some more drabbles

Jan 09, 2008 21:07

There are three more:


Words count 319
Warnings slash
Beta: Jane Davitt

Phil Davis: How much is "wow"?
Bob Wallace: It's right in between, uh, "ouch" and "boing".
Phil Davis: Wow!
(from the “White Christmas”)

“Morning, sleepy head,” Jim began to lick Blair’s nipple. Blair squirmed and tried to move the talented tongue lower. Jim chuckled at him, kissed him on the lips, and gave a satisfied sigh.
“Thank you, love.”
Blair mumbled something and suddenly was wide-awake.
“Do you like it?”
“I love you.”
“No, I mean your present. Do you like it?”
“You are always my favourite and treasured present.”
“Ji-im, Jim, Jim, Jim, I mean *my* present. Do you like it, man?”
“You… what present?”
“I put it under your pillow. Come on, take a look.”
Jim began to rummage under his pillow, then bent and tried to look under the bed.
“Gimme a hint here, honey. What am I looking for?”
“Present. Watch my lips, man - p-r-e-s-e-n-t. You aren’t supposed to know what it is before you find it”.
“But how can I find it if I don’t know what it is?”
“You’re a pain in the neck, you know that? Try to imagine something really, mmm, really nice, okay?”
Jim suddenly launched himself onto Blair and began to lick his half-hard cock.
“This is - mmm - nice”.
“No, silly, I mean a *real* present.” Blair laughed boisterously, jumped out of the bed and began to shake out the quilt. “It just couldn’t have gotten lost. No way, man.” He tried to strip off the bed sheet but Jim caught his hands.
“Sweetheart, try to look under the bed from your side. I’m sure it’s there…” Blair dove under the bed, jumped up again, and carefully examined the floor around. “Love…” Blair heard Jim’s uncertain tone and looked over his shoulder at his lover.
“What is’ it, love?” Jim stared at Blair’s rear.
Blair slowly turned his back towards the mirror. Stuck in the center of his left cheek was a golden sheriff’s star.
“Oh, here it is! It’s your present!”
“You know, I just love it!”

The green of perfection

Word count: 158
Warnings: none
Beta: Jane Davitt

“This is what?” Jim looked down at the intricately decorated Christmas tree standing on the coffee table and then back at Blair. The tree was just over two foot high.
“This is the perfect Christmas tree. Don’t you think so, man? It’s not so big that you have to maneuver around it every time you walk across the room. And it’s not so small no one will notice it. It’s just perfect.”
“But… but… one, two, three, four,” he glanced around, “five of them? How many more?”
“Not many, just seven, to be sure not even a tiny part of the loft will be left out of the festive mood. Don’t you think it’s lovely?”
“You mean you brought a whole fucking forest in here?”
“Hey, man, you’ll love it when you get used to it.”
“I bet…” muttered Jim under his breath, desperately trying to hide his grin, “I bet I will, imp.”


Words count 395
Warnings none
Beta: Jane Davitt

Looney lay on the cot and stared at the dirty ceiling. It was his third detention this year and it would be the last, as it was Christmas and it wasn’t likely the cops would work on his case until the new year.
“Who detained you?” Looney was taken aback by the sudden question and turned towards his cellmate - a huge gloomy redneck with little black eyes whose gaze was almost lost in the depth of his meaty cheeks.
“Um, this little guy… the new one…” Looney knew he’d seen him before, but always at the back of the crime scenes and he didn’t know him that well.
“Huh, Sandburg then. He’s good, too.”
“Go-o-od,” Looney cursed under his breath, “Just you wait. I’ll show him *good* when I’m outta here.”
“Don’t even try.” The man sighed and turned to his side.
“Why not? It’s not like he’s bulletproof, after all.”
“ You don’t know what you are saying,” the other guy muttered. He turned to face Looney, “You think nobody tried it before? You have to ask on the street - even terrorists tried to blow them up. It just never worked. They were actually killed a couple of times.” He dropped his voice, as if he were afraid he would be overheard. “I saw with my own eyes, like I see you now. Ellison taking three bullets in his chest… do you hear me?”
“Hey, dude, stop yodeling in a canyon, nobody could live after three bullets in the chest.”
“You just hear me out, lad. I saw him hit the ground. Paramedics took him to the ER but somebody said that he wouldn’t be long for this world, he’d been hit too hard this time. And the next day I saw him on my interrogation. Sure, he was bandaged like a mummy but he sat there with this Sandburg guy and made a meal out of me.”
Looney smirked suspiciously. “You trying to tell me they’re supermen?”
“Don’t know, don’t know, don’t even want to guess,” the man mumbled turning away from Looney.
“Ha-ha, woodoo, shmoodoo, yadda-youddou.” Looney cursed and wrapped himself up in his thin quilt thinking of Christmas ham and apple pie with cream.
The other guy sighed and said clearly and out loud, “May be there are just too many people around who believe in them. That’s all.”

slash, ts_secret_santa, mobile library, writing, the sentinel

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