AFT - Jack & Ianto's Christmas Presents

Dec 31, 2012 23:01

A trio of Action Figure pics.

Jack and Ianto really liked their Christmas presents. Coat Jack is a little envious.

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jack/ianto, action figures, jack harkness, nosy, ianto jones

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Comments 28

lilferret December 31 2012, 23:06:31 UTC


badly_knitted December 31 2012, 23:22:06 UTC

Check out the previous Action Figure posts...


This little critter was the inspiration for Nosy and is standing in for the famous Fluff while I attempt to make something similar but longer, slimmer, and greener!

Glad you like it!


milady_dragon December 31 2012, 23:20:48 UTC
I like to see Nosy eating his veggies. *grins*

And of course coat!Jack is jealous! There's only one set of handcuffs!


badly_knitted December 31 2012, 23:35:42 UTC

(I bought the boys something else I think they'll like - I'll have to do another photo session soon!)

Nosy likes its veggies and fruit, with the occasional mince pie or slice of cake - and a plentiful supply of twiglets!

Thank you!


toshiani007 December 31 2012, 23:33:43 UTC
Oh, you're crazy, love you forever!!!
That was awesome!!!
Hugs and kissitos!!!
P.S.: I want cake, yummy!!!


badly_knitted December 31 2012, 23:40:46 UTC
LOL! Glad you like them!

They're fun to play with and the food looks so real! I got two lovely looking cakes for the boys, plenty for everyone!

*Hugs and kissitos*

Thank you!


red_day_dawning January 1 2013, 00:00:53 UTC
OMG, Nosy is so cute. And so are Jack and Ianto in their christmas hats.


badly_knitted January 1 2013, 00:39:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm still hoping to make a Nosy more like the actual fic character (thinner, longer and greener), but this little critter was the original inspiration. Perhaps its Nosy's ancestor, lol!

There are two other posts with pics in, just click the action figure tag if you'd like to see them.

Happy New Year!


red_day_dawning January 1 2013, 00:49:30 UTC
Happy new year to you! I spent my new year's eve hunting my cats - someone let off fireworks in my street, and the cats were terrified. Your Ianto and Jack/s are very handsome.


badly_knitted January 2 2013, 00:09:54 UTC
Oh dear, I hope your cats are okay!

Yes, they are handsome except that all Torchwood Jacks are cross-eyed and therefore look more than a bit drunk, lol!


tardisjournal January 1 2013, 02:11:30 UTC
That's a lot of whiskey! I foresee a lot of festive evenings ahead. Coat Jack definitely looks a little peeved to be left out. Someone get him a shot, quick!

Nosy is soooo adorable, even if it is an AU Nosy. Perhaps it wandered in from one universe to the left. ;)

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013! :)


badly_knitted January 1 2013, 19:38:37 UTC
Saw that miniature Whiskey on ebay and I didn't care who I had to outbid to get it - it was made for my boys! There is a bottle inside the box, of course!

I'm sure everyone got a shot of Whiskey, and then they all had fun with the handcuffs, lol!

Alternate Nosy doesn't mind being a stand-in, it likes the attention. I think Jack and Ianto will keep it even if I manage to make a more 'lifelike' Nosy! A Fluff is for life, not just for Christmas!


tardisjournal January 1 2013, 23:49:51 UTC
Well of course that Cap'n Jack whiskey could only go to one person! (Or several versions of the same person, as the case may be.) I would have had to have it too, spare no expense!

A Fluff is for life, not just for Christmas!

Well-said, and it applies to every pet people give for a holiday, like bunnies on Easter or kittens... whenever. But of course the boys are responsible caretakers and would never abandon any Nosy. I'm thinking this one came over from an AU world where it wasn't so appreciated, like the neglected Ianto at the end of that fic you recently rec'd. LOL.


badly_knitted January 2 2013, 00:07:35 UTC
Yeah, that seems likely! Fluffs are good at slinking through small gaps - the fluffiness is deceptive - so it found a little hole between dimensions and slinked through from the evil dimension where it was being experimented on in the hopes of finding somewhere nicer. It's happy now, well fed and cared for.

I spotted the whiskey by chance, so it really must have been meant for my boys, lol!

I paraphrased something that has been used here for years to remind people that giving animals at Christmas is not a good idea unless the recipient is fully prepared to care for their new pet for as long as it lives. The campaign worked well, I believe, with less pets being abandoned after Christmas when their new owners got tired of them.


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