Feb 26, 2013 06:38

Huh...Look at that...I actually have amassed a healthy number of stupid little sketches recently.  Nearly all of these are from the Curetown AU, and my obsession with a certain ex-boyfriend of Smoker's (plus that mage character of mine, whatshisname) continues to plague me.  But I've also got some shots of the ladies that I'm not entirely displeased with! Also, a DIFFERENT male witch finally makes an appearance! And maybe someone else, I dunno, go take a look. (I Also did my best to make these things not so massively huge.)

Also, fair warning: some of the ones near the end may be a little disturbing.  Your mileage may vary on HOW disturbing, but still...

Wanna see 'em?

Of course you do.
You say you want some Curetown Ficlet Images? (Come on, you know you do, don't deny it.)

So first up we have a doofy little image from the Insomnia ficlet:

JUAN STARTLED THE...yeah.  Look, Juan, man, this is Survivor 101...don't hug them when they cry, it won't end well for either of you.  You'll be all bruised up, and he'll just feel all guilty about it and shit. (I sketched it pretty lightly, but Juan is kind of holding Sha at arms length here...WAS hugging him, but sorta jerked back when he realized what he was doing.  JUAN YOU KINDA SUCK AT THIS WITCH HANDLER THING.)

Next up, just a little shot I couldn't  get out of my mind from the Placeholder Lyrics thing, the one where Sha is commenting on some of Juan's less inspired song lyrics.

Damn Sha came out girly looking here.  Err...girlier than normal.
Oh, what I forgot to explain for the scene itself...Juan's doing an song-writing exercise here where he's playing with a tune/melody whatever, one that he hasn't put lyrics to yet.  He's still trying to decide what kind of rhyme scheme (if any) he wants to use and what the general feel of the song is going to be, so he's basically putting in just silly words just to get an idea of how ANYTHING will sound when sung to this particular tune.  So technically speaking, Sha really IS being a bit of a jerk here...
On the other hand, some of the rhymes he makes fun of in the story itself are rhymes that I've heard used in ACTUAL SONGS. (Things with things being the worst...the song in question *cough* uses it in the chorus so it's used MORE THAN ONCE and Arrgh argh argh hate that song so much...)

Ok, next up is...actually a scene that didn't happen in the ficlet itself, because it came from the one that was basically just the Household Rules (and commentary) that Juan and Sha have apparently written on the walls of their apartment. This list ALSO apparently doubles as a message board/place to passive aggressively air grievances (in the grand tradition of L4D graffiti, really) so there are some ongoing conversations in the list.

I really just love the idea of them just sort of periodically going past the wall and looking for new snide comments to write answers to.
Well, at SOME point, Juan realized that Sha, who's hands are basically mutilated in this storyline, is SOMEHOW managing to leave commentary on his own, and starts leaving notes asking how he's doing it.

He finally answers (at the third place the question appears): "With my toes, standing on a foot stool."

(and leaning against the far wall, but hey, it looks pretty precarious even with that, yeah?)

This mental image amused me too much to NOT try and sketch it.
Note, Sha's not wearing his cloak thing here.  He's reasonably certain he's alone in the house, and it gets in his way when he tries to do stuff like a RARE SHOT OF HIM SHIRTLESS.

Now this is another one that hasn't technically been made into a story yet, though it is vaguely alluded to in the Rules ficlet.
Sha's hands are in bandages for AGES...longer than they should have been, even for healing from having his fingers amputated, because he has a nasty habit of chewing at his bandages (and, occasionally, his stitches.  There is a point when this becomes a MAJOR problem).  In short, he not only has trouble just USING his hands in general, he can't even risk getting them wet.

Imagine trying to bathe like that.

Hahah illegible conversation is illegible. (he has plastic baggies on his hands here, aaaaaahhh)

The basic gist of it, though, is the fact that Sha is, as I may have mentioned, EXTREMELY modest/body shy, and doesn't even like to be seen shirtless. (also, he may still have a certain amount of hydrophobia from the infection...which probably only comes out when he's stressed.  For example, having to strip in front of another guy in order to take a frigging bath.) So getting Sha to take a bath is pretty much always involves Juan getting smashed into a fair amount of furnitures as he wrestles as yowling mage into the tub.
And then Sha spends the entire thing huddled near the end of the tub looking miserable, and making Juan feel like a giant jackass for basically doing his job.

Ok, enough of that, let's get to the ladies, oh look HERE THEY ARE NOW!

"Oh, hello Miss Smoker, Miss Hunter!"
I'm sorry, this isn't the best sketch, but I just love how delighted Sha looks to see the ladies.  And how freaked out Juan looks to see his ex.  'Gaaaaahhh Smoker!' (Poor guy...nearly strangled by A Smoker in the backstory to this, so he's always a bit nervous around cured Smokers.  Especially when they take him by surprise, like Smoke is doing here.

God I love these two.

So, so damn much.  I really need to do more pics of them in general.

