest ... )

ben edlund, jim beaver, robert singer, supernatural university, dean winchester, sam winchester, supernatural, meta

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Comments 13

jsluv May 6 2010, 13:33:56 UTC
Wow this was really good and its always nice to see what other people are feeling and thinking to compare and contrast what you may be feeling.. I had to watch this episode many times to to the full affect of it, I agree with so many points you made and somethings you said helped me make sense of somethings. Thanks for this, it is always a pleasure to read what you have to say. :)


fannishliss May 6 2010, 16:49:53 UTC
Thanks for a great review as always -- and I hope you get to watch live tonight!

PS, icon = MY 1981 FIREBIRD YAY!!


borgmama1of5 May 6 2010, 17:08:04 UTC
Just want to add kudos to Jensen for his subtle reactions to both seeing the victims of Crowley in the lobby and watching Sam kill Brady. Both times it was clear that Dean was struggling.

Nervous about tonight!


zazreil May 6 2010, 19:37:53 UTC
I agree with you that Crowley has his own plan and that Bobby's soul is going to be a bargaining chip. I would not be surprised if Crowley is the big bad next year, though I did originally hope for Zachariah, Crowley is an excellent option. One thing that occurs to me based on your comment of the soul powering the wish is that all souls are given back temporarily to their owners. Originally when you make the deal and seal it with a kiss the Demon borrows the soul and uses it to make the wish come true, after which the Demon returns it to the owner who uses it to trot around the world for 2 days (John) to 10 years the normal run. So that Crowley was telling the truth to Bobby, when he said he would give the soul back but not all the truth, Bobby's soul becomes his to take at any time since no term limit was put on the deal ( ... )


jackfan2 May 6 2010, 19:53:21 UTC
As always, you bring such clarity of thought to each episode in hindsight. During eps, I sit and watch and when something seems not quite right, I can always count on you to put it so eloquently.

It bothered so many that Dean would follow Crowley and how he seemed so hypocritical to the guff Sam got for trusting Ruby. I didn't see that Ruby and Crowley were all that similar and again, you put it right as to why.

I do agree, Dean's confusion that Crowley would screw him did seem off. Me thinks the writer's enjoy Jensen's ability at humor that they occasionally make the boys look a bit daft. Jared too has awesome comedic bones and has shown them in numerous episodes.

Sam. Yeah, when he and Bobby had 'that talk' and when he killed Brady... I'm very scared for the boys. Very. Scared.


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