Title: The Show Must Go On - Sequel to
‘The Play’s The Thing’ Author:
badly_knitted Characters: Jack, Ianto, assorted OCs
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2014
Summary: Jack and Ianto are coming to the end of their two-year college drama course.
Spoilers: Nada.
Warnings: Completely AU, set in a universe where Torchwood doesn’t exist.
Written For: My
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Comments 20
Love it xxx
Thank you for all your help *hugs* I did a lot of re-writing and added stuff in, as well as removing a bit to make the years work without changing them, but I think it worked quite well in the end!
I just love this so much. This might be your first AU but you're writing it like you've done this sort of story forever. Cannot wait for the next part. :)
Jack had to get the chance eventually, and he proved himself to everybody =)
Ianto never doubted he could do it!
I had to give them supposrtive parents, they both feel like they have two sets of parents =)
Thank you!
And naturally Jack was perfect in the role, he'd rehearsed it so much with Ianto!
Thank you!
Now, can we see him in a [traditional] kilt? *wink wink* Or does only Ianto get to see that?
Great job! You're right, the payoff was perfect! (and I didn't notice any mistakes~)
It was a long road, but he finally got to be the female lead, and it was a triumphant performance! Bravo, Jack! Ianto is proud!
Well, I don't know, there are two more parts... ;)
Thank you!
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