Author: anonymous Prompt#: 45 Title: New York, London...Maybe, Tokyo Word Count: 11,229 Side Pairing(s): Jongdae/Joonmyeon, Baekhyun/Sehun (for a brief moment) Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Warning(s):[click to open]Implication of cheating and the resulting bit of angst. Disclaimer: The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended. Summary: After breaking up with his boyfriend, Baekhyun finds himself running into Chanyeol...a lot...and he's not entirely sure why or how... Author's Note: I hope you like my take on your prompt! There are a few extra chapters that I'll post after the challenge has ended. This story is unbeta'd, so all mistakes are my own.