I'm also a vidder but compared to you, obsessive24, matoufmarty and < lj user="whereistheluv"> I suck. Primarily my intentions in friending where to gain insight of your techniques in vidding in order to become a better vidder myself. Could you please add me in your vidding filter? *pretty please*
My sister, saltwatergirl, made me watch your Clark/Lana music video. ('Made' as in dragged me through hot coals because that's how much I hate that pairing) And what can I say, I was blown away.
It takes a heck of a good vidder to make feel as if there is something remotely positive about Clana. The editing in the vid was cutting edge, I especially like what you did with the crystal when Clark throws it away how you kept cutting to different cuts of it along with the beat of the song. Awesome.
Wow, thank you so much for the compliments about my Smallville video! It's nice to hear that even Clana haters enjoy it. ;) I've added you to the vidding filter like you asked. =)
Oh of course! How could I say no to someone who recognizes Superman Confidential and has an All-Star Superman icon? ;)
BTW, I usually don't rec myself, but I just wanted to mention that I made a fanvid paralleling the Spidey movies and SR that can be found here. Don't feel any pressure to watch (I certainly won't be offended if you don't), but seeing as I don't meet fellow Superman + Spider-Man fanatics every day I figured it was worth mentioning just in case you might be interested. :)
I added you to my flist mostly to keep track of any vidding updates. I only had to see 3 or 4 before I realized I really like your style of vidding and would love to see more of them. :)
Comments 33
I'm also a vidder but compared to you, obsessive24, matoufmarty and < lj user="whereistheluv"> I suck. Primarily my intentions in friending where to gain insight of your techniques in vidding in order to become a better vidder myself. Could you please add me in your vidding filter? *pretty please*
It takes a heck of a good vidder to make feel as if there is something remotely positive about Clana. The editing in the vid was cutting edge, I especially like what you did with the crystal when Clark throws it away how you kept cutting to different cuts of it along with the beat of the song. Awesome.
And we do seem to like similar things, being Superman and Spider-Man afficionados. But I'll only add you if you say it's okay.
BTW, I usually don't rec myself, but I just wanted to mention that I made a fanvid paralleling the Spidey movies and SR that can be found here. Don't feel any pressure to watch (I certainly won't be offended if you don't), but seeing as I don't meet fellow Superman + Spider-Man fanatics every day I figured it was worth mentioning just in case you might be interested. :)
I ♥ LJ... *adds*
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