Wave Two: Claim post for MIXERS

Jul 23, 2011 19:23

This is the claim post for MIXERS.

How it works:

Beneath the cut you will find summaries for all of the wave two fics.

(Writers, if your summary is missing, then please email us ASAP on bandombigbang@gmail.com. Please do not comment to this post as your comment will get lost in the claims).

  1. Please ensure that you are signed up as a mixer here.
  2. Read through the summaries and decide which one you would like to mix for. At this stage, each fic is only allowed to be claimed once. Fics that have already been claimed for mixing will be in bold. Once every fic has been claimed once, we will open the post up for double claiming.
  3. Leave a comment with the following information
    • Livejournal username
    • Email address (please do not sign up with your livejournal email address as we track responses through gmail)
    • The number of the fic you wish to mix for.
  4. The mods will reply to your comment either confirming your claim or asking you to pick another as yours has already been claimed.
  5. Your draft fic will be emailed to you. Please do not worry if this takes a while - your mods can't be at their computers 24 hours a day but we will do our best to get it to you as soon as we can. Don't email us asking where your draft is until 24 hours have passed - we are getting to it, we promise.
  6. All mixes are due in on Friday August 12th, and mixer check in day is Friday 5th August. Further details will be in your email along with your fic draft. You can submit your finished mix as soon as it is ready, but if you have already claimed and submitted a mix, you will not be able to claim another summary until Monday at 7PM UTC/GMT, or 48 hours after this post was made.

  7. So, here goes.

    Any questions, email them to bandombigbang@gmaill.com rather than comment to this post as your question will get lost in the mixer claims.

    Key to band abbreviations appearing in this post:
    MCR = My Chemical Romance / PATD = Panic(!) at the Disco / FOB = Fall Out Boy / TU = The Used / TAI = The Academy Is... / GCH = Gym Class Heroes / THS = The Hush Sound / CS = Cobra Starship / MSI = Mindless Self Indulgence / AAR = All American Rejects.


    MCR (MSI, Thursday, The Sounds, CS)
    Frank/Gerard (Frank/OMC, Jamia/Pedicone, Bob/Jamia onesided, Bob/Maja Ivarsson)
    Warnings: Cross-dressing, Roller Derby related violence, some liberties with geography and roller derby rules and regulations.

    Roller derby AU. When Frank joins his best friend's roller derby team, he has no idea what he's in for. A story of crossdressing, lies, roller derby and love.


    Bob/Brendon. Secondary Mikey/Ryan, Mikey/others, Ryan/others, Frank/Gerard UST. Also vague MCR circlejerk.
    Warnings: While heavily researched, there are possible inaccuracies due to the writer not actually having JRA. Off screen homophobia, mentions of religious intolerance. Brothers jerking off in the same room.

    Bob thinks that the ability to put up with the friends he has is a more unique characteristic of his than his Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Fifty thousand kids in the States have JRA, only a few could handle Mikey’s sluttiness, Gerard’s basement creeperiness, and Frank’s stupid refusal to admit his crush on Gerard. (Ray is surprisingly normal). But while he gets no help dealing with his friends, a few accommodations have to be made for his disease. Someone copying class notes is one of them, and when it turns out that Frank’s writing could be more legible if he did it with his feet, Brendon Urie steps in. JRA impedes a lot of things in his life, but falling in love isn’t one of them.


    PATD (with minor characters from FOB, TYV, THS, CS)
    Warnings: No standard warnings apply. Contains consensual BDSM, both in and outside of the context of sex work.

    Spencer Smith has great friends, engaging hobbies, and a job he loves. So if the job--as a professional dominant--leaves him without the energy for relationships, that's okay. Spencer would rather be the best whip-wielder his clients could want than to split his focus by topping at home. After all, he'll probably switch careers in a decade or so, and he can wait until then to date, even if Ryan insists that's a stupid plan.

    Of course, that's before dance instructor Brendon Urie waltzes into Spencer's life. Spencer just can't seem to stay away from him, even though he's sure Brendon's plan for overcoming Spencer's relationship problem won't work. Spencer can't even remember the last time he subbed for anyone, and he's not sure he's the switch Brendon thinks he could be.

    As Brendon takes the lead, can Spencer learn to follow--or will they just keep stepping on each other's feet?


    TYV, PATD, MCR, TAI, CS, Jonas Bros
    Gen mostly, with hints of Gerard/Lindsey, Mikey/Alicia, Frank/Jamia
    R (for Language)
    Warnings: None

    Somewhere on this planet, hidden far away from all of them, might be their crown prince, the last of their royal line. They have no idea where he is and there’s a possibility that he might actually be dead, might never have even made it here.

    He’d always thought… but that was insane, because he’s seen baby pictures and he’d had friends growing up and all the facts that they’d been able to find pointed to the fact that their princeling had been murdered before he’d even got to his 1st birthday.

    It doesn’t change the fact that Ryan Ross is also the spitting image of their long dead King, Gabe has been telling him for years that everyone has a twin somewhere; apparently their maybe still alive princelings’ is a failed guitar player.


    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Ray
    Warnings: Sexual situations for both couples.

    The Fabulous Killjoys have got a wedding to plan, and it's time for everyone to get involved. Gerard wants to throw his brother the best wedding this post apocalyptic world has to offer, and Frank's right by his side to lend a helping hand. It's all about love in the desert this year, so keep your gun close and your loved ones closer.


    PATD, TYV + Shane Valdes
    Spencer/Brendon - Brendon/Shane - Ryan/Jon
    Warnings: Mpreg, non-descriptive car accident resulting in a coma.

    When Spencer finds himself standing in his bathroom, staring at a positive pregnancy test, he has a few life changing decisions to make. With everyone offering support and throwing in his or her own opinions, Spencer finds himself wanting to have an abortion just to get away from everything. Without telling newly married Brendon that he’s the father and forcing his friends and family to keep his secret, Spencer makes the decision to keep his and Brendon’s child and raise it alone. But when an almost fatal accident occurs, everything starts to unravel around the group, taking the decision to keep certain secrets out of everyone’s hands.


