
Mar 09, 2008 14:53

When you give me prompts, sometimes you get a measly drabble, and sometimes you get a clunky epic. 18000 words isn't an epic yet... but it isn't short fic either.

It took a while, but here it is! My second offering at Who fic. All praise goes to x_los because she gave me the prompt to write a Frontier in Space coda and betaed the ensuing monster! I apologize for the title, but it's better than "That Frontier in Space thing" or "frontierfic.doc"

Title: A Mutually Satisfying Agreement
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Three/Delgado!Master, some hints at Three/Jo
Characters: Three, Delgado!Master, Jo Grant
Spoilers: Frontier in Space, Planet of the Daleks, The Green Death and Claws of Axos, and perhaps (because of the use of some New Who canon) Series 3 of New Who
Length: 18389 words.
Summary: The Doctor, Jo and the Master fight the Daleks. Eventually.
[Complete & betaed]

Part One
Part Two

who, fic

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