Nov 22, 2012 22:20

A rather belated Happy Thanksgiving to all my LJ friends!

Hope you have much to be thankful for this year!

Enjoy what's left of the day!

*Thanksgiving Hugs*

I'm thankful today for all my wonderful friends here!

*Squishes you all*

(Sorry I haven't replied to individual posts, today has been insane!)

holiday greetings, real life

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Comments 17

red_day_dawning November 22 2012, 22:53:39 UTC
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so enjoying saying that to American friends.


badly_knitted November 22 2012, 23:32:38 UTC
Lol! I wanted to do so myself, but it's been such a busy day I haven't had time to reply to everyone's posts. I've adopted Thanksgiving despite being British, because it's good to remember everything you have to be thankful for, especially if things have been a bit rough.

Hope you're having a good Thanksgiving, or thursday!


blossomlegs November 22 2012, 23:05:42 UTC
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to you!


badly_knitted November 22 2012, 23:33:55 UTC
Hope you're having a lovely day!


tardisjournal November 23 2012, 01:44:57 UTC
Just got back from dinner at my partner's family and saw your note. Thank you!

I hope you had a wonderful day too. *Huggles*


badly_knitted November 23 2012, 11:51:00 UTC
*huggles back*

I think Britain should adopt Thanksgiving Day - there's too much complaining here and not enough of being thankful for what We have!

My day was chaotic, but I did manage to make a few Christmas cards.


iantojjackh November 23 2012, 03:48:32 UTC
Thanks. It was a crazy day with lots of food. I'm pretty stuffed. Good food with lots of family. A bit sad as one of my cousins took some of us through areas that were destroyed by Sandy, nclusi g the bar he works at during the summer. It was chilling.

Hope you had a good day.

*hugs back*


badly_knitted November 23 2012, 11:54:34 UTC
Good food and family is a good way to spend the day - and I guess it's good to be reminded that there are others less fortunate.

We had a chaotic day, and today is the same, but then it's Britain so Thanksgiving's not a holiday here =(

We should adopt it!


jedi_harkness November 23 2012, 07:53:24 UTC
Thanks very much love, and I hope you have a great weekend! xxoo


badly_knitted November 23 2012, 11:56:05 UTC
Thanks! *hugs* Hopefully the weekend will be a little less manic than the week has been o_0 I'm a little frazzled...


jedi_harkness November 23 2012, 23:05:57 UTC
This week would be going better if I didn't have this bloody cold. *blech*


badly_knitted November 23 2012, 23:25:40 UTC
Ugh, poor you! *hugs* It's that time of year though, unfortunately. Hope you feel better soon.


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