    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Ray
    Warnings: None

    Gerard Way has had a crush on Frank Iero since the moment they met. Due to circumstances, Frank really isn't in his life much anymore. But what happens when Frank's suddenly thrown back into his life due to an unforeseen problem at his little brother's wedding? A story about pining.


    TAI, GCH, CS, Black Cards
    Mostly gen; vague forms of Travis and Gabe and William
    Warnings: Graphically described suicidal ideation and suicide attempt, reference to past suicide attempts, mental illness, drug use, ableist language.

    Psychiatric hospital AU. Travis is hospitalized after a near-fatal experience. He's thrown together with fellow patients William and Gabe, who are dealing with their own issues. Travis feels like he's lost; his only hope is to reach out to the two people who are just as damaged as he is.


    MCR (with appearances from members of FOB and PATD)
    Frank/Gerard, brief Frank/Ryan, brief Gerard/OC
    Warnings: This fic contains slight body dismorphia, references to eating disorders, self harm, profanity, and sexual situations. I also feel I should say that the Gerard/OC is not a large part of the fic.

    Gerard and Frank have been best friends their whole lives. Frank has always stood by his best friend through all his insecurities and problems. When Gerard is about to visit a potential art college, Frank makes a move that takes Gerard by surprise. They try to move past it, but can they? Gerard isn't gay, he knows he isn't. So why can't he handle Frank moving on? And why is it making him question himself more and more?


    Warnings: Adult Content, Mentions of past drug use, Angst

    Gerard always knew he wasn't like other boys. At fifteen, he met Ray Toro, the first boy he would ever love. At eighteen, when Gerard was accepted to art school in New York City, desperate not to lose each other, Ray and Gerard got married, convinced they would have an amazing life together in the big city. However, after only two years of marriage, Ray's unhappiness led to divorce at a tragically young age. Alone, heartbroken, and depressed, Gerard's life spiraled into a period of darkness that consumed most of his early adulthood. Thirteen years later, several years into his recovery from his mid-twenties addictions, thirty-four year old Gerard Way finds his new, successful, happy life rocked by the discovery that his divorce that led him down his path of darkness to begin with wasn't legal.

    Faced with the task of hiding this information from the ever-growing attention his art was receiving, as well as rectifying the mistake, Gerard is forced to find and face the man he had long buried in the dark recesses of his memory. When the two end up having to spend five weeks together until the divorce can be done correctly, will the awkwardness drive them both crazy, or will the time spent together after so long cause old feelings to resurface?


    Warnings: minor character death, alien possession, puking, minor violence with tranquilizer guns, swearing

    It takes a fob watch and a TARDIS for Bob Bryar to put his life together. A life he had forgotten was now reclaimed. He’s taken for a wild ride with Brian at his side as he tries to save the friends he thought were lost to him. Being an alien isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


    Warnings: Minor character death, Mental Disorders, Rape, Violence, sex

    It took me a while to work out that there was something wrong with Gerard, he kept it hidden well and, really, he didn’t even know something was wrong with him. To him it seemed like normal, everyday stuff. He never found any of his behaviour out of the ordinary. To him it was just reality.’ After Gerard's grandma passes away his behaviour becomesstrange. He becomes less outgoing and more paranoid. As Frank tries to work out what’s going on with his friend/love interest, between school, learningpsychology and dealing with the jocks, he doesn’t realise just how bad it is.


    MCR, CS, FOB, brief mentions of TU and TAI
    gen, with mentions of Gabe/William and Nate/Victoria
    Warnings: none

    All Gerard planned that day was going to school and band practice. He hadn't counted on the evil alien The Cobra and his (sort of) minions to escape their 10,000 year prison and attack Earth. And he definitely hadn't planned on getting recruited with his friends by interdimensional being Pete and his android PATRICK to become a superhero. What's a teenager to do? A PowerRangers!AU


    MCR and PATD (brief appearances by FOB, THS, and CS)
    Warnings: None

    Gerard hopes that getting hired at another new high school (after getting fired from two others) will end with success. Third time’s a charm, he likes to think. While he hopes to make a good impression on his new coworkers, new boss, and new students, he meets Brendon, a fellow Spanish teacher, and they instantly get along. Can their common love of Spanish (and Shakira) blossom into another kind of love?


    William/Gabe, Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/Spencer/William, Gerard/William
    Warnings: incest, sex, threesome

    William is quitting having sex with Gabe for his own sanity, Spencer finds himself in the middle of an unusual breakfast-club, Mikey is hiding secrets from his friends and Gerard is seducing everyone. This is a story about trying to let go of something that doesn't work and opening up to something new, no matter how unusual it looks.


    Warnings: Violence, blood, sex, mentions of past rape, attempted rape, occult references, minor character death, supernatural themes

    Frank Iero is one of the best cops in New Jersey so it’s only natural that his boss dumps a seemingly unsolvable case on him and his colleague Bob Bryar. With no leads whatsoever Frank enlists the help of Gerard Way, a reclusive young man who experiences strong visions and dreams of events from the past and visions of the future. However, none of them could ever begin to expect the terrifying chain of events that come into play once they delve deeper into the unknown, questioning Frank’s very beliefs on what the world actually holds. A story of visions, sacrifices, over protective brothers and love all in the midst of the attempted destruction of the world. The devil’s got your number and he will come calling, until it’s nothing more than hell on earth.


    Frank/Jamia (background Gerard/Pedicone)
    Warnings: none

    Asshole!Frank meets his match when he gets into a relationship with Asshole!Jamia. Frank's not one hundred percent sure why the relationship thing isn't freaking him out as much as it should - all he knows is that lately, the only girl he wants to put his dick in is Jamia.

    What's it going to take for these two to make it work? Apparently, a lot of dirty, dirty sex, and Jamia pushing every boundary Frank has. Oh, and a little help from his friends, of course.

    A story that proves that even assholes can fall in love - and how.


    FOB, MCR
    Warnings: None

    Pete pursued soccer instead of music. He has a good long run in the game. Then in 2010, he meets this guy in a band.


