Name: (real name if possible) It's a secret. Shhhh
Nicknames: Dox
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Likes: Video games, music, family, friends, kids, animals, drawing, writing, sleeping, working, nice people, books, Basic 4 cereal, trippy dreams, sci-fi, computers, electronics, machinery, general tech-stuff, adventures.
Dislikes: Being hit on, lonliness, boredom, being pressured, when ants infest our food supply, creepy stalkers, being touched, weepy/emotional/touchy-feely people, pretentious/condescending pricks, being seen gender-first, people who go out of their way to fit into stereotypes (i.e: wearing nothing but black because "it's goth").
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, sleeping, acting like a moron.
Talents: I can make a mighty fine cup of joe.
Strong Points: Good sense of humor, eccentric, observant, easy-going, relaxed, happy, silly, accepting, smart (that's what others say, at least).
Weak Points: Withdrawn, distant, easily distracted, forgetful, overly-submissive, can collapse under pressure, nervous, flakey.
Favorite Color: Green. I like all colors, though :D
Number One Goal: Just to be happy. I don't care if I'm a successful multi-millionaire or a bum on the streets. I just want to be happy, get by, and have myself a grand ol' time.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. There just isn't a lot that gets me down.
Hyper, Calm, or "Normal" Energy: Normal, I guess.
Impulsive or Cautious: A little from column A, a little from column B.
Outgoing or Shy: I'm a little on the shy side, yeah, but I try to be outgoing and welcoming when meeting someone new and stuff. But man, put me around people I know and I just magically transform into this loud, super-extroverted tardface :B
Mature or Immature?: Mature. Not in the sense that I'm real serious and uptight or anything (I am probably the least serious person ever), but more like... I tend to handle things well and am not easily upset or something? :O I dunno. I have my moments, though.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I'm not confident and decisive enough to be a leader.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Irvine. I'm a sucker for snipers, cowboys and "ladies man"-type characters, and Irvine is a mix of all three. He seems like he'd be a cool person to just joke around with and be friends with, y'know? I also liked Fujin a whole lot, mainly because everything she said made me crack up. RAGE
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Rinoa. Argh. ARRRRGH. She was bratty and shallow and whiny and I just did not like her in the least.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I'd wonder why on earth someone would be walking around with a million dollars in their pocket and somehow manage to lose it, be really tempted to keep it, but in the end return it because I wouldn't feel right otherwise.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Good sense of humor, open-minded, and cool-headed to some degree. I'm not asking for a saint or anything, but just not someone who flips out all over you if you disagree with their opinions or don't like the same things they do or something.
What is your fighting style? I'd probably use a long-range weapon since close quarter combat freaks me out.
Pictures (optional):
Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on: else?: Do you see this pie, Batman?
This round food that is a crust filled with fruit?
I am going to throw it at you.
And, there will be more pies to come.