
May 15, 2014 18:45


angry, livejournal, argh!, real life

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Comments 61

tardisjournal May 16 2014, 00:49:23 UTC
I second everything you've said. I have bad eyesight (these giant geeky glasses aren't just for show!) compounded by eyestrain, and this new page is literally painful to read. And now there's more of what I hate on the homepage (I don't give a flying f*ck about what communities are trending) and less of what I want (my communities and friends.) Two minutes in and I switched back to the old version. I hope they let us keep that option indefinitely! Not that it was so great either. But at least I was used to it.

On top of all, this, there was NO warning whatsoever! How about putting that on the homepage, instead of the latest news from ONTD and exochocolate, whatever that is, for heaven's sake.


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 12:25:56 UTC
Agreed! All I knew was that LJ crashed while I was trying to post a drabble and when it eventually came back more than 2 hours later, it was unrecognisable, difficult to use, painful to read and I couldn't even access my profile page! Plus, there wasn't an obvious (to me at least) way to switch back, it was like they'd made opting out as difficult as possible so they could later say "Well, hardly anyone switched back, so they must have liked the new style" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


ericadawn16 May 16 2014, 00:53:00 UTC
I'm extremely glad my refusal to upgrade my Friends page was grandfathered in and my journal looks the same as well. The front page can go fuck itself since I only want to peruse the main stories and move on.

However, the only way I can read the comments on your journal is to highlight them but that's the way it's always been.


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 12:28:53 UTC
Yeah, I know, sorry about that, I have to highlight them and enlarge the page myself, but I really like the rest of the layout and I don't want to switch. It cheers me up.

I've managed to switch back, but boy was the new design horrible!


aviv_b May 16 2014, 03:32:47 UTC
Help! My friends feed is fine. When I use SilverSun's link I get a community page with no speech bubbles anywhere!

Ah - found the answer - this release is so half baked that not everyone has he magic bubble - but you can still revert by following these instructions:

It worked!


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 12:31:35 UTC
I DID get the speech bubble, but since it's unlabelled I had no idea what it was for! Thankfully, it was explained by my lovely f-list and I'm back to the previous less than perfect style, whicvh is still a damn sight better than what they want us to have nowe, which is SOOOO Not User Friendly it actually hurts!


asia27 May 16 2014, 10:38:04 UTC
I agree! I opened this and can't find ANY of the posts I used to use for finding things. Even though did save links, I can't find anything. As much as I love blue, this isn't the 'blue' I want to see and there's no way to fix the page to my liking! :[ My own eyesight is getting worse but then I spend a great deal of time working on one; it's what I do for a living. This change is full of *&(*&)!

Who's bright-ass idea was this?!


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 14:15:32 UTC
I don't know, but whoever it was and whoever designed the new look, they should both be fired! Actually, everyone in charge at LJ central should be fires and people brought in to fix the mess they've made of what was once a great site.


awieatti May 16 2014, 15:01:32 UTC
Changes like this really are a pain in the ***! I couldn't even load my LJ page for about an hour. And when it finally worked again, everything looked so different and when I wanted to upload my drabble, I had to reload the page several times before the "Save" button finally worked!
I really don't know why so many online platforms constantly make these changes that are more confusing and frustrating than helpful :(


badly_knitted May 16 2014, 18:34:30 UTC
LJ always changes the things that work ewhile ignoring all the things that don't. I couldn't use LJ at all for over 2 hours and when I got it back, the update page didn't work, I couldn't access my own profile page and it all looked hideous anyway. If there wasn't so much still on LJ that I want easy access to, I'd leave. But I can't so I'll just refuse to accept these unwanted changes for as long as I can.


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