    PATD, MCR, CS, FOB, TAI, THS, The Cab, TU, Black Cards, GCH, The Sounds, MSI
    Established Gabe/Nate, Gerard/Bert, Brendon/Patrick, Frank/Bob. Forced Spencer/Ryan. Hetero life partners Ryland/Ray.
    Warnings: kidnapping, work slavery, gore, violence, graphic OC deaths, dub-con (due to sex pollen), bestiality.

    It’s been four years since the first tear between Earth and Otherworld opened, and in that time the travel has only been one way; supposedly mythical creatures coming in and wreaking havoc throughout the continents. Or at least that’s what the OEA would have citizens believe. When a tear opens in Sherman High School and the entire Chamber choir goes missing, and no one remembers them even existing in the first place the truth becomes known. Kidnapping Humans is a frequent occurrence, and part of the OEA’s job is to keep it a secret.

    Pete is not about to lose Patrick forever, and nor is Mikey with Gerard. After it becomes obvious the OEA neither cares nor plans on doing anything, the friends of the choir decide to band together and travel into Otherworld to save their loved ones. It’s completely uncharted territory, but how hard can it be to track down a few Humans in a land of Pixies and Centaurs?

    Unfortunately for the questers and Chamber choir alike, childhood research all come up lies in practice. Dwarves are not like Snow White Dwarves, Mermaids are not Ariel, and Dragons are not Tamora Pierce Dragons. Still, it’s okay to be in over your head when you know someone is waiting on the other side of the ocean.


    PATD, FOB, CS, mentions of MCR and TAI
    Brendon/Ryan/Pete, allusions to on again off again Brendon/William, minor mentions of past Brendon/Marcus Mumford
    Warnings: crossdressing(not the mc), visual impairment(not the mc),dub-con, cursing, mentions of WWI, some violent imagery, historical setting(early 1930’s America)

    It seems no matter how hard he tries, Brendon’s always doomed to trip into other people’s lives in just the right way to disrupt things. Being immortal means he’s had plenty of time to realize this, yet somehow he keeps making the same mistakes. If he’s not playing the part of mouse to William’s cat, he’s forever running from the consequences of being the only person capable of standing still while the rest of the world continues to rush forward

    On the side of a dusty road, he meets two men trying to fix a flat and offers to help them. The kind gesture gets him a job pitching tents for a traveling carnival. When he says yes, he doesn’t quite know what he’s expecting, but becoming friends with the carnival’s fortune teller and bearded lady isn’t one of those events. Nor is finding himself caught in the middle of the violent relationship between the carnival’s owner and its stage magician.

    Maybe this time around, though, he’s found something to hold on to.


    Warnings: Veeeery mild minor-character death, violence, drug-use

    “Can draculoids feel love?”, the kid asks, tears building up into her eyes.

    Party Poison isn’t really sure what got him into this mess, and he doesn’t know what will get him out of it either. Held captive in the Battery Towers, he is only being kept alive by Better Living Industries for as long as all their Extermination Chambers are out of order, and as soon as they have found a way to repair them he will be put down like a dog. As slowly pills and pain and propaganda are worked into his daily routines, he finds himself having almost given up.

    Fun Ghoul sets off to find him, to take him back to where he belongs, but soon he finds that getting into Battery City alive is harder than it sounds.

    Not to mention getting out again.


    MCR, P!atD (kind of), FOB
    Ferard, Bob/Ray, Mikey/Alicia, Patrick/Pete (kind of)
    Warnings: None, unless you could Mikeyway in a Goofy suit. And I would.

    Only two kinds of people worked at Disneyland Park, Anaheim, CA: Frank Iero and everyone else. When new cast member and dyed in the wool Tinkerbelle, Gerard Way, starts at the Park Frank does everything he can to steer clear of the guy. He's exactly the kind of starry eyed mouse fanatic that makes Frank's cynical skin crawl. But he can't seem to shake him. Could it be that Frank doesn't really want to? Could it be that Frank's stoney maintenance man's heart isn't so stoney after all? And what's with all the people falling down disused fake mine shafts all of a sudden? Find out when you enter The Happiest Fucking Place on Earth. Have a magical day!


    Gerard gen
    Warnings: Disturbing imagery and themes. Highlight for spoilers: character murder, violence, human taxidermy, possible incestuous undertones

    Everyone has the capacity to become a monster and could be a monster if the right things happened to them. Gerard'll be the first to admit that maybe what he did was more than a little selfish. Yes, he saved the people that he loved, but the reason he saved them was entirely and wholly selfish. Gerard doesn't think doing nice things for selfish reasons makes you a good person, it just makes you human and Gerard's never pretended to be anything but human. There's nothing wrong with having an ulterior motive, with saving his loved ones because he selfishly wanted to keep them close forever.

    Everyone has ulterior motives, Gerard just thinks that maybe he's a little more open about his.


    Warnings: Offscreen underage rape

    One Friday night, sixteen-year-old Mikey Way goes out to a club... and doesn't come home.

    He awakens to find himself in a house with seven other boys, all taken as he was, all kept under lock and key. While Gerard and his friends work with (and sometimes against) the police to find Mikey, the boys in the house follow their kidnappers' orders and try to stay alive and sane. This house has a reputation among a certain clientele, who know that when they can't risk finding what they want out in the world, they can always visit the house to sate their needs.

    Mikey is convinced Gerard will save them all. But until then, he'll do what he has to do to survive.


    Warnings: Contains casual drug and alcohol use, as well as one scene of fully consensual sex while under the influence. Also contains spanking, rimming, fisting, facials, orgasm denial, toys, and sensation play.

    How many orgasms can you have in one day? Brendon and Spencer resolve to find out.


    Warnings: mentioned off-screen minor character death, general angst and confusion

    It's August 30th, 2006 - Ryan's already been here once, and this isn't how it goes. Bruised, confused and in the wrong year, Ryan struggles to make it through the Nothing Rhymes With Circus tour (for the second time) and reconnect with a band that's grown apart, while desperately grasping onto the future he knows he's already lived.


    GCH, CS, MCR
    Travis/ Gabe, Bob/Ray
    Warnings: No real warnings. This is a teacher/student story, but Travis is legal.

