Anime Winter 2015, Going Solo, House of Robots, and Earthsea Cycle 1

Mar 03, 2015 12:25

    1. Anime: All watching on CrunchyRoll
    2. ALDNOAH.ZERO - Epi 20
      - Oh dear. I guess the anime is building up to the climax! Lemrina found out that her half-sister isn't in the chamber anymore.
      - The count is back and searching for the real princess who had started to remember some things!
    3. Yowamushi Pedal - Epi 17-18
      - Perseverance.
      - Alas, it's not meant to be for the 2nd years, they fought hard and lost!
    4. Your lie in April - Epi 19
      - Contest part 1
      - Kaori decides to fight back her illness, physical therapy and operation
    5. Akatsuki No Yona - Epi 21
      - The pirate arc and Awa province.
      - Yun is maturing as a character.
    1. Chapter Book:
    2. Going Solo by Roald Dahl
      - Borrowed from bpl, overdrive
      - Read by Dan Stevens
      - Dahl's autobiography from after graduating from highschool going straight to work to WWII and being excused from service.
      - Very colorful and fun read. There are sad things, too, because of the period!
      - Highly recommended.
    3. House of Robots by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein
      - Borrowed from apl, oneclick
      - Read by Jack Patterson
      - A fun book about a 5th grader whose mother is a robotic professor, their house is full of robots doing different menial task. Now her new invention is going to school with him much to his chagrin!
      - His father is an author of manga!
    4. The Earthsea Cycle, Book 1: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
      - Borrowed from apl, oneclick
      - Read by Rob Inglis
      - I've been curious about this book, but I wasn't impressed with it much. Will read/listen to the second book eventually.

    License News
  • Anime via Reverse Thieves links to a Crunchy Roll news posted 3 weeks ago. How did I miss this? Discotek licenses The Earl and The Fairy anime! I'll buy this definitely. I'm a big fan of Lidya and Edgar. Party!!!! I'm so excited. eta 8/11/15: The Fandom Post
  • Manga via Manga Conseil Last Game by Shinobu Amano, 7 volumes on going, I'm following in Japanese, Panini, 1st volume is out July 2015 :) lyschan, in case you haven't gotten this series and are interested, I'll send all 7 volumes to you as well. Unless Viz announce this tomorrow :P eta: via the mangaka's blog maybe volume 8 is out in may, and the main heroine is wearing a wedding dress, that's a big spoiler ;)

author: ursula k. le guin, author: james patterson, english license news, mangaka: shinobu amano, reader: dan stevens, author: roald dahl, french licence news

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