Song by: 10 Years
bananainpyjamas aka dragonchic
Fandom: Spider-Man 1-3
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Turning you red." Peter-centric ensemble
44.9 MB Zipped XviD24.4 MB Zipped WMV Stream:
BAM Vid Vault Special thanks to
bradcpu for the beta.
Given that there are so many characters involved here I wouldn't be surprised if people have trouble catching on to the narrative. The focus is squarely on Peter's journey but I wanted that to be intertwined with the more tragic stories of those other characters who found themselves unexpectedly "gifted" with superpowers. The narrative doesn't progress linearly through the movies; rather, each film's narrative runs for the most part concurrently. The black suit necessitated that parts of Spider-Man 3 be separated out from the rest but on the whole I think I accomplished what I set out to do.
It took me a little while to figure out if and to what extent Mary Jane should be included. I knew that Peter/MJ relationship shouldn't figure in prominently, as that would dilute the focus on the superpowered characters. But seeing as MJ does have a role to play in Peter's story, I kept her in, and with luck conveyed everything I wanted to in the brief moments she spends onscreen.
Enjoy! I'd sincerely appreciate any and all feedback, and would doubly love you if you posted comments to this entry over any comms I might've x-posted to. =)