    As with all things in Travis’ life, he sat back and asked “What the fuck just happened?”
    A high school AU based on GCH “Scandalous Scholastics”.
    Nuff said.


    Frank/Gerard, hints of Bob/Mikey
    Warnings: descriptions of autopsy and mortuary procedure

    Ridiculous pathology!AU. In autopsy, it is not a matter of life and death, it's a matter of DEATH AND LOVE! Frank Iero, the new registrar in the mortuary at Mercy hospital, was not expecting autopsy to be sexy, but he also wasn't expecting his hot new boss, Gerard Way. Featuring Cobra Funerals, death by papercuts and LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS (that don't necessarily involve corpses). HOW WILL FRANK ENDURE HIS PLACEMENT?!


    Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Frank/Gerard, and all kinds of Gerard/Gerard
    Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and substance abuse.

    It’s Frank’s last day off before the North American leg of the World Contamination Tour begins, so he’s not particularly happy when his nap is interrupted by a frantic phone call from Gerard. Gee’s clearly upset about something, but the urgent instructions he gives Frank as he rushes back to their hotel room are not making much sense. And why does Gerard keep asking Frank if he’s alone?

    Frank’s confusion only grows from there. The next thing he knows, Gerard is right there, kissing him - which should be impossible, considering Gee’s still on his way, and talking to Frank on the phone. It is Gerard kissing Frank, though. A blond Gerard. Gerard, circa 2006.

    And if that wasn’t enough to give Frank the mother of all headaches, it appears that there are actually not only one, not even two, but three Gerards come from various dark times in Gee’s past, congregating in the hotel room, looking for hints of a brighter future.

    This is the tale of Frank and the four Gerards, and of the afternoon that set everything in motion.


    PATD, TYV; also contains a cameo from Empires
    Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Ryan (Brendon/Dallon)
    Warnings: Implied relationship with an authority figure. Also contains background genderswap (always-a-girl!Ian)

    Spencer's life is awesome.

    His schedule is full of Brendon time, Ryan and Jon's fights get more entertaining every time, this kid in band totally worships him, and the new chemistry teacher is almost as hot as Mr. Van Vleet.

    But then again, the hot chemistry teacher is monopolizing Brendon's attention, Ryan keeps proving to be better at relationships than Spencer, and he'd rather not talk about the incident with his band buddy.

    Okay, Spencer's life sucks.


    MCR (incl Bob), PATD, TYV, Travie McCoy, Maja Iversson, CS, Lyn-Z, Chantal Euringer
    Gen; perhaps some foreshadowing for Brendon/Spencer or Brendon/Ryan/Spencer if you squint.
    PG-13 for violence and adult themes.
    Warnings: Physical restraint (boys briefly in a bridle and also a cage); mention of past physical abuse; implied past sexual trauma; an attempt to exchange sex for protection/favors; voluntary cross-dressing; and a non-fatal duel.

    A historical Killjoy adventure, in which MCR are pirates turned playwrights with a lot of friends who are just pirates, Ryan and Spencer are recovering from the trauma of being held by Blind Industries; and Korse is still a very bad man.


    MCR (TU, The Bled, and various bands on tour with them)
    Frank/Gerard and Frank/Gerard/Pedicone
    Warnings: none

    From early days touring in vans to Projekt Revolution, the tour crew swears that they’re not homophobic, they just don’t want to see that shit. Frank takes it as a personal challenge.


    Bob/Frank, Mikey/Pete, Gerard/Lindsey (Brendon/Spencer)
    Warnings: None

    For the clan living on the hillside above the delta, Spring has only just arrived. Bob, who owes his life to the clan and especially to Ray, is doing his best to repay the debt, but he harbours a guilty secret that may endanger his friendship with the tribe. In the meantime, Mikey is finding life as the clan's only Shaman tough, without the guidance of his mentor he is nervous of walking the dream paths in search of answers to his recent disquiet. When a spirit asks him for help to fix the heartbeat of the world he must decide if he has gotten way out of his depth. Perhaps the arrive of a second traveller will bring good luck. A caveman/ice age AU based very roughly on Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children) by Jean M Auel.


    MCR, CS
    Gabe, Gerard
    Warnings: none

    Midtown's split up and My Chem never happened. Washed-up rockstar Gabe Saporta needs a place to lie low; discontented artist Gerard Way needs someone to talk to. These days you can buy a friend, but does that help when the most important piece in your life is missing?


    Frank/Mike Pedicone, mentions of Brian Schechter/Ian Crawford, Mikey/Bob/Ray and Gerard/Lindsey
    Warnings: none

    For high school drop-out Frank Iero, joining the Army is his last chance for an education and a career. Trying to settle into his new life, Frank discovers that some obstacles are more difficult to overcome than others. In core training he finds himself surrounded by strange people and at the mercy of a demanding schedule of coursework and physical training he's not sure he's going to survive.

    As if that isn't enough, Frank has to desperately quash his growing attraction to his friendly yet enigmatic supervisor, Corporal Pedicone. As Frank progresses with his training, he begins to think maybe the attraction isn't so one-sided after all...


    Mikey/Ray & Frank/Gerard
    Warnings: none

    To most normal people, college is the best time of their lives. For Mikey Way though, it was the worst and it’s a time he tries to forget. When his best friend left for a different college and left him alone, Mikey found parts of him that that he never knew existed within him, hidden away and surfacing when he’s most vulnerable. His life took a turn for the worst and through months of trying to drink the pain away, Mikey ended up coming to terms with the fact that not only was he depressed, but was diagnosed with (type two) bipolar. With the right medication, a supportive brother and in law means that Mikey is able to leave his past behind him and try to get his life back on track. That is until, his best friend Ray comes back and he’s left trying to decide if seeing his old best friend and high school crush will leave him unstable and back to square one, or if becoming close with Ray again will help him on his long road to recovery and acceptance.


    PATD, Gold Motel, The Like
    Girl!Brendon/Greta, Z/Tennessee
    Warnings: repeated sexual harassment of an underage girl, reference to past sexual assault, as well as both references to and displays of homophobia.

