Jun 03, 2013 21:46

DAMNIT! I've had 12 anonymous spam comments trying to seel me cheap knockoff sports jerseys on the same post in one day!

I have better things to do with my time than marking comments as spam.


I wish they weren't anonymous so I could ban the sender. =[

angry, real life

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Comments 32

dieastra June 3 2013, 20:54:15 UTC
You can change your settings so that anonymous comments are no longer allowed. I was forced to do that as I also got all those Louis Vitton things, like 80 in one post. So now only people with an LJ account can write a comment.


badly_knitted June 3 2013, 21:35:50 UTC
*headdesk* Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, I think I left my brain somewhere, lol! I've been seething all day and the solution is so simple. Ianto must be so ashamed of me, I can see him rolling his eyes.


aviv_b June 3 2013, 21:04:26 UTC
What dieastra said. Mind you, I still get an occasional spam comment, but very few.


badly_knitted June 3 2013, 21:38:16 UTC
I am an idiot, obviously. It never occurred to me! I will change my settings. *hangs head in shame* I though I was getting reasonably competent at this computer stuff...


dieastra June 3 2013, 21:39:32 UTC
Yeah, only rarely. It's sad that I had to turn it off though, as I wanted to give everyone a chance to comment. I tried at first to have the CAPTCHA but this did not help at all.
But at least I got a comment from Carole Barrowman before I had to close it down ;)


milady_dragon June 3 2013, 21:13:49 UTC
Thirding this. I was getting at least two dozen a day spam comments and, after I turned off anonymous commenting, they went away.

I was about ready to tear my hair out over it so I know how you feel. *hugs*

EDIT: Cause I can't spell worth nothing today. *laughs*


badly_knitted June 3 2013, 21:43:45 UTC
I've been getting spam comments on and off for months, sometimes several a day but scattered among various posts, but every one of these has been attached to the same drabble and 12 in one day really is overkill!

And in all this time, it never once occurred to me to disable anonymous comments. Well, they do say as you get older the brain starts to go... Maybe I put it down somewhere and forgot to pick it up again o.O



milady_dragon June 3 2013, 21:47:25 UTC
They say the mind is the second thing to go...I don't remember what the first thing is. *laughs*


badly_knitted June 3 2013, 22:10:11 UTC
ROFL! That sounds like me on a good day!


neverminetohold June 4 2013, 09:57:36 UTC
Look at it from the bright side - that you get so many means that many people visit your blog; others get far less spam because it wouldn't pay off ^_^"


badly_knitted June 4 2013, 10:26:13 UTC
LOL! That's a novel way of looking at it! Of course, the spammers totally wated their time since I never bother to read any obvious spam, I just delete it!

I've adjusted my settings to block anonymous comments - sad but for the moment necessary. Maybe I'll switch back in a few months and see if the spammers have given up!


neverminetohold June 4 2013, 15:02:36 UTC
Sounds like a good idea :)


badly_knitted June 4 2013, 16:11:12 UTC
We'll see. I think I only ever got two anonymous comments that weren't spam, so I guess most genuine people have an account, even if they don't post in it, just so they can comment. That's why I originally set up my own account. Of course, it then took me two weeks to figure out how to get back into it, lol! I've come a long way since then - I've even mastered LJ cuts and links, posting photos, adding links to my sidebars and a whole lot of other nifty little tricks!


analineblue June 4 2013, 23:34:15 UTC
I HATE that. :/ I used to like leaving the anon comments on, just in case, but... Yeah, it's just much more pleasant to be able to avoid the spam!


badly_knitted June 5 2013, 10:05:28 UTC
Yesterday was blissfully spam-free!

The spammers are wasting their time with me anyway, I never respond to spam comments or click any links in them, I just mark as spam and delete. I must admit it's slightly satisfying, but it's better not to get spam in the first place. I just can't believe it never occurred to me to just change my settings o.O


analineblue June 5 2013, 15:42:46 UTC
Yay!! :D And yeah, I can never figure out the point of those spam messages anyway. O_o At least the ones I've gotten have just been random links and I always wonder if anyone clicks on them? Ever? :P But I'm glad you found a solution~ <3


badly_knitted June 5 2013, 15:58:10 UTC
Well, I've only ever had two anonymous messages that weren't spam, so banning anonymous comments isn't going to cause problems as far as I can see. It won't stop people without accounts from reading, they just won't be able to comment *shrugs* They probably wouldn't anyway, lol!

Anyone who goes clicking on random, suspect links is just asking for trouble.


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