Miyazaki Tōten, My Thirty-Three Years' Dream: The Autobiography of Miyazaki Tōten, trans. Etō Shinkichi and Marius B. Jansen (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982).
A fascinating autobiography and historical record; Tōten (born Miyazaki Torazō) felt with a burning passion that China was to play an imperative in East Asian & world affairs,
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Comments 5
(I have to pass my Japanese minor field exam in a few weeks, so)
I guess one of the important skills in grad school is learning how to 'get through' the reading in a timely manner, which frequently includes NOT reading every word and skimming whole pages (or chapters). I can get through 'normal' sized books in less than 4 hours, it just really depends on what the content is. I'm not skimming the 'textbook' of Tokugawa-present Japanese history, for example - I need to pay close attention to that.
I generally think the 'feeling' I get from a book is more important than remembering tiny details, so as long as I get the major argument/points, I'm fine. For books I own, I do star/bracket/dogear stuff I find of interest, so I can usually flip back through at my leisure.
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