Title: A brand new day Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the clothes I'm wearing. Pairing: JaeMin Length: ficlet Genre: romance ( more or less) Rating: pg-13 Summary: There's a change of plans for Jaejoong.
Awe, I found this really nice. ^^ It made me happy to know that Changmin was the reason why Jaejoong got to live a full life and I'm so glad that he was able to save Jae. It kind of makes me wonder what drove Jae to that point in his life, but the fact that Min saved him makes me feel happy. :D Thanks so much for writing it. I especially loved the ending paragraph. Sigh, hope you can write another jaemin. :D
your comment is so sweet ;____; thank you♥ i always get new ideas for fics but I'm terrible in putting them in words so... I don't know ^^" anyways, thanks again, really :3
Comments 4
thank you♥
i always get new ideas for fics but I'm terrible in putting them in words so... I don't know ^^"
anyways, thanks again, really :3
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