[remix] Red Coat (Red Maiden remix)

Jan 25, 2008 00:43

Title: Red Coat (Red Maiden remix)
Author: Kagamino Kage (鏡乃影)
Remix of: Red Coat by Roselia Grimm
Notes: (see comments)

In the upper part of the town there is a school where all the girls wear red coats. The coats are made of thick wool, crimson and soft, lined with black satin and fastened with grey steel toggles down the front. The girls of the lower town shuffle and mutter when a girl wearing one of these coats passes by but they don't dare do a thing.

So she's skimming the edges of the upper town, light and careless, almost dancing along the line that divides it from the lower town. Her long coat flutters behind her, around the hem of her pressed and pleated skirt. She watches all the perfumed ladies and well-dressed gentlemen brushing by her, all of them so carefully not looking. They won't look at her because she's looking there, over the border and into lower town. She laughs silently, a ghost among them.

She's waiting and watching, waiting and watching, for a wolf to come snuffling around the border. You can count on a wolf to come skulking around here, lured by the sweet scent of fat sheep in nice clothes with pockets full and jangling. Then she sees her - a wolf-girl, lean and fever-eyed, prowling along the other side of the line.

She smiles to herself. Waits. She's pretty good at waiting.

Finally the wolf turns her sharp nose the right way, sees the girl waiting there for her. Surprise flickers over her features. The red-coat school isn't near here, isn't near where the lower town pushes against the upper town. The girls in the red coats don't come near the lower town, don't come near the wolves.

Well, the rest of them don't, anyway.

With the wolf's gaze warm on her back, she slips into the shadows and waits some more, waits for the wolf girl to follow. Lets her long coat trail after her, blazing and bloody, a red ribbon unfurling in the dark. Look, it says. So small and soft and vulnerable, it says. So delicious, it says. Come, come and feast. Wolves just love the taste of little girls in red coats.

The wolf follows.

"Are you lost, little lamb?" says the wolf, her voice swaying like the cant of her hips.

"No," says the girl in her red coat, with her pretty little voice, pulling her pretty red hood back from her pretty pink face. "I know where I'm going."

"Do you know how to get there?" says the wolf, coming a little further out of the shadows.

"That," says the girl in the red coat, "I might have a problem with."

"Maybe I can take you there."

"I'm sure I'll find my way."

A step closer, then another, the wolf's hips moving slow and liquid. She smells of leather and hot metal and wild animal. "You don't belong here."

"No," agrees the girl in the red-hooded coat.

"Something's gonna eat you up, little lamb," the wolf says. "Chomp chomp. No more girl in red coat."

The girl in the red coat laughs up through her cold eyes, eyelashes lowering coyly. "Scary."

Another step and the wolf has her up against the wall, the joy of the hunt bright in her feral eyes. "Maybe I should walk with you," she says. Waits a second, adds, "Little lamb."

Wolf-girl struts just a step ahead, and the rest of the wolves all fall back before her. Eyes flicker like angry lamps in dark corners, but no one tries to stop them. Wolf-girl leads her right up into the bright, clean-swept streets, with their neatly pressed-and-folded people. Flashes a toothy, dangerous grin at all the stares she gets.

"Here," says the girl all wrapped in her red coat. "This is where I was going."

"Don't I get something?"

Again she laughs up through her cold eyes, laughs at that sneering grin. "What do you want?"

She smiles when the wolf leans down and kisses her, biting and rough. Drinks up the taste of wolf-lips, the scrape of wolf-teeth, until the wolf-girl pulls away. Clamps down on the urge to laugh at the surprised pleasure in the wolf's face.

"See you around, little lamb."

She waits for her wolf at the edge of the lower town, swinging her bag back and forth, back and forth. The wolf shows up soon enough.

"Waiting for someone?"


Wolf-girl comes a little closer, glancing at the shadows where the other wolves are muttering. "Pack of wolves might eat you up, little lamb."

