Title: "Frowned like Thunder"
barbie_speidelSummary: Susan explains how important Lucy is to her. Dedicated to W. H. Auden, I got the title from a poem of his.
Rating: PG, for old English naughty words, slash, and incest.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, wish I did though.
Her tears cause
A Hurricane
In my Heart
Her frown turned
My soul as cold
As the Arctic
Yet, her smile
Shined down
On me like the
Midsummer Sun
Her arms,
A warm breeze
Caressing my body
Her tinkling laugh,
More musical than
A Lark's song
The rise and fall of
Her bosom as
She slept
Meant eternal joy
For it reminded me
Of what gift
That was bestowed
On me,
For which I am
Eternally grateful