A Coupla Things

Feb 11, 2008 17:00

This is going to be a multi-topic post (and yet with a slight theme, I believe). And probably rather long. Fair warning.

Fandom )

me, 2008, aa, fandom, doctor who, writing, publishing, hp, bp, race

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Comments 42

madelf February 11 2008, 23:24:48 UTC
Congratulations on your nomination! I hope you win. :)

The whole Obama thing has been pissing me off for weeks. I'm glad I've only had to deal with the "He's a muslim terrorist who hates America" contingent. Your end sounds even more frustrating.


bana05 February 11 2008, 23:47:32 UTC
Thank you so much!

I mean my boss came in last Tuedsay and said she chose Hillary because she's a woman and she remembers the women's movement days. And in the back of my mind I'm thinking, well, glad your choice is so "clear cut". It's like in the public social discourse, you're either black (male) or (white) female, so you have those of who intersect the two, and the media tries to make it sound like black women have a huge conundrum. I'll tell you what, though, and let's keep it real, without the Civil Rights Movement, my foremothers wouldn't be able to vote. Yeah, technically men had the vote in the 1800s, but we all see how long it took for THAT amendment to stick--100 years, and women had the free reign of the vote at least 50 years before blacks of any gender could say the same.


elliptic_eye February 11 2008, 23:53:31 UTC
Congratulations on your nomination!


bana05 February 12 2008, 01:40:17 UTC
Thank you :)


box_in_the_box February 12 2008, 01:08:53 UTC
See, as somebody who cynically thought, at the start of the campaign, that Obama's race would automatically disqualify him (unfortunately) with a lot of voters, I have to say, I'm stunned by how well he's doing, and I'm actually slightly ashamed of myself for writing off his chances earlier. Let's not forget, Obama's hugest wins have been in the reddest of red states - again, Idaho was the nationwide headquarters of the Aryan Nations for decades, and they voted for Obama by nearly 90 percent - which indicates two things to me:
  1. People are finally so sick and tired of the way things are that they're willing to make almost any change, no matter how far it might take them out of their usual "comfort zones."
  2. People hate Hillary Clinton so goddamned much that even rich white conservatives would rather see a black man in the White House than her.
Putting this into a more personal perspective, even my 83-year-old white grandma, who lives in Riggins, Idaho, and thinks that "Negroes" is still the appropriate term for black people (she doesn't ( ... )


bana05 February 12 2008, 01:46:14 UTC
And that's why I said I need to wait until November. I know primaries are important, but they're just primaries, they don't elect a president. They elect/determine a nominee. And I already went into the reasons why Obama's electability is bothersome, and he's been conspicuously silent on many race issues, which makes him "safer" and more palatable than the previous two/three black candidates because it didn't let white america off the hook for it's shabby treatment of her minorities. Obama, at the moment anyway, has.

And then there's Michelle, who is GANGSTA and is probably pulling in her own fair share of votes. I know for my sister she is Obama's saving grace.

But again, I'm excited, but only to an extent, and because I'm scared that should Obama get elected, many white people will think racism no longer exists because a black man was elected president. Well, Deval Patrick is governor of MA, and I can guarantee there's still racism in this state.


box_in_the_box February 12 2008, 02:32:38 UTC
Here's the deal: Regardless of a candidate's race, gender or political positions, they will always get elected for the wrong reasons.

I voted for Bill Clinton because I wanted to see an end to the social, environmental and economic policies of Reagan and Bush Sr., but I know for a fact that most people voted for Clinton only because a) the economy was finally doing so badly that even they were suffering (because they wouldn't give a shit if it was just everyone else who was hurting), and b) in spite of his considerable intellect, Clinton managed to fool a whole lot of rednecks into thinking that was precisely the sort of good ol' boy that I wouldn't have voted for.

Hell, you said it yourself; while Kennedy was the better choice for president than Nixon, he was still the right choice elected for the wrong reasons (ie. his camera-ready charisma). People will do the right thing, but most times, you have to trick them into doing it for the wrong reasons. That actually has very little to do with race, and a whole lot to do with ( ... )


bana05 February 12 2008, 02:36:43 UTC
And I'm agreeing with you, but it's bothersome that only , basically black people/women are being called out on it when the voting for "wrong reasons" has happened since elections began! I've read the history books, it's never been "voting on the issues", but it the way you listen to the media and talk radio (which I admit I do occasionally), you'd think the only people who do are people with a lot of melanin and/or no penis.


box_in_the_box February 12 2008, 01:09:53 UTC
And, yes, I'll echo everyone else here: CONGRATULATIONS!!!


bana05 February 12 2008, 01:41:10 UTC
Danke :)


stoplookingup February 12 2008, 03:59:52 UTC
Congrats on that nomination! That's amazing.

I voted for Obama because I worry about Iraq. Silly me.


bana05 February 12 2008, 09:23:08 UTC
Yeah but you're allowed to vote for him based on the issues since you're white, although that means you're a traitor to wimminz since you didn't vote for Hillary . . . oh, woe are we . . .


persiflage_1 February 12 2008, 06:11:14 UTC
Yay for your nomination ! *does a happy dance*

Sorry for bailing on you so quickly last night - my head was about to hit my keyboard... :(

I confess I thought of you, whilst watching "Sleeper" and wondered what your comments would be...


bana05 February 12 2008, 09:27:24 UTC
That's okay! I was actually typing up this post as you were logging off, so it's all good.

I haven't even seen it yet, but based on some of the reviews I've seen (none of them spoilery because I just caught the "thesis" of said reviews), I probably have been avoiding it because of that. It's Black History Month in the US . . . I'm really not trying to go off during it lol


persiflage_1 February 12 2008, 09:32:27 UTC
That's okay! I was actually typing up this post as you were logging off, so it's all good.

Ah right... That's good then. Sometimes the need to sleep hits me like a brick between the eyes and it's a case of log off and get to bed quick before I literally crash !

I haven't even seen it yet, but based on some of the reviews I've seen (none of them spoilery because I just caught the "thesis" of said reviews), I probably have been avoiding it because of that. It's Black History Month in the US . . . I'm really not trying to go off during it lol

I can understand that. So far TW is batting 2 for 4 (2 OK eps, 2 less OK approaching teeth-grindingly annoying). I'm hoping tomorrow's 2 will break that deadlock (Martha's ep must, surely, be awesome?!)


bana05 February 12 2008, 09:37:01 UTC
I may have to gorge myself on TW over the next two days so I can be caught up for her arrival!


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