She pretends to shiver, all sweetness and vulnerability. Her wolf isn't really fooled, she can tell, her wolf knows there's nothing innocent beneath the shiny red packaging. But she's a wolf through-and-through, and a wolf always thinks it has the advantage over little girls wrapped in red wool. "And here I've got to get across lower town. What am I to do."

"Get a Huntsman to see you safe," says the wolf, watching her, shifting closer as the girls in the shadows think about trying it, decide it's not worth it after all.

"Maybe I'd feel safer with a wolf," she says, and sees the gleaming hunger burning hot in the wolf-girl's eyes.

She lets the wolf take a little bite from her that night, just enough to leave a mark.

On the third night the other wolves decide they've had enough. It could be bad, but the one that's circling her is too scared to attack - except she's also too scared to back down, driven on by the yaps of her pack-mates.

"Don't make me call a Huntsman," the girl in the red coat says, getting bored of the game.

"We've seen you," the wolf says, moving to step forward, then pulling back as if she'd hit an invisible wall. "You're her whore, aren't you?"

The girl in the red coat almost wants to laugh. Poor doggie.

Her wolf finally steps out of the shadows behind her, growling softly. The other wolf turns pale but stands her ground. "You gonna fight for your whore?" she says. "She is, isn't she?"

Her wolf turns and looks at her, ignoring the others like they don't even matter. "Are you?"

She smiles, cold and sharp. "I'll let you know."

They're running through the streets of lower town. She's torn out a piece of her coat's black satin lining, tied it around the gash on her wolf's arm. Wolf-girl is pulling her along by her wrist through the reeking labyrinth of streets. The pack is far behind them, but they keep running.

Then the wolf stops abruptly, the girl in the red coat pulling up short behind her. She breathes hard, smelling the wolf's sweat, sharp and electric. The wolf cocks her head to the side, listening closely.

She waits.

Then the wolf leads her on, pulls her deep into the shadows, takes her through a dirty little door into a dirty little room. It's musty and dark inside, lit only by the flickering lights outside the door. There's a mattress covered in old rags, a table that looks like it's only still standing out of pure spleen, a bottle of some poisonous liquor and an old chair covered in suspicious-looking stains. There's a couple of candles stuck in bottles but the wolf doesn't light them, only squeezes her wrist hard before dropping it.

The wolf's lair, she guesses. She supposes she's meant to be shelved here with the other scavenged things. The wolf looks at her. She wonders if she's expected to laugh at the filth, or sneer prissily, or something like that. She just stares back and waits.

Wolf-girl takes a step forward, then another one. Comes so close their heat pools between them, their scent. "I fought for you," the wolf says, growling.

"That's true," she agrees.

"Makes you mine," says the wolf, and brushes her hand over the red coat's toggles, over the half-hidden curve of soft breasts.

The girl in the red coat watches the wolf's hand move, her skin prickling with the thrill of her own hunt. "Convince me," she says, smiling her sharp winter smile.

Wolf-girl arches her eyebrow, smirks a little. Picks up the girl in the red coat's hand, places the palm against her lips. Trails her tongue around the mound at the base of the thumb and into the deep hollow in the center. Nothing but silence and the warm wetness of the wolf's mouth.

She feels a hot clenching, low in her belly. Lets her breath out in a quiet rush, lets her hand go slack in the wolf's grip. This is a test, she reminds the wolf wordlessly, lowering her eyes and waiting. Better make sure you pass.

Wolf-girl bends down and bites at her throat. She shudders, leans her head back and offers it up. See the pretty pale flesh? she thinks. A lovely feast, all laid out just for you. Wolf-girl scrapes a line with her sharp little teeth down to where the red coat's collar covers the corner of her shoulder and neck.

Yes, she thinks. Yes.

