FAKE Fic: A Dog’s Tale: Part 17 - Dog And Cats

Jan 27, 2022 17:40

Title: A Dog’s Tale: Part 17 - Dog And Cats
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Dick, OFC.
Rating: G
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Dick’s behaviour towards cats baffles Dee.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Cats And Dogs’.
Word Count: 1476
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

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fic, fake fic, fic: series, dick the dog, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, fic: g

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Comments 2

enchanted_jae January 29 2022, 22:57:25 UTC

Dogs and cats can learn to get along just fine, so long as they're trained early.


badly_knitted January 29 2022, 23:14:17 UTC

Yes, but Dee doesn't know all that much, and Dick isn't willing to try with most cats, lol!


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