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blankrevolution September 22 2010, 03:48:34 UTC
*The last thing Davey wanted to resemble was a sorry pain in the arse that didn't value work. He simply had a hard time keeping them thanks to his big fat mouth ( ... )


properlines September 25 2010, 02:06:37 UTC
*Emmeline can't really hear his small voice against the rest of the noise, but she can tell that Davey is completely and utterly out of it.*

Then... take this man and GET OUT OF HERE. I'll hold them off - the Ministry should be here soon.

*And, if they weren't, she really needed to alert the Order.*


blankrevolution September 25 2010, 02:57:12 UTC
*Emmeline's command manages to resonate with Davey, and in a flash he gathers the man around the shoulders and leads him inside the nearest shop. The shop is full of traditional wizarding attire, downright sad looking clothes in Davey's opinion. But the contents of the shop weren't important ( ... )


properlines September 25 2010, 05:21:34 UTC
*After Davey departs into the store with the injured man, Emmeline hastily turns on her heels, only mildly holding up due to the spells from Witch Weekly that she cast upon the items. The tips of the narrow heels slide against the cobblestones, and she latches onto the other end of the stall to maintain her balance. A couple other witches and wizards are giving the helping hand, but there simply aren't enough for them. Some of them should have already gone back to safe places and alerted the authorities, but Emmeline doesn't have complete faith in the Ministry, with all the past occurrences, compounded with this glaring tragedy right before her ( ... )


blankrevolution September 25 2010, 20:51:02 UTC
*Davey steps out of the shop and into the darkness once more. Emmeline hasn't moved and is still attempting to ward off far too many Dementors on her own. He doesn't know whether or to admire her or think she's completely lost it.*



properlines September 26 2010, 04:34:23 UTC
*After she watches the two falcons diverge and go quickly towards their destinations, Emmeline kicks the black pumps from the feet, and picks them up - even in a grave situation, she'll prefer not to throw away 300 quid. Her wand is still out before her when she looks back to Davey, and in that split second, she runs quickly towards him, holding both of the shoes in her left hand. Opening the door to the store he just exited, she grabs him by the shoulder to help him into the store.*

Alright. Can you Apparate?


blankrevolution September 26 2010, 04:51:21 UTC
*Davey nods and replies, voice sore and uncharacteristically small.*

I'll meet you in the flat, yeah?

*He takes a moment to concentrate on Emmeline's living room, trying to control his nerves. Then he spins on the spot and feels that familiar, uncomfortable, tight sensation surround him. But the discomfort quickly subsides as he lands to the left of Emmeline's couch.*


properlines September 26 2010, 04:58:40 UTC
*Emmeline puts her wand back in the pocket of her robes and closes her eyes, basking in the new found warmth of the clothes shop and focuses on her kitchen. The noise that she makes isn't as understated as it usually is, and there's a sharp crack as she lands in front of the pantry. She looks down at her shaking hands, before balling them up into tight fists, breathing calmly before she opens the pantry to take out two bars of Honeydukes Chocolate.

Exiting the door and walking down the short corridor to the sitting room, she sits down on the edge of the couch and silently hands one of the chocolate bars to Davey. Her mind is preoccupied with worries, trying to put them aside with a reassurance that the Aurors will handle the situation.*


blankrevolution September 26 2010, 05:10:06 UTC
*Davey is sitting on the couch and takes the chocolate bar without question. He buries his face in an open palm and takes deep, shuddering breaths. He never expected a Dementor to have such a strong effect on him, and he can't stand the sensation of vulnerability that still lingers in the comfort of Emmeline's flat.

The pad of his thumb strokes the chocolate wrappings as he tries to control his shuddering chest in a weak attempt not to shed tears.

He feels like an idiot. An idiot in desperate need of a fag.*


properlines September 26 2010, 05:23:33 UTC
*Biting into the chocolate and feeling the tingling sensation reach her toes, she places the shoes that are still on her other hand on the wood floors. Then, Emmeline glances at Davey who is sitting next to her, and is alarmed to find that he's on the verge of tears. She doesn't want to get into an in depth conversation about his memories, and makes it a point not to mention them, but she didn't expect this kind of reaction.*

Hopefully the Aurors are already there now. Do you... need anything?


blankrevolution September 26 2010, 05:36:37 UTC
*Davey shakes his head no, each oscillation loosening the tightness in his chest. He can't hold it in any longer and let's out an odd mixture between a sob and a cough. His lips begin to waver.

He stares at the chocolate bar.*

Those fucking things...


properlines September 26 2010, 05:42:33 UTC
They're terrible and they shouldn't have been there. Eat the chocolate, it really does help.


blankrevolution September 26 2010, 06:01:25 UTC
*Reluctantly Davey unwraps the chocolate bar and takes a small bite. Something resembling warmth does, in fact, fill his insides. Not enough, however, to dissolve the haunting images replaying in his mind on loop.

Several silent moments pass before Davey speaks again, flat and dark in tone.*

I watched a man die. And I didn't do a damn thing about it.


properlines September 26 2010, 06:09:19 UTC
*Emmeline fingers the edge of her seat cushion, staring at Davey obliquely. She often wondered what exactly Davey got up to these past few years, and she's not surprised - horrified, yes, but not surprised.*

Sometimes, those kinds of incidents are out of our hands.


blankrevolution September 26 2010, 06:18:27 UTC
No, he didn't have to die. I could have done something. I was just too fucking high to be anything other than fucking useless.

*His legs bounce up and down on their own accord as he runs a shaky hand through his hair. His eyes are red and brimming with tears.*


properlines September 26 2010, 06:48:31 UTC
*She immediately reaches for the wand, and a box of tissues lands on the coffee table. This outburst of emotional energy makes Emmeline completely forget about the affectionate snogging that happened a week prior, and she places her hand on his back to comfort him.*

You didn't kill him, Davey.


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