To All Torchwood Fans On Dreamwidth

Dec 28, 2012 22:28

The Hub, the general Torchwood community on Dreamwidth, appears to have vanished. This is not good. I know a lot of us who have Dreamwidth accounts regularly cross posted our fics there and its loss has left a big hole.

Therefore, I am hoping - if I can gather enough interest and some knowledgeable assistance - to set up a new Torchwood community on ( Read more... )

question, help needed, torchwood

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badly_knitted December 28 2012, 23:17:15 UTC
Trust me, the fandom is far from dead, there are some great new writers and there were still a fair number of us posting at the Hub. There are a lot of people who have drifted away, but there are also die-hards like myself who aren't going anywhere. Whoever ran the Hub may well have left for another fandom though. I think there are still enough people interested to make a new community worthwhile.

I didn't bother with Miracle Day either, that was not Torchwood, but all CoE did was make me cling tighter to my fandom - the first two series anyway. I'm stubborn like that, lol! I'll be here when everyone else has gone!


anonymous December 28 2012, 23:32:23 UTC
I have much love for the show (the DVD set was my Christmas present). I have MUCH love for the performers and writers and wouldn't' want them to think they have been forgotten. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of how these things work. I'll help do what I can do though.

Berlybeth on Twitter


star54kar December 29 2012, 02:26:41 UTC
Do you have any idea what happened to the Hub?

What actually would be involved in the creation of a new community? If the amount of moderation attention is relatively minimal I'd be happy to help you with creating one.


badly_knitted December 29 2012, 13:06:53 UTC
No idea at all what happened to the Hub, it just doesn't exist any more.

Hopefully, there shouldn't need to be all that much moderation needed once it gets going, but as I'm a bit of a technology dunce, it's the setting up part that I'm a bit stuck with. There needs to be a set of community rules for a start, and a banner and icons (milady_dragon might be looking into that). I'm working on a list of tags, but I don't know how many are allowed for a basic free account. It will also need a name!

Any ideas or assistance would be welcomed.


star54kar December 29 2012, 15:57:18 UTC
I can definitely help you with the set-up, creation of, and rules. I've started communities on both LJ and DW before so I have some experience. My main concern was how much moderation would be needed after the community was up and running. Minor maintenance from time to time I can do, but given my insane schedule I don't want to take point on moderation.

Are you looking for this to be like the main torchwood community on LJ where fic and other stuff like news pertaining to new projects from cast members is welcomed or do you want to stick primarily to fan created works?

Do you have any idea of what name you'd like to use? If not I'll start brainstorming. I can start up a draft of rules for your consideration. It might be easier to move the conversation to email or IM at this point. I can be reached at star54kar at or star54kar on YIM. Please feel free to email me with your contact information and I'll send you what I've come up with once I've finished.


badly_knitted December 29 2012, 17:28:39 UTC
email's easier for me than IM since I have yet to get to grips with any kind of instant messaging - I'm got good with stuff like that! I'll email you my email, as I only use one for everything.

I'd like it to be like the main community on LJ I think, because there isn't a resource like that on Dreamwidth. Maybe add a Cast News tag...

As to name, no ideas so far. Myself and a few other people are thinking, but no one seems to have got very with that.

Yes please to the draft of rules, I have no idea where to start with that but I know it's essential to have the rules in place from the start.

I'm sure I've forgotten something....


iantojjackh December 29 2012, 02:34:23 UTC
I'd offer to help, but unfortunately dreamwidth doesn't get along well with my iPad, so I never got into using that site.


badly_knitted December 29 2012, 13:43:16 UTC
That's a shame.

You could still help with ideas, though! The site needs a name, plus any suggestions on tags that should be included?

I feel like a project manager, gathering information and organising the skilled workers, lol!


iantojjackh December 29 2012, 14:00:23 UTC
I think I might be able to help as long as it doesn't involve posting, that seems to be where I run into problems. Never really tried the behind the scenes stuff yet.

With a gen community you are going to need a crap load of tags so if you need help with tags and other stuff.

Hmm let me think own names I have a few idea percolating.


badly_knitted December 29 2012, 14:12:57 UTC
Great because I have no ideas for names whatsoever at the moment! I'm working on a tags list - so far I have tags for the different seasons, for fic, fic recs, art, action figures, characters, cast, various pairings, fic lengths (drabble, one-shot, series) and for the different ratings. I need to find out how many tags I can have, got to investigate that! What am I missing that I need to have?


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