Why this picture looks as if Merlin was leading Arthur by his hand? ... Or maybe he does... Or maybe it's more than symbolic. Arthur is adorable here (Merlin is a hot seme XDDD) ♥ And, oh! I have a new wallpaper XD
Actually, this picture is a good example of an impossible shape. Look at his cloak at the left, just to the right to the flare. The cloak extends from *behind* his back down and *away* from the observer. In the same time the Arthur's sword extends from the *front* of him up and *to* the observer. But in this particular place the sword is partially *covered* by the cloak.
O__________________O; you are right... the image is impossible O_o; but still it is a photo shoped one, the base has to be 'real' XDDD The guy who added the flare screwed the sword/cape combo XD
I should be worried as to why he seems to be wearing clothes from H&M, but I've seen the new Robin Hood all clad in black leather, so nothing surprises me anymore... ;)
Comments 8
Man, I love it when Arthur is making these manly, pissed off expressions! *sighs*
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