* Title: 怪奇倶楽部
* Title (romaji): Kaiki Club
* Episodes: 32 (16 in Elementary, 16 in Jr.High)
* Broadcast period: 1995-Oct-19 to 1996-Sep-12
* Summary: The story is about a group of 5 kids dealing with paranormal cases happened around them such as: ghost, Doppelganger, curse, Vampire, UFO, haunting house...
Comment about series:
- This series is exactly like X-files Japanese version with a bunch of kids instead of Mulder & Scully. I watch it right on 5am in the 2009/01/01, what a good time to watch a mystery & horror drama.
- This series is in fact pretty good & interesting. Though it's a family drama with kids but sometime it's quite scary enough for me to followed 16 episodes in one round.
- Because this is broadcast in 1995 so don't expect much in the effect such as flying doll, UFO, ghostly spirit....to be scary. But the scary part came from the effect of sound, camera angle and lighting. They did quite a wonderful job in creeping me out at some point &hearts
- The encyclopedia computer is quite entertaining.
- However, the resolution for some cases are quite simple and predictable. They all have a happy ending with everybody safe and sound in one way or another. Maybe because it's for kids so they don't want to make it too tragedy. But reality is not that nice. My biggest disappointment is at the very end of last episode. Why a alien invasion can be canceled that easy???
Comment about cast:
- If you like Tackey & Tsubasa then this series is perfect for you XDDDD
- For a bunch of kids like that, you can say that they did quite a good job in this series. Though sometimes so stiff & the reaction is kind of illogical & ridiculous like: screaming out loud for people hear and then when they come to rescue, you see the victim just standing there like nothing happen with a oh-I-scream-already-what-else-do-you-want-me-to-do face. I wonder why can people be so calm in front of a ghost like that???
- However, if compare with someone like Jinjin or Koichi, the kids did quite a good job (^-^)V
Takizawa Hideaki as Akaboshi Noboru
The hero of the show. Well, in fact I see him cute and act ok. Because apparently for a role in an adventure drama like this it didn't required much special skill of acting though. Tackey GO!
Kawano Naoki as Kuroiwa Takeshi
Oh, I just know he's an Ex-Johnny's after watching this series o(>.<)o
Imai Tsubasa as Aoki Keita
Hahahaha, Tsubasa. This is a really surprising thing to see. Late-blossom Tsubasa XDDDDDD Act as a nerd & scaredy-cat XDDDD Tsubasa is so small compare to Takey in this one XDDDD Cute cute cute cute &hearts
* Nomura Yuka as Konno Erika
I think she's the best in all of the kids there o(>.<)o what a pity dramawiki doesn't have information on her o(>.<)o For a kid she did quite an amazing perfomance
Mori Ren as Konno Shu
He's cute ^-^
- The atmosphere of the whole series
- Sound effect, lightning
- Kluster
- Chibi Takey & Tsubasa
Don't like:
- Simple resolutions
- Illogical reactions