Here is a little piece of work I call the Hush Sound Primer of Awesome. Because really, the Hushies are full of cutely awesome.
Posted on: June 13, 2007.
Show me what you’re working with:
Darren Wilson: 21, Chris Faller: 22, Greta Salpeter: 19, and Robert (Bob) Morris: 22
The Hush Sound (or, as they were unofficially known back then as, The Hush) began when Bob and Greta, having been “introduced by mutual friends,” began to experiment playing music together in Dupage County, Chicago. Bob was in his sophomore year of high school and Greta was only in the seventh grade. They later added the “Sound” to their name because a rapper who went by “The Hush” was currently releasing a CD and they wanted to avoid the embarrassment that comes with being named the same thing.
Later on (2004/2005, as cited by the official bio on Greta and Bob decided to take their writing more seriously. They ended up with Darren (who agreed to join nearly immediately and actually played a basement show with just Greta and Bob) on drums and Chris (who waited until viewing recorded footage of the trio performing the day before in said basement show) on bass.
Spring 2005: the Hush Sound make an album!
So Sudden was self-released and promoted, enjoying success within its own right, as far as a self-printed album can be taken
June 3, 2005: Ryan Ross
posts a link to The Hush Sound's purevolume. Later, upon being asked by Pete Wentz what he was listening to, told Wentz of the Hush Sound. Wentz was impressed, albeit initially sort of intimidated that he hadn’t heard of this Chicago-area based band before, and signed the Hush Sound to DecayDANCE.
DecayDANCE re-released So Sudden in the fall of 2005 with more promotion (because, c’mon, Wentz pumps his bands like bicycle tires) and in March of 2006, the Hush Sound wrote, with the help of both Sean O’Keefe and our beloved Patrick Stump in the production department, their follow up album, Like Vines.
And I think we all remember this promo just fine.
Feb 18, 2006:
Pete Wentz posts this picture of Bob Morris playing guitar. Admits that “Sweet Tangerine” keeps him awake at night.
See also: March 11, 2006
Pete Wentz posts this picture of Greta Salpeter wearing some upcoming Clandestine merch, thus cementing the Hush Sound’s place on the DecayDANCE label forever. Pete also gave Greta a pair of red shoes when THS signed with the label.
Since then, the Hush Sound has toured with all the Fueled by Ramen gang: Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco The Academy Is…, Jack’s Mannequin, the All American Rejects (I know, not FBR, but still tour buddies) and has also run their very own headlining tour. Quite a success!
The Hush Sound is currently taking some time to enjoy life and living and song writting. Their next album is expected sometime in 2008.
Now for the details, I’ll start with no particular attention to any sort of flow
Greta Morgan Salpeter. 19. February 12, 1988. (which, she would like you to know, is the same as Abraham Lincoln’s).
Hard to see in this photo, but Greta wears this one ring around her middle left finger. no word on the significance of it, but i'm sure it's special :)
Greta! and Dirty!
Greta! and NICK WHEELER! They appear to be having some sort of friendly meeting.
she's so silly
Greta is a classically trained pianist and has been taking all sorts of lessons since age 3. Her mother is also a pianist and she says her father “just likes Broadway.” She can also sing quite well, but did not seek vocal training until after So Sudden had been recorded. She is the youngest member of the band and the only girl. She is also very stylish and wears seriously cute outfits (from thrift stores and equally eclectic shops like Anthropologie).
Greta is vegetarian and has been since age four when she told her mom that she did not want to eat anything with eyes or a mother.
Greta is also very well-read (citing, amongst her favorite books/authors/poets: T.S. Eliot, Plath, Carl Jung, Anne Sexton, Thoreau, Siddhartha by Hesse, The Fountainhead by Rand, and Ishmael by Quinn). She even has a puppy named “Georgia” after Georgia O’Keefe. Greta also regularly recommends Chopin and Elliott Smith to boppy teenagers who request more music recommendations.
Greta says her favorite Disney character is Ariel and that she wouldn’t cut her hair until she was 9 years old because she wanted to look like her. Greta is taking correspondence classes through Indiana University whilst on tour. Her favorite cookies are oatmeal raisin, she is left handed and she knows sign language!
Greta shares lead vocals with Bob Morris as well as song-writing responsibilities. Greta says that her inspiration for songs comes from all places, but there are a few songs that have a prominent influence. In her own words:
The beauty of life is inspiration for as many of my songs as the sadness of death is. However, during my junior year of high school, two of my very close friends died within a month of each other, which, understandably, made that year very difficult for me. We started the band right around that time and I wrote songs about what was affecting my mentality and spirit at the time.
