Mod Post: Prompt Post

Jan 06, 2011 14:38

And here we have the prompts post! You may leave two prompts, a first choice and a second choice up until Wednesday,12th January 2011. We'll post a first round of prompts on Thursday, 13th January 2011 which will be open for three days and then the second wave will open up. Both waves will remain open for the duration of the challenge.

Prompts may be as specific as I want this pairing or vague. Prompts may contain any bandom band (Panic, The Young Veins, Fall Out Boy, MCR, The Cab, etc.) as well as smaller bands which aren't written as much (The Like, Hey Monday, Phantom Planet etc.). Your prompt must contain at least one member of a bandom band. Anything else is fair game.

Prompt comments are screened and anonymous commenting is on for those who desire it.

An example prompts comment would look like this:

Choice 1: Panic! fic, Post-split Brendon/Spencer, working on an album and pining. Misunderstandings good, too.

Choice 2: TYV/The Like, Ryan/Z college AU, blah blah, you get the idea.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them. If you're concerned about us not getting your prompt, don't worry. If we get to the end of our prompts posting and you don't see yours, then let us know!

-the mods

edit: just to get rid of any confusion, your two prompts can be for the same pairing if you so choose! (also, they do not have to be Valentine's Day related.)

prompt post, mod post

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