    It's Summerlyn, 1992, and Brendon's getting tired of keeping secrets about herself. From the tapes she has hidden under her mattress to the fact that all the attention the popular new youth pastor's been paying her is entirely unwanted, she knows that there are a lot of things about her that would break her parents' heart. On top of all of that, Brendon's in high school, she's kind of desperately lonely, and she's also pretty sure she's gay.

    It's only after she starts hanging out with Z, Tennessee, and Greta that things seem to go right. They call themselves riot grrrls, a phenomena of pissed off teenagers reclaiming their anger and turning it into music and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks about it. Brendon finally feels like she's not lying anymore, but it takes leaving home, falling in love with a girl, and competing in a Battle of the Bands for her to realize that the one heart she needs to worry about the most isn't her mom's or dad's. It's her own.


    Frank/Gerard/Mikey/Ray + eventual Pedicone, various pair permutations thereof, and bonus Ray/Gerard/Lyn-Z phone!sex.
    Warnings: GSF, rimming, Waycest, barebacking, shameless geekery, phonesex, BDSM, threesome, /wives, implied polyamory/open relationships, dirty talk, lots of cursing, trash-talking, blatant switches in POV, gang bang.

    Oversexed!AU Frank was pretty sure he had the best ideas ever. And gangbanging Gerard was right there at the top. Maybe it was being back in America. Maybe it was because Pedicone had pulled his head out of the sand. Whatever it was, it most certainly was all Frank’s fault. The story is a continuation of this year's Wave One, but no previous knowledge is needed.


    Warnings: None

    Frank loves living with Mikey. Sure, the apartment is a mess, the kitchen's a toxic wasteland, and there's something growing in the refrigerator that's just a day or two away from becoming sentient, but other than those minor inconveniences, it's all cool.

    Or it is until Mikey decides to embark on a journey of sexual discovery and adventure and Frank's left at home with nothing but the fridge monster for company. To make matters worse, Mikey insists on telling Frank everything he does with his new kinky friends, right down to the tiniest detail.

    And now suddenly Frank is best friends with his right hand and he can't stop thinking about Mikey in ways he never has before. The really big problem, other than suddenly being in lust with his best friend, is that Frank isn't sure why.


    PATD, Bob, Joe, Dallon & Breezy, Patrick, Greta
    Brendon/Spencer, Bob/Joe, Dallon/Breezy
    Warnings: None

    Brendon wasn't lonely, and yet when he orders a ROBO-BRIDE off the internet he can’t remember what it was like living alone. When Brendon's friends find out they are equal measures worried and surprised.

    But Spencer wasn’t just a robot, just one week living with Brendon has him thinking strange things, things that he was not programmed for.

    As Spencer is starting to come to terms with himself, Brendon has to come to terms with his own feelings, and with a little help from their friends, they realize that maybe, just maybe, they can make this work.


    PATD, CS
    Warning: Allusions to dead main characters, but no description of main character death.

    Post-Apocalypse AU. After a disaster of unknown origin, Vicky-T and Brendon are the only survivors. They make their way across the country to try and get to Chicago, where, hopefully, Patrick is still alive. On the way they must come to terms with what happened, as well as the loss of their friends and the everyday life in a post-apocalyptic world.


    MCR (with appearances from members of FOB and PATD)
    Mikey/Frank and Ray/Gerard
    Warnings: Dub-con (characters in heat), violence

    Dark Angel AU. In a future version of Seattle, long after an electromagnet pulse reshapes the world, Frank Iero's a lot of things: bike messenger, cage fighter, sometimes thief, Ray Toro's roommate. Mikey Way's also a lot of things: record label owner, co-heir to his grandmother's fortune, younger brother. Neither of them are normal, which they both find out after Frank steals from Mikey and Mikey offers him a job. But neither of them know just how far each other's abnormalities go until a secret of Mikey's and Frank's past unexpectedly shove together.


    MCR, Black Cards and FOB (with appearances from Cobra Starship)
    Bob/Gerard, background Pete/Mikey
    Warnings: Primary character death (temporary), suicide (attempted), violence, alcohol/drug use.

    Bob Bryar - also known as Spit Fire, the fifth Killjoy - should've died in the desert after Korse shot him in the head. But death isn't permanent in the zones, and rescue's nearly as ugly. When the fate of the resistance rides on Bob's shoulders, can Bob stop the mysterious enemies who anticipate his every move and cope with the mess Better Living Industries made of his life?


    MCR, FOB
    Mikey/Alicia, Pete/Patrick
    Warnings: None

    After an upbringing in the hekima Way family, Mikey is expected to follow in his brothers footsteps of becoming a doctor. But Mikey is lost. He's no doctor, no gentleman. He isn't cut out for the life of the high-class hekima. He's suffocating. A trip off-world seems the only chance of bringing him to his senses and Mikey prepares to travel in The Home System's deep space.
    When he buys passage aboard The Fall Out he makes the best choice he’ll ever make, as their barker is keen to tell him. It’s the choice that will lead to love; someone he shouldn’t even be looking twice at, a dirty independent mechanic.
    This is the story of taking chances, love, fate. This is the story of breaking free of the confines of a caste system (and gravity). This is the story of Mikey Way.


    MCR (FOB, PATD, TAI, CS. . . Most of these are just cameos)
    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Pete, (Gerard/Brian, previous Frank/Jamia and Frank/OFC, hinted Mikey/Alicia and Pete/Ashlee, as well as other hinted at pairings)
    Warnings: Character death

    Mikey and his friends are working day and night to find out exactly what happened to his brother, to find the thing that's responsible, and to kill it.

    Five and a half years ago, something dark settled over Belleville, NJ. A series of strange murders started to happen, and a stranger arrived in town and got a job at Bachmeier's, the local bar where minors hung out and drank beer. Gerard Way and his friends were frequent visitors, and the new bartender left an impression on him the very first night they met. Their connection continued to grow, and Gerard fell, recklessly and fast, in love with the newcomer. Meanwhile, Gerard's brother Mikey and his best friend tried to investigate the murders, and made a terrible discovery that would change all of their lives forever.