“A Dark Congregation” was written about the burial of one of Greta’s best friends who died. "Eileen" is about a friend who passed away. “Wine Red” is about the murder of a girl that all of the Hush Sound members had met.
Greta dates Harrison Tayler, the bassist from
Wax on Radio. She leaves inside joke messages on his myspace and they are ridiculously cute.
Greta says her favorite songs she has written have been “Eileen” from So Sudden and “You Are the Moon” from Like Vines. She also likes to perform “Lion’s Roar,” or just got tired of having to answer the question on the FAQ’s and decided to agree with Bob.
Which brings me to…
Robert (Bob) Morris. 22. February 8, 1985. (which, Greta will have you know, is the same birthday as Gary Coleman)
evil bob
emo bob.
taken bob.
The following are from Kristine Reyes's
Flickr. She is Bob's girlfriend and they've been together for a while! she seems to make bob rather happy :)
While Bob says he would never introduce himself as “Robert” to someone (he thinks it sounds snobbish), he signs “Robert Morris” on little autography things. Bob likes cauliflower, gift certificates, movies (like Fight Club and Wayne’s World 2), burritos, chocolate chip cookies and dogs. Bob hates math (as do all the Hushies) and (as proclaimed by Greta) is the prankster of the group. Bob also wears boxers and loves the television series 24. He likes beer (New Castle brand, or Pina Colada if you just want to know his alcohol preferences) and water.
He also dressed up as a bomb once for Halloween, but, because they had to play a show that night, the police made him remove the costume. He (and Chris) are proclaimed “meat-a-tarians.” Also, apparently Bob is the only Hushie with a female sibling, two of them in fact (both older. I’ll also have you know that all of the Hush Sound are Youngest Children in birth order, Greta and Chris: each have one older brother, Darren: two older brothers.)
Bob fits into the FBR singer-man schema well. He’s sort of obsessed with Brendon Urie (imo, but ask
dontushiver [or any other girls that hung around after the st. Petersburg show]. Bob kind of wouldn’t shut up about Brendon Urie’s musical talent. He thinks he’s talented, is all I’m saying) and Bob’s got that scrambled demeanor of a Wentz. Here, I’ll use his own words against him:
(from his bio on
I know certain things about me that i like and certain things about me that i hate. [..]
My biggest pet peeve is people thinking that i'm some rockstar b/c i never ever want to be called or considered anything of that sort.
I have always been a confused little boy and now i'm becoming a man... i don't know what this really means besides the fact that i'm having to face more serious things like post adolescence and paying all my own bills. I'm excited about the independence that tour gives me but i'm also scared about growing up.
I think everyone has one birthday in their life when they really think about who they are and where they are going... and i'm sure that everyone gets scared about it sometimes... i just get scared all the time... however, i will always be straightforward... trust me, i hurt peoples feelings very, very often... i'm working on that
(from a q&a)
When i'm at home sometimes i have trouble sleeping but nowadays i just make sure i'm always doing something during the day so i'm usually pretty beat when its time for bed. The only thing that keeps me from sleeping is when my body is wiped out and my mind is still going 200 mph... it happens more than you know.
Bob was in an old punk band called The Audition. Bob enjoys playing “Lions Roar” live and his girlfriend drew the album art for Like Vines.
Bob sometimes
steals Darren's Cliff Bars Bob is really active on (as are most of the band, but notably, bob contributes lots) and often leave gems of advice. I’ll give you a sample:
“put on some deodorant”
“don't drink too much chocolate milk... like 6 gallons a day... thats way too much”
“don’t cross any borders.”
The last one has a fun story attached:
The Hush Sound were unable to cross the border into Canada to play a Montreal show because they were in possession of stickers. For real. Bob has a video about it and everything. it's right
here! Bob also worked as a lifeguard for four years! And he has described the composition of his band mates (think: Patrick, sunny days and 70 degree weather) as such:
Greta = books and French
Darren = breaking knuckles, star wars, brain's drum video
Chris = food... as long as its not healthy and also maybe cigarettes he also is made of a little thing called comedy
Bob was once the victim of an intraband joke. Greta explains: "You are the 'dark ocean bottom' turned into 'dakishambada' in the studio, which became a term synonomous with 'brewski'. The funny thing was that everyone used the term 'dakishambada' for the few weeks in the studio and Bob had no idea what it meant. Good times."
Moving along steadily…
Christopher Gregory Faller. 22. May 1, 1985.
Chris Faller. Guitar Hero enthusiast. try and tell me they didn't have round robin tournaments. just try.
