Fic: Midnight Rescue

Sep 20, 2010 20:14

Title: Midnight Rescue
Author: badly_knitted    
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Mickey, Andy, mentions of Owen.
Rating: PG-13 for minor language
Spoilers: None. Set after Exit Wounds and Doctor Who, Journey's End, but everyone's still alive and the team has been expanded.
Summary: Jack arrives to rescue Ianto. Follows on from The Beauty Of Trees 
Word Count: 2441
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fic, jack/ianto, torchwood fic, mild angst, trees series, fic: pg-13, torchwood

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Comments 26

zazajb September 20 2010, 20:12:20 UTC
What fun! I love the description of 'fang' and I felt the air being squeezed out of Ianto with Jack's sudden kiss at his brilliant suggestion...
Vinegar flavoured Ianto for dessert - I can't tell you what pictures I have running through my head right now [tho I bet you might hazzard a guess..!]
Loved this *hugs tree* *hugs you* xxx


badly_knitted September 20 2010, 20:34:26 UTC
Trees deserve to be hugged, that one especially!

I found time to write today (Yay me!) and figured I'd start by finishing this one as I was sure it only needed an ending. By the time I'd done, it was more than twice as long as it had been! Didn't get around to writing anything else! On top of that, when I tried to post it, the whole story behind the cut mysteriously vanished and then internet explorer shut down! I had to wait until after dinner and try again - thankfully it worked that time!

Glad you liked it, I was quite pleased with it myself. My first not-so-friendly alien - I had fun imagining what it would look like!
Couldn't resist the vinegar flavoured Ianto bit! Can't write smut though, so everyone will just have to use their imaginations!

I've seen you've been posting over on Dreamwidth =)

I have to concentrate on the next Nosy-Verse fic next!

*happy hugs* xxx


zazajb September 21 2010, 06:25:59 UTC
Love trees! [especially Ianto and Jack filled ones!] Ooh *sympathetic grimace* for hassles with posting - I still remember having to split one chapter into 4 bits because of all the formatting - took me bloody hours - wretched system!

Imagination is often better than all out graphic description...I like to get lost in my head with all sorts of delicious thoughts..excuse me, I'll be back in a *drifts off into Janto-land*

Right, back again! Yea, put the 3 latest on DW and will probably [at some point] drip feed the oneshots a couple at a time...
Looking forward to more Nosy-verse... *hugs Nosy*

*surprisingly alert morning hugs* Have a good day xxx

doh! edited for spelling *rolls eyes*


hallana September 20 2010, 21:26:33 UTC
I can just see them rolling the alien down the slope. Love it.

But vinegar flavoured dessert is just so very wrong, even if it is Ianto.


badly_knitted September 20 2010, 21:54:52 UTC
Hi! Nice to see you here instead of over on!

Jack has weird tastes - I think he just wants Ianto for dessert (or starters, or main course) any time, regardless of what he happens to taste of at the time! Well, as long as it's something he likes the taste of anyway! Then later, after vinegar flavoured Ianto, he might have some whipped cream Ianto! Of course, you'll have to use your imagination for that as I'm not a smut writer, I wouldn't know where to start!

Glad you liked anyway, and thanks for commenting!


aviv_b September 21 2010, 16:34:11 UTC
Great follow up story. I'm glad Jack didn't give Ianto too hard of a time for getting treed. Of all the flavors Ianto could be - vinegar would be pretty low on my list, LOL.


badly_knitted September 21 2010, 16:49:12 UTC
Jack likes vinegar and so does Ianto (on their chips anyway - I do, so they do too lol), he's not really fussy though and I think it was mostly just Ianto teasing Jack for saying he tasted of chocolate, and Jack teasing back! They can get very silly sometimes, especially after escaping a dangerous situation! Besides, Jack just likes the taste of Ianto, no matter what he's been seasoned with! =)

Jack wasn't about to make fun of Ianto for being stuck up a tree, not when it was the only safe place to be! I think he's thankful that Ianto is good at climbing trees as it saved his life!

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for reading and commenting! =D


mv_girl September 21 2010, 20:00:52 UTC
“What will you two be doing?” Andy asked. “On second thought, I don’t think I want to know.”

Funny and clever ... thank you!!!


badly_knitted September 21 2010, 21:39:22 UTC
Heehee! Thankyou! I'm glad you liked it =)

Thanks for reading and commenting! =D


remuslives23 September 22 2010, 08:36:51 UTC
Love this! Love Andy's comment, 'On second thoughts, I don't want to know'!


badly_knitted September 22 2010, 09:19:41 UTC
Andy learns fast - You ask what Jack and Ianto are going to be doing, Jack WILL tell you, possibly in detail!

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for reading and commenting =D


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