Come you back to Mandalay, part I

Nov 15, 2010 20:45

all warnings are in the Master Post

by banbury

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ncis, bigbang, writing

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Comments 3

angst_queen_98 February 13 2011, 14:42:10 UTC
I don't know how I managed to never read this fic! I wouldn't have known of it yet, except that I stumbled across the link for the artwork at AO3. :-D I'm very intrigued so far. Nice set up, without giving away too much.

Very cool to see some of my old fandoms mirrored with yours. Specifically The Professionals, which was my first major slash fandom, and The Sentinel. And Miami Vice as well? Awesome!

I'm off to the next chapter now!


banbury March 22 2011, 23:15:44 UTC
Thank you very much! I was so thrilled to find your comments and so glad it worked for you! And it's always so nice to find fandoms in common - the world becomes smaller and cozier :-)


kcs_slayve July 18 2011, 16:23:14 UTC
Interesting concept.

Looking forward to reading more.


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