Chris says this in his bio on
All you need to know right now is that I'm currently obsessed with king crimson, yes, elliott smith, and anything jon brion related.
But I think you need to know more.
Chris is that darling bass player that sings the “bah bah da bah bah bah” in “Where We Went Wrong.” He comes from two musically talented parents who actually were in a touring band together. Chris’ dad is even in a band now called ZIP TANG ( where he plays the drums. This surprised me when really it shouldn’t have. Chris can also play the drums and actually played the snare drum in his high school marching band.
Chris used to play in bands like
Ellora and
Best Defense oh yeah. that's him. far left. best defense era.
Chris also smokes “tar-free, chemical-free cigarettes. They have pseudo-Native American artwork on the box.” (I’m pretty sure Greta is referring to American Spirits. Though
sixwhitelies says
otherwise, hehe.) This nasty habit is of much distress to the q&a active fangirls who frequently squeal at Chris for smoking. And he has this to say in response:
I am well aware of how unhealthy it is, I am just an idiot/addicted. But there will come a time, hopefully soon, where I will smoke nothing but sucka's who try and step up.
SQUEEE Chris Faller.
Personally, I think Chris is everybody’s best friend. He’s so darn friendly and he just seems to be buddy-buddy with everyone. This is good. So good.
When asked to parallel Fall Out Boy and The Hush Sound, Chris responded with: “We are all pretty much Patrick Stump with a dash of Joe Trohman.” So take that as you will.
One time, Chris
filled in for Pete Wentz during "Saturday." He bounced around and played his little heart out on that bass.
Since I sort of love quoting Chris, here’s this! His response to the question “what are your thought on grammar and spelling?”
i think its pretty sweat i no alot of ppl dont lyke it but l8tly ive been triing 2 b as gramaticalie corect as posibly. thnxs 4 the ?uestion!
Chris also has some distinct feelings towards a certain line of sodas
I have bad feelings towards fanta. Orange fanta replaced the delicious sunkist I would get after gym in highschool and it never filled the gaping hole it left. Fanta is evil.
How could you not love this boy?
Chris is half Italian and some other part Ukrainian (he says his blood is as thick as marinara sauce). It can be assumed that Chris doesn’t wear boxers like the other two Hush Sound boys, but I have a feeling lots of you don’t really care (because I sure know I do). Apparently Chris has a garden, but Greta says “Chris may have a garden, but his mom maintains it.” Chris also has “Crawling Towards the Sun” set for the ring tone whenever a fellow Hushie calls him. Chris is also the other “meat-a-tarian” of the group.
Chris and Darren played in
Until Sundown together! Darren played drums and Chris SANG! He is precious.
You can also see stills Darren and Chris at
Sweet Tangerine in the FOB's "My Heart..." DVD! Sweaty and cute. and young. so very young and impressionable.
Chris and Darren seem to be little best buddies, because they often have sweet little answers like this on the q&a
Q: Chris and Darren should get this.... Which is better... Pirates or Ninjas?
A: In unison, they replied "NINJAS".
(answered by greta)
Q: This is for Darren and Chris: What anime shows do you like?
A: Darren dictates: Inayusha.
Greta: How do you spell that?
Darren: I-N-A-Y-U-S-H-A. No wait, I don't like that show. I like "Full Metal Alchemist" and Cowboy BeBop, and L-U-P-I-N the third.
Chris says: Cowboy BeBop and E-S-K-A-F-L-O-W-N-E.
Darren: Should I throw Princess Mononoke in there? Yeah. Throw it in there.
Chris says: That's all.
Darren says: What is that show where the kid is a detective? It is the last show on Adult Swim. {Darren thinks, looking very pensive}.
(answered by darren)
and they take some groovy pictures together
70s!AU? anyone?
somewhere in my mind they have drunken heart-to-hearts. where darren pretends to be more drunk than he really is.
!!! guys. they are so comfortable with themselves that they have to take pictures of it!
Which brings me rolling steadily on to…
Darren Wilson. 21. April 10, 1986.
Darren wears fanny packs.
Sings some falsetto in songs like Where We Went Wrong. Darren’s favorite part about playing drums is the sweat and he’s also a vegetarian. Darren signs “B-MOC Lives” on things he is asked to sign (I assume this does not include legal documents). It stands for Big Man On Campus. Bob says he’s “self proclaimed.” I really have no idea what that means, but I’m sure you can guess, or at least get an inkling of a guess. Darren has a particular affection towards the Tarzan soundtrack and Clif/Luna bars and is left handed (like Greta!).
