More Help Needed Please!

Jun 14, 2014 17:02

Hello again, my wonderful f-list, I come seeking help again ( Read more... )

hugs f-list, question, help needed, real life, torchwood

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Comments 59

tardisjournal June 14 2014, 16:59:56 UTC
Running out the door to do some errands, but here's what came to me off the top of my head:

"Everything Changes"--

Jack: Ianto cleans up after us, gets us everywhere on time.
Ianto: I try my best.
Jack: And he looks good in a suit.
Ianto: Careful, that's harassment, Sir.


Jack: Find a memory that defines you. Rediscover who you are.
Ianto: Losing Lisa. Like the world had ended. Coming here gave me meaning again. (Looks up at Jack) You.

"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"

Jack: I came back for you.


tardisjournal June 14 2014, 20:11:53 UTC
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"--

IANTO: It is more fun when he's around, though.
OWEN: Yeah.
TOSH: Definitely!
GWEN: Yeah. It is!

(Not sure this is what you need as it's not said TO Jack. (Thought I'd throw it in the mix just in case!)


badly_knitted June 14 2014, 20:41:11 UTC
That's fine - I don't know what I'll end up using anyway, I just need to see what there is so I can figure out something that works (I hope, lol!), doesn't matter if they say it to someone else because the someone else could quite easily pass the message on!


badly_knitted June 14 2014, 20:35:34 UTC
Thanks, I've made a note of those! =)


lexxiescott June 14 2014, 17:25:02 UTC
Ianto, I need to hear those beautiful Welsh vowels!

Jack: Come on! Have a little faith, with a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?
Ianto: ...He is dashing, you have to give him that.

Martha: So...what's his "dabbling" like?
Ianto: ...Innovative.
Martha: Really!
Ianto: Bordering on the avant-garde.
Martha: Wow!
Ianto: Oh yeah... [stares into space] Huh... [snaps out of it] So, should we get your cover story sorted?
Martha: [delighted] Absolutely!

Ianto: [shaking his head] It's not that. It's my job. It's... difficult. It's... [hesitates] He is very handsome.


badly_knitted June 14 2014, 20:47:02 UTC
Yay! Thank you! I got the 'Dashing' reference wrong, thought that was in KKBB - my memory is useless sometimes!

Not sure I'll use the CoE one as I prefer to avoid referencing that, but who knows? I have no idea what direction the fic will take!


lexxiescott June 14 2014, 20:53:06 UTC
I cheated a little and went to and searched for Torchwood. There's a HUGE selection of quotes there from the show and just copy/pasted ones that weren't already here over. Glad I could help out. :)

I'm right there with you. In my mind CoE never happens. *nods* That way we don't lose Ianto.


badly_knitted June 14 2014, 20:59:04 UTC
That's not cheating, that's using common sense - of which I have none right now, lol!

I have written a fix-it (Deserted) and an Immortal Ianto fic (Fixed Points) so I'm doing my best to keep him alive. Got another fic writen today - 16 days and 8 more fics to write, but tons to post *gulp* Still some for betaing too.


iantojjackh June 14 2014, 18:19:24 UTC
I'm at intermission for a dance recital but one thing that comes to mind is the scene in Adam where Ianto is remember in killing the woman but jack refuses to believe it.


badly_knitted June 14 2014, 20:48:14 UTC
Thanks! I hadn't thought of that =)

Enjoy the recital!


debmommy22 June 17 2014, 05:27:37 UTC
I am of no help, but reading these lines makes me want to pull out my TW DVD's and watch those shows again. I forgot how funny they were and makes me remember why I fell in love with Jack + Ianto. Torchwood will never be the same without that couple....sorry...just reminiscing on your post. lol! :)


badly_knitted June 17 2014, 09:28:15 UTC
I felt the same, writing the fic the ideas were for. I don't have time right now though, I still have three fics to write to get a blackout on my bingo card (every square filled), and I still have about 17 (including the three that aren't written yet) to post before the deadline, which is in about 14 days o_O

There are so many great quotes though, and I could hear Ianto saying them =)


black59 June 27 2014, 19:52:58 UTC
I arrived a little late. but I remember a passage at the very end with the elves in that I think.
Jack looks at his pictures. Ianto joins him and asked if he would go home and Jack says he saw wonders but here he met a family and it would not change it for the world place. Then Ianto kisses.
Well I interprets much ... but broadly it is.

No, I was wrong, it was in Tommy.


badly_knitted June 27 2014, 21:25:00 UTC
That's still one of my favourite scenes, from To the Last Man Standing =)


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