So here's just some little pics of them just...being domestic...engaging in public cuteness (seen from the back because WHY NOT) and...murdering...a I THINK that was a chicken at some point? Either way, HUNTER, what the hell, that rooster WAS A RESPECTED ELECTED OFFICIAL! Plus, he had plans to shoot down his clone brother later today with a jet and thus become the boss to surpass boss boss boss boss...

Oh wait, I think I hear sobbing!  Could it it really...

HI WARLOCK!  haha, Yep, here is my attempt at drawing kamesen24's male witch character.  (Man I wish I could draw half as well as him or Jaz.  Ah, well, I do the best I can.) I get the feeling that he and Sha MIGHT get along, in an awkward, quiet kind of way.  Or at least they'd find each other almost equally baffling, but at least be able to understand each other on the grounds of having the same strain of infection, and both missing bits of their fingers. :B
That said, Warlock, I think, is pretty much THE Male Witch, or as close to canon as we can get.  Sha is just a socially awakward guy who HAPPENS to turn into a witch (in the same way that kitty_nakoji's Psychopro is just a guy who happens to become a Spitter.)

Also on this page: an completely unreferenced pic of Jockey's form from the Infested Universe (SO CREEPY AWESOME AAAAHHH), and a pic of Jockey having a FUN FUN TIME and getting a piggy back ride from Warlock!  Oh, wait, Jockey...Jockey, look out, you're about to...

Ouch.  Tooo late!  Poor Warlock, how does he keep ending up with these weirdos...

Chibified Hunter and Charger drawn after the fact. You are free to regard them as part of the same scene or not.  Either way is fine with me. :B

And now here's a...oh, wait, who's this guy?
Ok, this is another thing NOT currently from any fics, though it is from a planned scene that I may or may not ever get around to writing.

It would take place sometime during the timeframe of the Words and Gestures fic, and it is pure silliness.  Juan just happens across Sha and Tory (the cured Tank...he has a scarf wrapped around his neck and lower jaw to cover up how badly scarred they are.), and Sha is just...inexplicably sitting on top of a vending machine.  All Juan is ever able to get from him is that Tory put him up there. (When asked, Sha just makes a comment about some things just being too obvious to comment on.  They...have a LOT of conversations like this.  Thanks, Sha.)

And here is a scene that...well, for reasons that will become apparent if I ever write a continuation of Words and Gestures...will most likely never happen.

But it amused me, so here:

(He's kinda trying to lean away from the direction she's pointing.)
Hhahahaha GO THAT WAY GO THAT WAY "No, I don't think so darlin'...that was leads to rush hour traffic on the freeway." BUT IT WILL BE FUUUUN.
Jockey and Tory would be instant besties, I'm convinced of this.  He would be big enough for her to ride on his shoulders without hurting him or easily overpowering him, and he's easy going enough that he would let her do it without complaint.  And when has Jockey ever had trouble being pals with someone who was ready to be friends back?
Charger would be hesitant to trust him (for a fairly sensible list of reasons...Tanks are very unpredictable[Spoiler (click to open)]
And Tory is, weirdly enough, a bit MORE dangerous than normal because when he relapse, you get NO WARNING whatsoever, and his natural personality (which is genuinely amiable, easy going, and peaceful) is such a contrast to his relapsed state that it is too easy to be fooled into thinking he can never be dangerous.

and they are known for going after other infected when relapsed.) Mousey is TERRIFIED OF HIM[Spoiler (click to open)]
Even though she never really did get to witness one of his relapses first-hand.  She always managed to luck out and be somewhere else.
Hunter would challenge him to a fist fight.


Sha, sweetie, what happened to you?

Hey, wanna see Sha before, during, and after his infection? You do! Well, hot dog, you are in luck!

Sha why you so girly.
I got an unholy amount of glee from drawing him in his cute little cloak jacket thing.  (He LOVES THAT CLOAK SO MUCH, save up for it and everything, he normally balks at spending a lot on clothes.  Yeah, it's really a women's jacket, so what, he loves that damn thing, so comfy. <3)
In the full blown witch shot, that's the same jacket, only in tatters.  Because I am evil like that.
Cured Sha would really miss his jacket if he could remember it.


Cloak Sha would really like a jacket, please.

Also, apparently Space Pony is a very sensitive subject for Sha.  (Dude, we know, his show got cancelled WAY too soon into its run, but you need to let these things go!)


what couldn't you find a pen anywhere, jesus man.

...good god Sha, please eat something.  And put on a shirt.  And...go see a doctor.  You're scaring everyone.

And now, for no reason except that I care, a picture of Sha and Juan a Boo and a Goomba.

...I was too lazy to scan it.

And I could potentially put up a few more, but this is taking forever to do and the post is getting huge.  So let's just have Jockey see us off!  Jockey?

J...jockey?  How are you doing there, sweetie?
(Oh god, Hunter, we've been over this, leave that chicken alone!)

Oh God, how did I spend three hours making this post arrrggh.

bardic why aren't you in bed, bardic why aren't you studying, sha dache, zarla, lady jockey, juan, tora, lady hunter, lady smoker, lady charger, cured au

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