Best. Evening. Ever.

Sep 30, 2008 01:05

Picspam from the premiere, from a fangirl who cannot quite believe the evening she just had.

For those not on my Flist:
I was lucky enough to be invited, at the last minute, to the Ottawa Premiere of Paul Gross's Passchendaele.
People on my Flist, you'll be seeing another picspam; this one will have me uncropped out of images. It may also manage to have the official photos (there were photographers; they love the shiny...) - we'll have to see.

This is most certainly not dial-up friendly. Those of you on dial-up... Sorry. Try to view on broadband. Those of you on an arrangement whereby you get demoted if you go over a certain amount, I suggest you view this at the start of the month.
I am more than willing to send the originals (excepting the ones I'm in) of pics you see here. Just add a comment, and include your email address.

I did attempt to film his speech before the movie-proper. Various factors ensured that this didn't work. I'm so, so, so very sorry. I should have tested this feature. This is all my fault.

The movie itself, by the way, was incredible. It was simply and truly amazing. Words cannot fully describe how wonderful it was. It wasn't just about Paul on the big screen, it was about...
Okay, War-films geek here: It was perfect and poetic and not poetic because it couldn't be, and wonderful and horrific and right from the opening scene stunning in every sense of the word and...
It was like dry matches.
I plan to see it again in theatres at least once, and to buy the DVD when it comes out.
Regarding the pictures, and I know you're thinking it... No. In fact, there are only three images that I used the zoom-function on. None of them are here.
Yes, I was THAT close. I also managed to hug him three times.

For tonight's picspam, let's start with the ticket...

They tore off the corner before we went in. -sigh- Yes, that's a ticket. It's a damned good ticket.

Some of the various stills that were around.


It's Paul, and he's smiling. Teeth! Guh.
That's Caroline in the background there.

See that hand there? That's MY hand.

What this picture doesn't show is me doing a limpet impression. Which I am.

The man is gorgeous.

He is stunning. Also, HANDS! Guh.

Smiling again. Teeth! And random groovy members of the Canadian Forces. I'm especially proud of this photo. I may have to print it.

There are. No words.

Top to toe, amazing. SHOES!

There were more people than just Paul there tonight, however. Here's Caroline, looking stunning. I don't know the person on her left, but the man on her right is member #80 of the Order of Canada. Yes, really. I had a delightful conversation with him and his friend, Ted Patrick (who is a seriously NICE guy) earlier that evening.

This is not Paul either. This is Niv, one of the co-producers. He was kind enough to hold still for me. He was surprised at the flash.

Here they are, signing a poster. HANDS! again.

Really, really proud of this photo. EXACTLY the right moment. There's Caroline again!

Hee. There were two posters signed tonight during the afterparty. Two. And only Paul signed the second one.
There is a reason I know this.

The back of my ticket. I got both Paul and Caroline to sign it.
Yes, that's a due South DVD cover under there. I got seasons 1-3 signed tonight. Yes, really. He didn't sign any others. I didn't bring four because, let's face it, four just isn't a good picture of him, or of Callum. I should have, though.

But wait! There's more!
(scroll down. Slowly, if you don't mind; aiming for suspense-building here...)

-drumroll, please-

Hm? Another picture of that poster? Well, no. You see...
This poster.
In my room.
No, really.
This is my poster.
The second poster signed, is actually mine.

Never surrender!
I don't intend to.

This concludes the picspam for everyone. Flist-only to follow.
I shall attempt to Photoshop some of the worse-images, as some of the angles are glorious; if only the lighting was right!

many images, awesome, this calls for cake!, passchendaele, i iz gonna be a tired jedi, paul gross

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