FIC: Fallen Angels and Broken Hearts (BoP, MA15+, sequel Darker Shades)

Jun 09, 2007 22:48

Title: Fallen Angels and Broken Hearts
Author: Barbd

Author's Notes: No Beta, no editing of any sort yet, this is like the version before the version, although chapters that I post will be considered as final chapters - all actual final chapters are posted to the Birds of Prey Slash Group on Yahoo! Groups.

This is a sequel to Darker Shades of Grey - ( Read more... )

b/h, bop, d/g, femslash

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Comments 4

tellanovella73 June 14 2007, 14:52:55 UTC
Brilliant writer, as always.
Re your comment: Our p1/p2 thing came in on October 30th 2005. I passed my test on the Saturday, BEFORE it came in, but for some fucked reason because I registered my licence on the Monday I had to take the test.


tellanovella73 November 9 2009, 05:46:20 UTC
I love these stories so much please keep going!?! :)


barbdheart November 10 2009, 03:35:01 UTC
Ok. I'll see what I can do. Just for you.
:) It's been so long that it always surprises me if someone leaves a comment on one of my posts.


becuase I can anonymous December 10 2009, 05:36:52 UTC
This spelling annoys me but... i have to use it:



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