Drabble: Out Of Milk

Jun 07, 2014 14:27

Title: Out Of Milk

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, mentions Jack

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 316 - Reverse Fandom - How I Met Your Mother at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: There’s no milk. Ianto is not happy.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Title used was ‘Milk’

Out Of Milk... )

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 20

owensheart June 8 2014, 09:25:41 UTC
i am sure Ianto will forget al about it when baby comes.

Great story.


badly_knitted June 8 2014, 10:22:12 UTC
Well, he'll forgive Jack, but I think he'll make sure Jack never gets pregnant again, lol! It means too much extra work for Ianto!

Thank you!


sandysan2013 June 9 2014, 00:42:10 UTC
Wow! Two Torchwood babies. The aliens had better watch out with all those protective hormones on the loose.


badly_knitted June 9 2014, 10:52:46 UTC
There are two? Whose is the other one?

Jack's not allowed at Torchwood while pregnant, but Ianto is definitely in protective overdrive. Any nasty aliens that show up better flee back the way they came if they value their lives.

Thank you!


timelordshines June 9 2014, 20:44:28 UTC
Aww poor Ianto


badly_knitted June 9 2014, 21:17:32 UTC
I just want to hug him! And give him a nice hot cuppa.

Thank you!


jedi_harkness June 10 2014, 08:09:02 UTC
Yikes, pregnant Jack can be a handful!


badly_knitted June 10 2014, 10:59:31 UTC
He certainly can. Ianto has his work cut out for him.

Thank you!


black59 June 27 2014, 18:56:33 UTC
poor Ianto.
But hey, for their child, they must go through it. and had their peculiarities, it is on all falls on Ianto.
this would be the time when they should call the Doctor to find a nice planet, where both would be accepted as.
after all, the team also has to help Andy and Mickey.


badly_knitted June 27 2014, 21:12:46 UTC
They probably should do that. I suppose they didn't want to leave earth. Ianto always thinks no one does things properly, especially in the archives. He wants to keep an eye on the team, lol!

Thank you!


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