
Dec 30, 2008 14:42

Some people say they're not religious but they are "spiritual." Other people are religious and spiritual, I suppose.  Some people aren't spiritual or don't identify as such.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?  How do you define spiritual?
as for me... )

spirituality, religion

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Comments 3

wlotus December 30 2008, 23:06:00 UTC
I am a seeker. That is, while I feel a sense of awe when I quiet my mind and body or when I am in a holy space (regardless of the religion said holy space is for), I don't feel secure enough in any philosophy to consider myself "spiritual" (plugged-in). But I am seeking to get there, if possible.


nahuelito December 31 2008, 01:15:41 UTC
i am definitely not religious and am fairly hostile to many organized religions, but i do consider myself spiritual in the sense that i feel like i am united with all of humanity and that we should all take care of one another (which now that i write that does sound touchy-feely).


balmofgilead December 31 2008, 01:29:22 UTC
I feel that way too (about humanity), but I never thought of it as spiritual. Hmm.


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