Mar 10, 2012 18:09
Regular readers are probably wondering why I haven't commented on the DOJ's move against Apple and The Agency Five. (I'm wondering where Random House is. Are they not on the agency model? Because they're larger than the next three publishers combined.) I needed a little time to digest the news.
My summary reaction: "Someone at Amazon gives really good blow jobs."
My prediction: Nothing comes of it.
My secondary prediction: If the DOJ ultimately forces the end of the agency model, then publishers will stop publishing ebooks. It's utterly unsustainable if one behemoth is able to Wal*Mart the suppliers. (The list of product suppliers who deeply, deeply regret ever getting involved with Wal*Mart is long.) It might be hard for trade publishers to resist, but if one has the capital to hold on while their competitors go bankrupt, that one will do well in the long run. MacMillan, being privately owned and not answerable to stockholders, is my long-game pick if that scenario kicks in.
this wacky industry