BtVS Double Drabble: Sweet As Syrup

Nov 07, 2014 18:47

Title: Sweet As Syrup

Fandom: BTVS

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Drusilla, Angelus

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Nothing in particular

Summary: Drusilla delights in her first taste of blood.

Word Count: 200

Written For: juliet316’s prompt ‘BtVS, Drucilla, blood tastes so sweet, like syrup’ at
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fic, buffy fic, drusilla, fic_promptly, btvs, angelus, fic: pg

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Comments 14

slaymesoftly November 7 2014, 21:58:59 UTC
Well done!


badly_knitted November 7 2014, 22:58:10 UTC
Thank you!

I'm still not convinced the dialogue is quite right, but I'm my own worst critic and this is my first attempt at Buffyverse fic, so I can only get better, right?


kikimay November 8 2014, 12:29:42 UTC
Very good fic. I especially like Dru's voice and I like the idea of her using her childlike appareance to collect victims. It seems very fitting.


badly_knitted November 8 2014, 14:27:24 UTC
Thank you! I wasn't sure if I'd got Dru's voice quite right, so that's very encouraging.

It felt like something she'd do, the helpless act to get herself invited inside where she could feed, maybe on a whole family; it would delight her, making pretty patterns with their blood.


red_satin_doll November 8 2014, 13:56:40 UTC
Here from a link on the su_herald - what kikimay said! (And we were just talking on her LJ about the lack of Drusilla-centric fic. More, please.)

If this is your first time at Drusilla dialogue I'm impressed. It is difficult to write "insanity" - by all means keep going.


badly_knitted November 8 2014, 14:35:49 UTC
I'll have to try again when i find another suitable prompt, ideas can be hard to come by when you're juggling several fandoms and the only reason this got written at all was because I had to find prompts with female characters for one day of a a writing contest and it turned out I was familiar with pitifully few of the fandoms on offer. The other BtVS ficlets I wrote were Buffy, Joyce and a short Willow/Tara piece. Haven't posted those yet, but I'll get there eventually.

Prompts are welcome; I'm going to try to fit in rewatching BtVs (along with everything else I'm trying to squeeze in to what free time I have). I'd like to write more in the fandom and Dru is one of my favourite characters. If I get prompts from other people, I can post them on the prompt community I belong to and write them myself during the next challenge!

Glad you liked this one, and thanks for commenting!


red_satin_doll December 1 2014, 02:33:18 UTC
I just read your Willow/Tara ficlet - I would love to read your Joyce & Buffy one when you're ready to show it off because Joyce and Buffy fic is like crack cocaine to me but there is so little of it out there!

I watched the show two years ago and it amazes me how, for a show with a female protagonist and several important female characters in her life, how little interest there is in exploring those relationships; in proportion to the amount of "shippy" fic.

Or I guess it shouldn't have surprised me?

And more Drusilla fic, oh yes please! I'm terrible at prompts you should know; or rather, I'm quite good at coming up with scenarios or ideas for other people to fill (aka fics I've thought of but know I'll never write) but terrible at prompts as I generally see them: two characters and you must use this one word, etc.


badly_knitted December 1 2014, 12:24:26 UTC
I'm glad you like what I've posted so far! I'm only just starting to write BtVS, mainly due to needing to find SOMETHING I could write during a contest on a prompt community where the idea was to fill as many unfilled prompts as possible over the course of a week - I didn't even know most of the fandoms, and I needed to write female characters on one day, so BtVS it was. Trouble is, I wrote 42 ficlets that week spread over four fandoms and it's going to take forever to get them all posted. I'll try to get the Joyce one up this week though ( ... )


xspike4evax November 9 2014, 20:44:18 UTC
I think you did a great job with Dru. She is indeed a very difficult character to get right but you did it. You should be proud!


badly_knitted November 9 2014, 22:18:31 UTC
Thank you, it means a lot that you think so. I haven't watched BtVS for several years and this is my first attempt at writing the character. My memory must be better than I thought!


killing_kurare November 10 2014, 08:44:36 UTC
I loved that :) It really captures Dru's personality in my opinion.
"Pretty flowers all turned to dust." So IC.
"The men say it’s for her protection from the demons that stalk the night, but she sees the lust in their eyes." Love that detail.
"Because fear makes their blood even sweeter." Perfect ending :D

Totally enjoyed reading <3


badly_knitted November 10 2014, 11:28:09 UTC
*grins* Thank you so much! I had a tough time writing this one so I'm really pleased people are liking it =)

Thanks for your lovely comments!


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