
Feb 22, 2011 15:59

Can we please take a moment to appreciate this picture? (It's funny how much better If These Walls Could Talk 2 is than If These Walls Could Talk 1, which is horridly depressing.)

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Comments 6

ginamariewade February 23 2011, 04:17:51 UTC
Chloe Sevigny was so hot in that role. And I generally don't find her very attractive at all.


balmofgilead February 23 2011, 04:26:40 UTC
I feel the same on both counts. I think a lot of the hotness is the role she plays and the acting.


madcaptenor February 23 2011, 04:19:44 UTC
Okay, I'm going to have to watch this now. (I've put my money where my mouth is and put it in my netflix queue.)


balmofgilead February 23 2011, 04:28:28 UTC
The annoying thing about the movie is that it's three stories (set in the same house but in different eras) told at the same time, and the other two stories aren't as good. And someone put just this part up on Youtube, but one segment of it got taken down for violation the Youtube terms of use or soemthing. But yeah, watch it!


madcaptenor February 23 2011, 04:29:31 UTC
well, I don't really have the attention span for whole movies these days anyway, so that's good news.


balmofgilead February 23 2011, 05:13:56 UTC
Me either, really. Although I think a whole movie with these actors playing these roles would probably keep my attention. But that might be more like softcore porn.


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