    Warnings: None

    One day Gerard wakes up and Mikey is nowhere to be found. Even worse, no one remembers that he ever even existed. It seems he has disappeared off the face of the planet. Is Mikey lost or has Gerard been trapped in a parallel dimension? And will anyone believe Gerard when he tries to search for his brother?


    MCR (Mentions of TU, FOB)
    Ray/Mikey (Frank/Gerard)
    Warnings: None

    It was never in question that Ray was always the straight one in the band. Until Mikey asked the question.

    Somewhere between 2005 and 2012 Ray's answer changed.

    Sometimes you have to lose everything to figure out what's really important.


    PATD (plus some FOB for good measure)
    Warnings: offscreen domestic abuse

    Brendon is a werewolf, a creature who can turn himself into canine form at will. Spencer is just a lonely guy trying to make it in LA. They come together when Brendon abandons his pack and finds a place to start a new life just when Spencer decides to start living his again after a painful loss. (Loosely based on the novel “Sharp Teeth” by Toby Barlow.)


    Butcher/Sisky, Gabe/William (secondary)
    warnings: I played kind of fast and loose with some timelines--the tours are real enough, but if you feel strongly about the exact dates of full moons on 2004, you might want to give this one a miss.

    In which in 2004, The Academy Is... gets a new drummer who would love to tour with them, but only if he's allowed to space to do something private and unspecified the night of the full moon. Sisky is suspicious, and decides to launch an investigation. It's not his problem if most of his band interpret this scientific experiment as a high school crush. Sometimes, Sisky really hates being the youngest member of his band. In which Sisky is sneaky, the Butcher is guilty and everyone else is clueless, with the possible exception of Gabe, who is too busy watching his band explode before his eyes to pay too much attention to potential supernatural happenings.


    PATD, FOB, CS, TAI, Phantom Planet
    Jon/Spencer, Pete/Patrick (past Pete/Mikey and Ryan/Alex, background William/Gabe and Brendon/Ryan)
    PG-13 (Mild sexual scenes, excessive use of the f-word)
    Warnings: None

    A Hitch!AU; Jon Walker is the Date Doctor known widely to be an urban myth but a saint to those desperate men that get his business card. Spencer Smith is the gossip columnist for the Renegade and more then a bit of a workaholic. When they meet in a bar, sparks fly and they're both very interested. Things turn to hell when Ryan Ross, Spencer's best friend, hooks up with one of Jon's alleged clients and Spencer goes on the war path to expose the Date Doctor. Meanwhile, Jon helps Patrick Stump, a rising start in the financial field, land heir Pete Wentz.


    eventual Ray/Mikey, Frank/Gerard
    R - NC17
    Warnings: off screen character death, contemplation of suicide, language

    Ray and Frank are the only survivors of the Jersey Queen, an independent freighter hit by (space!) pirates. In the chaos, the doomed ship took a blind jump through the hyperways, leaving them stranded in a dark and lonely quadrant of space.
    Mikey and Gerard are the last remaining crew of a legendary "ghost" ship, the Ravencroft, which has been lost for the thirty years since the War that Broke the Stations. They've been avoiding inhabited space due to emotional scarring from the loss of their crew, and a feeling of isolation due to the fact that they are in fact cyborgs.
    They pick up Ray and Frank's escape pod, and promise to help them. In the process, old feeling of guilt are assuaged, new emotional ties are wrought, and the legendary ship comes home.


    MCR with a side of PATD
    Warnings: violence, profanity, hybrids, angst, slightly ridiculous magic tricks

    erard Way is an art school drop out with no prospects, student loans to pay off, and a dead end job. His mother works too hard and his little brother Mikey is keeping secrets. His boss runs shady contracts and smiles too much. It's nothing special and he tells himself that he'll learn to make peace with that- in the meantime he's got to carve out a living that doesn't involve artwork. Really, he's going to be okay. Then a crazy homeless kid comes along and screws up Gerard's Adventures in Normal Employment with his hippie magic and soulless eyes. Gerard can't shake the feeling that this guy "isn't quite right" but he's too busy fending off the freak accidents that are following him around to worry about that particular winged freak.


    PATD, TYV (brief random Bob Bryar)
    Warnings: drunk sex

    A sort of PhD AU. Definitely a tale of chest-waders, hook ups, stupid fish puns, and not so coincidental meetings. Wherein Spencer is a fish scientist near Hammond Oregon and is perfectly content to spend his days trying to tracking white sturgeon, bearing the mocking of his arts major best friend, and failing badly at romance. Until one day at the beach he meets Brendon, and starts to think there's more to life than underfunded research and making first year bio students cry.


    Frank/Gerard, Frank/Jamia, Jamia/Lindsey, Gerard/Lindsey, Alicia/Mikey, Christa/Ray
    Warnings: Inexplicit non-con of the sex slave variety (Note: all sexual encounters between and among the pairings listed above are consensual) and related violence.

    When Frank is taken by slave raiders, Jamia and Lindsey work together to find him and buy him back. After months of searching, they finally locate him, but their lives are complicated by his attachment to a fellow slave he can’t leave behind. Suddenly Jamia finds herself the owner of her husband, and Lindsey the owner of a man whom she’s never met before and who has no reason to trust her--and who has a secret of his own.

    Lindsey has her own secrets, however, which are harder and harder to hide when she and her new slave Gerard and her oldest and dearest friends are all living together at her family’s ancestral estate. Can the four of them learn to trust each other enough to put the past to rest and help Gerard find what he’s lost?

    In other words, this is your standard bandom het slave!fic with platonic “background” comfort!slash-and-!femslash with a Beauty and the Beast twist. And bonus thematic crossdressing. Like you do.


    PATD (FOB, TAI, MCR, CS, Empires)
    Ryan/Jon, Brendon/Spencer (Michael Guy Chislett/Butch Walker)
    Warnings: violence, self-destructive behavior including alcohol and substance abuse, dubious consent (no physical coercion), off-screen death of a secondary character - suicide

    A supernatural AU.