Sometimes Darren grows facial hair; he has expressed discontent with his habit of not-shaving. Darren was once left behind after a show and thus had to take a plane the next morning to the next venue. Sweet how those things happen. Also, apparently Darren is in the Fall Out Boy music video for Saturday. Bob says that Darren is the one with his arms up with “CHRIS FALLER” sharpied on there, but it’s illegible. I have yet to find conclusive evidence other than in YouTube freeze frames of the video (my guess is there’s one seen right before the end refrain where the camera shows a Polaroid with some guy, but I don’t really see markings of any kind on his arm). *shrug*
Darren collects hotel bibles (and has around two suitcases full of them) and has been on a recent kick of kissing boys from other bands when there are cameras present. Here, look:
But don't jump to conclusions. Because Darren is woefully unsingle.
Monika is cute and they are cute together. She is a student and her and Darren make it work!
i guess I should say that THS and their significant others are all friends! They are a network! A web, if you will. So home grown and tight knit. It warms my heart
and just for good measure: here are some pictures with several hushies in them, because they are too good to pass up!
Chris coloring at an iHop.
Chris is on MySpace in this one.
A New Years Eve gone awry.
I'm sorry, but I wouldn't trust Bob with such a hot object near my head.
Once upon a time, all the excellent bands were in a Penthouse Suite at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas. There were bowling alleys and golden beds and a mysterious hot tub and plasma screens that played porn all night. The pictures are great.
Darren is cool with wearing make up on occassion.
Sometimes this picture just. I don't have any words.
old school
young and precious.
*sigh* I do love them.
here is a video my beffie,
dontushiver took at The Hush Sound concert we attended together. Dan from This is Me Smiling spanks Bob before singing the refrain in "Don't Wake Me Up"
Momentum acoustic from the OCK flyaway
here is a sort of rare music video of "The Artist" featuring lots of little Hushies
here is Brendon Urie singing that part in "Don't Wake Me Up" and hitting all the right notes. See also:
here where Brendon adds his own vulgar twist and Jon Walker acts like he's on speed and
here where Patrick Stump sings the part he actually sings on the album
Beatboxing Hushies
here is their cracked out Holiday Greeting
here is Darren singing Crawling Towards the Sun and Chris playing drums.
here is Bob singing "Saturday" backstage
here is the most recent proof that The Hush Sound is silly. I mean really, they're genuinely silly. or just sleep deprived.
here is the "Day in the Life" of the Hush Sound, but really, it's more Adam the merch guy centered than anything.
here is Bob and Adam and some others acting really really strange, singing a very erotic song at that. Gratuitous bare chested shots of Bob are in store for those who click this link.
here is Dan from This Is Me Smiling getting dropped. I mostly posted it because it's title is "Drop it like it's Dan"
here is where Greta fixes a tire. I like this one.
here is where they record Darren sleeping and snoring.
here is where FBR crashes the Hush Sound's set like whoa
here are the Circumlocution videos where Producer!Patrick talks with the Hush Sound about several of the songs on Like Vines, I love this series, it's a must see.
A short but fairly comprehensive collection of Hush Sound Fanfiction (you can skip this part if you're queasy about, you know, knowing them and writing porn)
all you can ever learn is what you already know (myspace is a place for liars) by
sobrellevarsuch a cute and clever fic, I really love everything about this; characterization, language, use of multimedia--the whole nine yards!
a little snippet by
one900it's handwritten, people, and it's CUTE
5 People Patrick Stump didn't sleep with by
iphiginia939guess who's number 5?!
fill in the blanket (bed scenes) by
sobrellevari love the comraderie in this one
in the wake of saturday by
consentingthis piece is so heartbreakingly beautiful. it's greta/ryan ross, so a bit of a crossover is always refreshing.
consenting also has some other great hush sound fics at her journal, so check those out too! (there's lots of chris faller!!)
please feel free to link me!
and some external links because it's my primer! and I'll do what I want to!
here is the most comprehensive documentation of the Hush Sound on tour. You will notice that a whole lot my pictures I posted on here are from there. This photographer is astounding, really
here is the Hush Sound's Buzznet with lots of videos and pictures is the official fansite for the Hush Sound. It's pretty awesome.
and last but not least, my community,
I really do love all of you, so join! and help me figure out what to do with this lovely community.
I hope you enjoyed my primer! take it easy!
here is the link back to the original post! There you will find some great (i almost typed GRETA, haha, Hushian slip) info in the comments! Youtube links, some pictures, certain Myspace links that you may be curious about...
thanks so much for reading all of this! hope you have learned! Now go forth and write!