Challenge Eleven

Nov 24, 2007 14:56

Congratulations to our top four for making it this far! This will be the last challenge before the finals! *yay*

You are eligible to enter if your name is listed here.
If you need to skip the challenge please inform me at the skip post.Now that we only have 4 participants left skips can no longer be used.

Please note that the rules are slightly different for this challenge:
- You may only enter 1 icon for each part of the challenge.
- You can change your icons before the deadline for entries, but you must delete your original comment.
- You can use any picture(s) you wish.
- Brushes, textures, text, etc are always allowed.
- Animation is not allowed.
- The icon must fit lj standards; PNG, JPEG, 100x100 maximum, etc.
- You must not use/post your icon anywhere else until the results have been posted.

Part One:
Make 1 black and white icon. The icon must be completely black and white, not even a little colour is allowed.

Part Two:
Make 1 icon of unequal width and height. Most icons are often 100*100 but for this challenge you have to make one smaller than that and it can't be a perfect square either. It should be 90*60 or 50*80, etc.

You can choose any picture you like for Part One and Two but the icons must feature both Buffy & Angel or Sarah & David. You can blend two seperate pictures of them together as long as both of them are on the icon.

If you have any questions regarding the challenges please leave a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Deadline: Thursday 29th November; 8pm GMT.

Good luck! :D

Entries: 02/04

round two, challenge eleven, challenge

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