    Some Otherworlders are born with magic; some are born human and able to withstand one of the curses. Spencer's struggle not to Turn Ryan into a werewolf gets a lot more complicated after their band is signed to a demigod's label. Suddenly thrust into a web of politics he doesn't fully grasp, Spencer realizes that if he can't have Ryan, he must do whatever it takes to make sure Ryan stays human. Jon Walker, on the other hand, never had reason to doubt the rules of the Pack, especially when Ryan asks him for a favor... As Panic splits down the middle, so does the supernatural world three of its members belong to. Is humans' right to choose not to be Turned more important that the survival of the various magical species? And is it too late for Brendon to get past the walls Spencer's been building since childhood?


    Tom/Sean, very briefly alluded-to past Sean/Ryan
    Warning: Some off-screen violence

    Basically a lazy X-men AU where Tom is Wolverine and Sean is Rogue but nothing remotely action-adventury happens. They just have a lot of feelings.


    MCR, TU
    warnings: none

    Gerard always thought that being a teenage delinquent and getting on the wrong side of the law would feel pretty hardcore. When he gets arrested and winds up doing community service, it doesn't feel hardcore at all. He just feels like he's disappointed his family and he doesn't know how to talk to Mikey any more. And even though his probation worker, Brian, is actually pretty nice, he has to do his service hours with Bert McCracken, a genuine badass who scares the crap out of him. No matter how many times Brian assures him that Bert only tackes Gerard to the ground every day because that's just his way of being friendly.
    A story in which teenage Bert and Gerard learn to get on even though they both suck at saying what they mean, Bert helps Gerard to realise that his brother doesn't hate him at all, and a long-suffering Brian wishes they would both stop asking him for dating advice and just hook up already.


    Bob Bryar, Brian Schechter, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Fall Out Boy
    Bob/Mikey, Frank/Gerard [incidental]
    Warnings: violence, including imprisonment and relatively non-graphic
    discussions of torture

    Summary: Bob knew from experience how dangerous it was to be behind the kit. Drummers are fixed targets on stage - they tend to get killed or taken. In Battery City, the second option is worse, especially for
    guys like him. Guys who aren't exactly human.

    In the aftermath of the Desolation Row Riot, Bob has to play a dangerous game, deciding between secrets and sacrifice. But while Bob's fighting his solitary battle, the world's changing. A Journey from Desolation Row to Danger Days, via Route Guano.


    MCR / MSI
    Mikey / Alicia, Gerard / Lindsey
    Warnings: gore

    The zombie apocalypse starts in the middle of the night, and it turns out, a lot of things that Mikey and Gerard learned from watching zombie movies are wrong. Zombies don't always run in packs. Two backpacks full of guns and a stolen car later, they set up shop in a mall - not in a back office, but in a restaurant. They’re getting by - and things are good once they know the government is looking for survivors. But what happens when you accidentally swallow zombie brains?


    Brendon/Ryan (minor Brendon/Sarah)
    Warnings: Primary and secondary characters death (at the end of the story), off-screen secondary character suicide.

    On the summer of 2011, scientists make an unpredictable announcement: due to a shift on our planet's magnetic field, the moon is set to crash into Earth in 12 months.

    People struggle to deal with their own fate, the knowledge that time's been taken away from them and Brendon has to figure out what he wants and what he'll do with the time he's got left, while observing everyone around him do the same-- watching some of them holding on, some running away and some battling with themselves to try and do the right thing (or whatever right they can manage with such little time left).

    Finally, Brendon decides to leave on a roadtrip to the crash site, but when company presents itself unannounced, he has to look back on some choices and make a whole lot of new ones.


    Tyson Ritter/Gabe Saporta, Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump, Gerard Way/Frank Iero, various other sub pairings.
    Warnings: Language, character death, superpowers, and a complete upheaval of America, land of the 'free'.

    “I mean. This... this whole soldier thing. It’s not me. It’s not who I am.”

    “Maybe not. But it’s what they’ve turned us into.”

    Chicago was where it all started. Hidden away in laboratories screaming to be free, American citizens and illegal immigrants became experiments. But when those experiments got out, the country locked itself down in a nationwide quarantine that lasted decades. Now nothing is the same, and with a ‘mutant threat’ on the rise, a war has started that will change everything. And cryokenetic Tyson Ritter is right in the middle of it.


    Ryan/Spencer, pre-Ryan/Spencer/Brendon
    Warnings: swearing

    It's the fall of 2003 and Ryan is already having a rough senior year. College applications are right around the corner, Homecoming is in a few days, and Pet Salamander just isn't as satisfying as it used to be. Worse, Ryan has developed a raging crush on his best friend and feels powerless to do anything about it. When Ryan accidentally wishes Spencer away to the goblins, he finds himself on a fantastical quest to stop Brendon, Prince of the Goblins, from keeping Spencer forever. All he has to do is solve an enormous maze, storm a castle, and find the right words to say --all under 13 hours!

    A story about tight pants, falling down, dancing, and getting lost. A Labyrinth AU. (1986 film)


    Pete/Patrick, Gabe/Bill, Gabe/Vicky-T, Gabe/Bill/Vicky-T, assorted background pairings
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: attempted suicide, self-harm, mild violence, mentions of sort-of-successful suicides, hetero (albeit not-entirely-hetero, three-way) love, really hilariously bad fake sex products, not-actually-legal age differences (that aren’t actually super relevant due to the characters being older than dirt because they’re
    angels, but I suppose it could theoretically bother people-- the character in question is about 16.)

    Patrick shows up on the night Ashlee tells Pete she’s leaving him, when Pete is pretty sure he’d be doing the world a favor by leaving it. Patrick-with copious application of ice cream, the Food Network, snuggling, and occasional well-meant violence-does his best to keep Pete alive.

    Pete, in turn, does his best to convince Patrick that Patrick is, in fact, secretly Pepper Potts, and that Cupcake Wars is not a legitimate form of entertainment. In the meantime, Vicky-T, all sharp eyes and crocodile smiles, looks after Gabe and tries very hard not to care that Bill is looking after him-and maybe her-too.

    Gabe spends most of his time trying to convince Vicky-T that he’s allowed to have two soulmates at the same time.

