List ten fictional characters you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag five people to do the same.1- Eric Wiess (Alias)- the real sex appeal on alias. sorry jennifer
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1.} Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)- Snarky and completely attractive? Please. 2.} Lady Deathstrike {X-Men 2}- Absolutely gorgeous and capable of killing. 3.} Olivia Benson {Law and Order: SVU}- I love a woman with a gun. 4.} Lorelei Gilmore {Gilmore Girls}- I'm sorry, but she is gorgeous. 5.} Matt Parkman {Heroes}- Telepathy. 6.} Sarah Sidler {CSI}- Strong women with guns just get to me... 7.} Mac {Veronica Mars}- I'm not completely sure why, but I would totally sleep with Mac. 8.} Lloyd Dobler {Say Anything}- I want to be loved like that. Plus, awkward guys in love are pretty awesome. 9.} Emma Nelson {Degrassi}- So, this is one of my guilty pleasures, and she is just gorgeous. A lot. 10.} Lily or Marshall {How I Met Your Mother}-Either of these characters would get me to my knees with their level of awesome/amazing.
So, I understand why you just want to write a huge list of people you want to fuck. Cause now I kinda want to to. Thanks!
You and kris_anne tagged me for this. You'll regret it.
1. Spike (Buffy)--Since I was like, fourteen. ^^; 2. Elliot Stabler (Law & Order SVU)--Mmmmm. For foreplay I'd watch him beat up pedophiles. 3. Chris Keller (Oz)--I think . . . I'd be dead after this. But I can't decide if it would be worth it. 4. Anotsu Kagehisa (Blade of the Immortal)--He'd make me feel bad about myself, but he's soooo pretty! 5. Nathan Petrelli (Heroes)--Damn you, Nathan . . . now whenever I see politicians, I think of you. Not convenient during elections. >:( 6. Phèdre nó Delaunay (Kushiel's)--A D'Angeline anguissette who speaks ten languages and saved the world by being smart and sexy? There is no doubt
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Comments 3
I've been trying to think of something for the Will/Kit sitcom, but my brain is devoid of anything humourous to write D: D:
1.} Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)- Snarky and completely attractive? Please.
2.} Lady Deathstrike {X-Men 2}- Absolutely gorgeous and capable of killing.
3.} Olivia Benson {Law and Order: SVU}- I love a woman with a gun.
4.} Lorelei Gilmore {Gilmore Girls}- I'm sorry, but she is gorgeous.
5.} Matt Parkman {Heroes}- Telepathy.
6.} Sarah Sidler {CSI}- Strong women with guns just get to me...
7.} Mac {Veronica Mars}- I'm not completely sure why, but I would totally sleep with Mac.
8.} Lloyd Dobler {Say Anything}- I want to be loved like that. Plus, awkward guys in love are pretty awesome.
9.} Emma Nelson {Degrassi}- So, this is one of my guilty pleasures, and she is just gorgeous. A lot.
10.} Lily or Marshall {How I Met Your Mother}-Either of these characters would get me to my knees with their level of awesome/amazing.
So, I understand why you just want to write a huge list of people you want to fuck. Cause now I kinda want to to. Thanks!
1. Spike (Buffy)--Since I was like, fourteen. ^^;
2. Elliot Stabler (Law & Order SVU)--Mmmmm. For foreplay I'd watch him beat up pedophiles.
3. Chris Keller (Oz)--I think . . . I'd be dead after this. But I can't decide if it would be worth it.
4. Anotsu Kagehisa (Blade of the Immortal)--He'd make me feel bad about myself, but he's soooo pretty!
5. Nathan Petrelli (Heroes)--Damn you, Nathan . . . now whenever I see politicians, I think of you. Not convenient during elections. >:(
6. Phèdre nó Delaunay (Kushiel's)--A D'Angeline anguissette who speaks ten languages and saved the world by being smart and sexy? There is no doubt ( ... )
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