I am now feeling slightly more Christmassy. Hooray!
I'm very behind with the sending out of cards, but I will definitely do some. I really like paper cards. I like the acknowledgement that the people I've met on the internet are as real as the people I've met in my walking-around life. I'm not sure that the environmental cost is all that great - I keep cards for years, and eventually recycle them. But I recognise that some people feel differently, which is why there's an option for e-cards.
I don't care about reciprocity - obviously, I like getting cards at least as much as I enjoy sending them. But I know about lack of spoons, and if getting a card from me would cheer you up, you don't have to feel guilty about not sending me one.
Poll On Christmas cards & the like I've made comments on this entry screened, so feel free to copy & paste your address in there, or link to a post containing it. Please also tell me the names of any partners, housemates, children or pets who should be mentioned on the card.
My address is here, and I expect you know that I live with a fuzzy ewok called Richard.