
Mar 08, 2010 14:11

x y, x_yy

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Comments 5

wlotus March 8 2010, 23:01:25 UTC
And appalled (NOT)!


balmofgilead March 8 2010, 23:07:13 UTC
I am appalled that (according the article) the head of the "Traditional Values Coalition" expects this guy to continue voting along anti-LGBT lines, though!


wlotus March 8 2010, 23:19:04 UTC
If he's your stereotypical evangelical, he will keep voting that way, and I wouldn't expect any less. There are lots of LGBT evangelicals who believe God commands them to suppress their sexuality for ever and ever, amen, if their desires never switch to the opposite sex. It's really sad to think about.


balmofgilead March 8 2010, 23:26:14 UTC
I feel like there might be hope now that he's admitted he's gay - at least he doesn't need to go to extremes to avoid arousing suspicion, so he may feel more free. But it feels presumptuous of the Traditional Values Coalition guy to expect him to keep voting the same way. Then again, I doubt I see eye to eye on anything with the Traditional Values Coalition...apparently human rights is not a traditional value.


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