Prompt Submission

Jul 07, 2009 17:12

- Prompts may be general or canon-specific. General prompts should be applicable to any band or any characters. For example, “when the entire band develops superpowers, they are kidnapped and experimented on,” or, “X gets the flu while on tour but is determined not to upset the band’s schedule; Y doesn’t even realize until X nearly passes out in an interview.” Specific prompts should be directly related to some piece of canon, or to the particular dynamics of a group or relationship. For example, “after Panic splits, X gets into trouble and the rest of the band has to help him,” or, “hurt by Ryan’s dismissal of his songs, Brendon...”.

There’s no hard and fast rule here; if you think specifying band or characters is important to your prompt, go ahead and do it; the non-specificity of general prompts is meant not as a limitation but as a way to allow writers to apply the prompts they like to the characters they like.

- Plots can be as vague or specific as you wish. The whole purpose of the prompts is to inspire the writers, so give however much information you find inspiring. "Bus accident in the middle of the night," "Bus goes off the road and into a lake," "Bus goes into a lake and X nearly drowns," "X and Y are both hurt when the bus goes into the lake, and Z has to decide who to save first," "bus goes into lake, X rescues Y but injures him/herself while doing so and then they both end up in the hospital," "X breaks both his arms in a bus accident, Y has to help him/her with basic activities," - all are perfectly acceptable. Please try to keep from giving a complete summary of the story, but feel free to give whatever details you feel are appropriate, whether they pertain to the hurt or the comfort side of the equation. The ultimate goal is to give the writer something to work with, so be as creative as you want. No prompts are going to be disallowed, so don't worry about whether or not your prompt is valid; these guidelines are just meant as example.

- All types of h/c prompts are allowed. No seriously, anything. Standard h/c tropes (car accident, bank robbery, kidnapping, illness), tropes borrowed from other fandoms (zombie attack, aliens want to extract information from a characters’ brain), or anything else you can think of. AUs are fair game. Go wild. Any cause of hurt, any type of potential comfort situation.

- Anonymous commenting is open. This is a shame free environment, but just in case anyone is embarrassed to admit their burning desire for bandom being attacked by a giant squid, anonymous commenting is enabled.

- Prompt early, prompt often. You do not have to be planning to participate in order to submit a prompt. The more prompts there are to choose from, the better the chance of people finding prompts they like.

This post is for prompts only. If you have any questions, please ask them here. Prompts will be open until Friday, July 17. Signups will start on the 18th.

ETA: Please keep comments respectful. Responding to prompts is fine, squeeing is encouraged, but comments that are derisive of other people’s chosen bands or scenarios will be deleted.

ETA2: Prompts that are posted as addendums to other people’s prompts will not be included in the final prompts list. If you want to make some suggestions in the replies in hopes that a writer will see it and be inspired, that's fine. However, if you come up with something similar but kind of different and want it to be included as a prompt, please start a new comment thread and include all necessary details there as a single, standalone prompt.

Prompts are now CLOSED.


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