The last (?) traces of winter

Mar 20, 2008 17:25

It is snowing again, during the night it was quite beautiful, now it's just cold and grey :-)

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snow, 10 words about life

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Comments 7

janedavitt March 20 2008, 15:26:00 UTC
FLUFFY CAT!!! :;pets::


banbury March 20 2008, 17:25:53 UTC
Isn't he! He looks very much like cats from old postcards :-)


betagoddess March 20 2008, 16:12:31 UTC

I love the little boats in the snow. Pretty cat. =>}

We have a pile of snow at the back door as tall as J. We got a HUGE fall of snow while we were away and everything is still covered with at least three feet + of snow.

And they say this is the first day of Spring. *g*


banbury March 20 2008, 17:35:26 UTC
Spring indeed ! *g*
We had not much snow the whole winter actually, but now it falls pretty constantly and melts away, falls and melts - br-r-r-r


betagoddess March 20 2008, 20:38:39 UTC

We have had record breaking snowfalls this winter. The most in many decades. You'd never know this is the first day of spring!


banbury March 22 2008, 01:05:58 UTC
I see, that's really A LOT of snow on your photos! We haven't had even half of that for the whole winter!


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