    This story features ice cream, Iron Man references, ridiculous adventures in adult novelty stores, random smatterings of Spanish endearments, and angels. Specifically, angels with lethal legs and mad
    baking skills, short tempers and absolutely no clue what they’re doing. (Note that this story is a sequel to a sequel, but can absolutely be read as a stand-alone fic, as long as you’re comfortable taking for granted the fact that in it, Brendon was once a ghost, and now is no longer ghosty.)


    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia (mentioned)
    Warnings: character death (minor original character)

    1984: With new multiplexes opening up all over America, the run-down Belleville Film Palace is probably the least exciting place to work at for a teenager. Except if you’re a movie-nut like projectionist Gerard and his closely knit circle of loser friends. When cocky and confident Frank joins their team as an usher, Gerard really doesn't think he'll stick around. Besides, there's something about Frank that just rubs Gerard the wrong way. Then an unforeseen event threatens the future of the movie theater and Gerard starts to questions things he always took for granted...


    PATD / MCR
    Ryan/Bob, Frank/Jamia,
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: PTSD, history of physical and sexual abuse and torture

    Ryan Ross has been out of Janick State Correctional Facility for over a year. Bob is back in his life, he has a job despite his felony record, he barely even nightmares anymore. Those are all good things, so then why can't he just be okay already? (sequel to previous BBB fic)


    Frank/Gerard, William/Gabe
    Warnings: None

    In the city that never sleeps, it's tough to get your foot in the door. While Gabe Saporta may find it easy to blend into the socialite scene; Gerard Way spends his day blending eyeshadow at Bloomingdales. As newcomer Frank Iero triumphs in Women's Lingerie, Gerard sparks a bitter rivalry in the vicinity of Lexington and 59th; but there's no use crying over spilt coffee because things are about to fire up. Meanwhile, on the Upper East Side, Gabe Saporta is none too pleased to read a socialite-bashing article, but when confronting the writer, he doesn't expect to meet fresh faced, pretty-boy William Beckett, who turns out to be the biggest tease this side of the Downtown Dunkin' Donuts.


    Warnings: Attempted suicide, lots of minor character death. Past abusive relationship/stalking

    Gerard was happy living the quiet life in sleepy Northbrook and not thinking about the past, but then the town is attacked by zombies and Gerard thinks he knows who is behind it. He sets out across the country with the intent of confronting the culprit, accompanied by his brother and friends. Meanwhile, in a far away city, Spencer and his friends are resisting the evil necromancer Marax in every way they can, until Spencer is unlucky enough to be captured by Marax's henchmen.


    MCR, FOB
    Pete/Mikey; Gerard/Frank
    Warnings: Mentions of depression and thoughts of suicide

    Pete and Frank are Guides. Mikey and Gerard are Sentinels who are on a roadtrip to find their guides. Mikey is loosing his control and his emotions and wants to make sure that Gerard is taken care of before he goes to the Sentinel Center for treatment. Gerard is hoping to find Mikey a Guide so that he can stop going crazy.

    Pete is just trying to be a good friend to Frank when he gets dragged into the middle of the Way family crises. Pete freely admits that Patrick tried to warn him. Too bad he didn't listen. Now he, Mikey, Frank, and Patrick are left to pick up the pieces of a one night bonding that didn't exactly end at one night. Mikey's not sure how to deal with regaining his sanity and Pete can't stop wishing that Patrick was a Sentinel. Unfortunately for both of them some things can't be changed, they can only be lived with.


    Gerard/Brian and various other pairings within the band
    Warnings: BDSM and all that that implies, attempted rape, and one not-particularly-sexualised BDSM scene between brothers

    MCR tourfic set in the universe described by Helenish's SGA fic, "Take Clothes Off As Directed", an alternate universe adjacent to our own, in which dominant and submissive BDSM roles -- and prejudices based on them -- are as mainstream as gender roles and prejudices in our own world. In this universe, most bands are made up of tops, and MCR are unusual for having several subs in the band (only Gerard and Bob are tops, and Gerard's got long hair and wears eyeliner, so...) The fic follows them on tour through the UK and Europe, and shows how they deal with negative reactions from the press and from assholes on tour. The main relationship is Gerard/Brian (turns out Brian has a secret, involving his role identity and some fake ID, which causes complications) and there's also a sub-thread (no pun intended) of Bob/Ray, and bits of Gerard/Frank, Bob/Frank, Gerard/Mikey, and generally the band being a big kinky family.


    FOB, Fun, Bright Eyes, P!ATD, Amanda Palmer, Gerard Way
    Pete-focused gen piece, with Pete/Patrick (past) and background Pete/Jack Antonoff
    Warnings: enormous amounts of character death, violence against demons

    A very broken Pete Wentz runs Fueled By Ramen, a fighting crew aimed at saving Chicago from demonic occupation. But having almost had his heart clawed out by a hungry demon and dealing with the emotional aftermath of the death and disappearances of his friends leaves him doing even less than just going through the motions. His own emotional state aside, the Parade of Eyes is approaching and they bear a very dark prophecy for the future of Chicago. A new wave of violence is coming, and in order to win the war, Chicago must lose its battle.


    Warnings: Light homophobic prejudice

    “We’re not about three chords in a song. We’re not punk rock. We don’t encourage sweaty bodies pushing each other around at our concerts. Maybe if you were auditioning back nine years ago, we would have accepted it. But now, we’re mainstream. We’re productive. What you just showed us was everything we are not and do not ever want to be.” Gerard pauses for a bit and feels a small smirk grace his lips, enjoying the determination and enthusiasm in Frank’s eyes as he leans forward on the table, closer to Frank than he has been. “So take a good look at me, Frank. Look at me, and play me a fucking song that I just described to you.” Frank Iero’s biggest hero is Gerard Way; the outspoken, obnoxious lead singer of the multi-platinum selling band My Chemical Romance. His world changes completely when he finds himself suddenly shoved into the limelight, playing sell-out shows every night and earning more than his usual $6 an hour. However, the infamously homophobic frontman isn’t what Frank expects, and after mixed signals and unsolved revelations he learns that, with Gerard Way, things are never simple.

!mod post, claims: mixers

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