Her red coat is beneath her now, getting dirty on the cold floor. Above her wolf-girl's skin is white as bleached bone, white as moonlight peaking through dark places, her body pulled thin and wire-hard by survival. Her wolf's tongue is lapping at her mouth, her shoulders, her breasts. She feels herself come alive, her blood thawing out in the heat of the fire. Bites at her wolf and scratches, leaving her own marks. The wolf nips at her nipple, teeth scraping, and she claws and hisses and arches up on her blanket of red wool and black satin.

Wolf-girl's voice croons at her, pleased and possessive, and she can't quite make out the words but it doesn't matter, because the wolf's mouth is moving down low over her belly, licking at her navel, leaving her shuddering and squirming beneath. Licks lower, just once, just a little taste.

"Say you want it," says the wolf, lifting her head, her eyes darker than the shadows. Girl on the red coat looks back at her, surprised, and for a moment considers saying no just to teach her a lesson. But she does want it, and she's impatient now, and lessons can wait.

"Yes," she says, and "Please" and "Fuck me."

So wolf-girl smiles, satisfied, and her tongue delves down into the folds. The girl on the red coat cries out as it plunges in deep, then comes back up to flick over the hard nub there, tasting all of her. She writhes and claws at her coat, at the wolf's hair, surprised again, because she didn't know it'd be quite this good. There are sounds coming out of her mouth that don't even sound like her own voice, whimpering sounds, desperate and pleading. Finally she arches up, a scream ripping out of her chest as her body goes tight and quivering and silent inside.

She comes down, panting and shaking, covering her eyes with her hand for a moment as she pulls the pieces back together. Wolf-girl slides up her body, kissing, biting, nuzzling; kisses and bites at her mouth, coaxing. She tastes herself on the wolf's lips and licks back, purring with pleasure, a slow smile spreading on her face. She slides her hand down flat against the wolf's belly, moving low. Says, "Do you want me?"

And she's got her now, got her all tied up and falling, and the wolf-girl can't even speak, can't do anything but keep licking and sucking at her mouth and throat, like she's drowning and gasping for air. Girl on the red coat takes the wolf's hand, moves it between her legs. One finger pushes in, slow and searching, then another. She sighs, stretching out and pressing back against those questing fingers, spine curving up in pleasure. Her breath catches as the fingers push deeper, coaxing. Wolf-girl's face presses against her neck, whining, her hips swaying with want.

The girl on the red coat smiles softly. Says, "So take me."

She's moaning and baring her throat. Wolf-girl is straddling her leg, grinding down on her hand, forcing her fingers deep into that wet heat. Girl on the red coat has her legs spread, the wolf's thigh shoved up between them. It pushes against the back of the wolf's hand, where her fingers disappear within, so that every time her hips thrust downward it drives them deeper inside.

She can feel it so deep, so very deep in her belly, and it's almost like getting fucked by a boy. But better. Much better. The wolf is rough and demanding and it even hurts, just a little, and she watches through heat-hazed vision as the wolf's eyes go wild, half-panicked. Something cracks and snaps inside the wolf, and she loses it completely.

She lies on her bed of crimson wool and black satin in the middle of the filthy squalor of the wolf's lair and arches her hips up into the wolf's thrusting, little broken cries jarring from her chest. The wolf snarls down at her. The wolf is beginning to understand now, and she's angry. But she can't do anything but keep fucking the girl on the red coat, keep grinding down against the slender fingers inside of her. The viciousness only makes it taste sweeter, so sweet and clear like crystal, as her wolf's body bows backward, and she lets out a scream like a howl at the moon.

She watches for as long as she can before she follows behind. Then she lets out her own cry, a pretty little maiden's cry, and she shatters.

The wolf's head rests on her chest, listening as though the heartbeat inside is ticking out her time. Her eyes are vague and glazed and hopeless. Girl on the red coat strokes her wolf's hair, gentle and slow, waiting.

The wolf takes a breath. Says, "So tame me."

She curls around her wolf and kisses her forehead softly.

Says, with her cold winter smile, "Yes."


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