Title: I'm A Hopeless Romantic (You're Just Hopeless)
slashxmistressBand(s): MCR (with references to Pencey Prep)
Pairing(s): Frank/girl!Gerard
Word Count: 32,862
Rating/Warnings: NC-17. Warnings for underage sex
Tomboy Gerard has always had a thing for Frank but never thought she’d be on his radar. She’s the anti-social fat girl hanging out with her brother and their loser friends and he’s the incredibly hot badboy/punk rocker/ slut er.. ladies man.
Until a fateful crash in a crowded hallway - now not only is Frank aware of her existence - he’s wooing her! Seems like all her wildest and naughtiest dreams are coming true.
But things are never that easy. Frank has a reputation to uphold -one that doesn’t involve monogamy. Gerard struggles with her jealousy and finally convinces Frank to be hers and hers alone- with some rather unexpected and dire consequences.
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I'm kinda lazy, and I kinda stink, but I'll clean myself up for you Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content
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