Torchwood/Doctor Who Crossover Fic: Setting The Doctor Straight

Nov 14, 2016 17:51

Title: Setting The Doctor Straight
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Tenth Doctor, Jack, Donna Noble, Gwen.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nada. Set after the Doctor Who episodes ‘The Stolen Earth’ & ‘Journey’s End’, but slightly AU. Exit Wounds compliant.
Summary: Ianto has a few bones to pick with the Doctor over his treatment of Jack.
Word Count: 3595
Written ( Read more... )

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, gwen cooper, genprompt_bingo, donna noble, torchwood fic, fic: one-shot, the doctor, doctor who, fic: pg

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Comments 38

excentric397 November 14 2016, 20:13:02 UTC
Everything I would have loved to see actually happen. Ten is my least favorite Doctor, just because of the callous, cruel, heartless way he treated Jack. I always wonder how this can be considere a children's show, because these are not lessons I would want my children to learn. This was excellent. Ianto is the perfect person to tell him like it is, because he is so methodical and organized in his thoughts as well as his actions. Blunt and straight-forward, which is how we should all strive to be. This is going right into my Keepers file as one of my most favorite ever stories.


badly_knitted November 14 2016, 21:51:29 UTC
Awww, thank you! *hugs*

Ianto has wanted to confront the Doctor for some time,so he eventually just sat me down and made me type this. He told me what to say.

I agree about Ten. I liked him until he started treating Jack like something tom pick up and use when he needed it, they toss it aside after. He didn't treat Jack like a person. RTD twisted the Doctor in ways I didn't like. He was meant to be a good role model for kids, but a lot of things about Ten just weren't the things kids should emulate.

Thanks again, glad you enjoyed it!


excentric397 November 14 2016, 22:15:16 UTC
I personally think RTD is rather twisted, himself. I really don't think he's a nice person, based on some things I've read over the years. He brought WHO back, but not in a way I would want my kids to watch. WHO, along with TW, under his reign was all about loss and angst and life sucks, then you die. That's not a message for children.

Can you do Gwen getting hers next? If you have, I have completely forgotten, but then I have serious brain drain. I really hate Gwen. :(


badly_knitted November 14 2016, 22:58:58 UTC
You're right about RTD, he just likes to torture characters, thee's no hope or optimism in most of his stuff, people just suffer and die, and he calls in 'realism'. What a bleak world he lives in. I like hope and optimism.

I'll have to think on Gwen. I loathe her, but so many people have done things to her that I don't think I can better. I was considering dumping her body in New York for the cops of FAKE to find, simply because I've been using the Torchwood drabble prompts for FAKE drabbles and ficlets, and one is Gwen Cooper... LOL!

To be honest, I've written so many fics I can't even remember what I've done to her. I know I have one not posted yet where I dump her in mud or something, can't remember exactly what. And I did have Ianto tell her that he's not a pet, and then thee was the one where Jack's gone, Gwen's trying to take over, and Ianto sets her straight on a few things...


owensheart November 15 2016, 14:57:24 UTC
The doctor needed to hear that, I am glad Ianto layed into him to get him to see the errors of his ways

Great fic.


badly_knitted November 15 2016, 16:35:56 UTC
Thank you! It may not have been pleasant for the Doctor, but sometimes he's so blinkered he needs things spelled out to him, and no one does that better than Ianto Jones!


raynewton November 15 2016, 19:34:33 UTC
Exactly what the Doctor needed to hear,and Ianto handled it so well, kept his temper but laid it out for him. Shame faced Doctor has a lot to think about and acknowledges it.He can't fix Jack, but maybe he can do something for Ianto, somehow making it possible for him to stay with Jack. So pleased to have seen that scenario.


badly_knitted November 15 2016, 20:50:28 UTC
Thank you, so glad it worked for you!

Yes, the Doctor has much to think about and a lot to apologise to Jack for.

Ianto will become immortal no matter what, but maybe the Doctor sends the Gallifreyan device through the Rift that makes Ianto immortal in The Worst Best Day...


excentric397 November 15 2016, 22:48:56 UTC
Hey, if he did it for that girl in Twelve's reign, why can't he/won't he, do it for Ianto? Cause the showrunners are jerks, is my opinion. Just a wee tab bit bitter here, aren't I?


badly_knitted November 16 2016, 10:00:26 UTC
You're not the only one!

I had John Hart get hold of one of those chips and give it to Jack for Ianto, to make amends for all the hell he put Torchwood through ;)


raynewton November 16 2016, 09:55:15 UTC
Meant to add, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when The Doctor talks to Jack. So would Ianto. Can you please fix that for us? Hate to nag for a story, but I'm sure everyone would love it.


badly_knitted November 16 2016, 10:03:58 UTC
I've added it to my ever=growing list of sequels people ask for, so I'll try to do it at some point, but I can't promise when. I have to wait for the muses to align. The Doctor can be particularly stubborn ;)


raynewton November 16 2016, 13:41:18 UTC
Thank you for that. I can wait. Sometimes I want to give Doctor 10 a good slap


badly_knitted November 16 2016, 19:07:47 UTC
That's something a lot of us have in common. He could be great, but then he'd turn around and be so callous towards Jack and I hate that!


maldeluxx November 19 2016, 13:32:04 UTC
*cheers Ianto* Now *that's* how to tell Doctor well how he's messed up things :D <3


badly_knitted November 19 2016, 16:33:43 UTC
Thank you, on Ianto's behalf since he told me what he wanted to say ;)

The Doctor has been told and is properly ashamed of himself!


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