♥ >> Name:
♥ >> Age: 16
♥ >> Previously Stamped As:
[regular] Lumiere
[female mirror] angelique
[animated mirror] angelique
[song] be our guest
[item] enchantress's wand
[location] ballroom
[outfit] blue dress
♥ >> Do you prefer a male match, a female match, or both?: male plzthx
♥ >> Describe your personality in a nutshell:
Engaged Idealist,
ESTP (idk okay),
SP Temperament,
Devo color: Red,
Enneagram type 8,
Free-Wheeling Visionary Right-Brain dominant
Aside from those tests, I'd describe myself as confident/arrogant/bossy/ambitious, etc. I don't take myself seriously (and savannah doesn't really either) and more than anything I love to have fun. People have described me as crazy enthusiastic and high energy, and I'm often told that I act like I'm on drugs (don't worry bbs I'm not lmaoo). I'm pretty chill most of the time but I can and will be a bitch when I get pissed off. I'm really, really honest... I tend to say what most people are thinking but don't want to say. I like talking about people and things and it's usually pretty obvious how I feel about things!
♥ >> What are some positive, attracting traits about you?: confident, happy, honest
♥ >> And some negative not-so-attracting traits?: bitchy, arrogant, bossy
♥ >> What are some traits that are ideal for your perfect partner?: Honest, trustworthy, intelligent, fun, good singer, at least somewhat nice to look at ;)
♥ >> What are some traits that are an instant rejection in your partner?: Changing himself to fit the mold, lying, doing drugs/smoking
♥ >> Describe what your perfect date would be like: something fun and kind of light hearted. I mean, I would go for something cutesy too but I'm not big on the whole "candlelight-dinner-and-rose-petals" thing haha. So maybe like, an amusement park or something creative like that lmao idk idk
♥ >> What traits / hobbies would you want to share with your partner?: OMG IF HE WAS A PERFORMER/COULD SING I WOULD LAHHHHVE IT
♥ >> Do you tend to fall for the tall, dark, mysterious and handsome, or the light-hearted, cheerful and sometimes silly? Or maybe a little in between?: i liek them to be funny and jokey
♥ >> Do you believe opposites attract or those with many things in common?: ehh, we gotta have stuff in common
♥ >> Do you believe in having someone doing things for you or do you like to do things yourself?: Both. i dont really want the traditional marriage like man goes to work, wife stays home and cleans, etc, but if he wants to like... open doors for me, that's cool hahahah
♥ >> Name one character you think would be an awful match for you and explain why: no maurice plzthx
♥ >> Anything else you'd like us to know? i lahve you
♥ >> Please list three apps that you recently voted on: i voted on them all!