Torchwood Team Transformations

Sep 22, 2011 13:06

I've read several fics lately where one or other Torchwood team member gets inadvertently turned into something else. Cats are the most common - Ianto, Jack and even Owen have spent time as cats. Either Jack or Ianto (can't remember which now) was a dog for a time, Ianto has been a My Little Pony and a dolphin, while Jack and Rhys were sloths for a ( Read more... )


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badly_knitted September 22 2011, 15:12:27 UTC
No, not on facebook, I've got more than enough to deal with on LJ, dreamwidth, and ravelry, plus the Torchwood Writers Union!

Ianto!dolphin is here:


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badly_knitted September 22 2011, 16:13:05 UTC
There seem to be several.

There's this one from which is a WiP and only has two chapters so far. Jack and Gwen get changed as well as Ianto:

There's also this 2-parter by mirrankei, which isn't precisely My Little Pony but is still cartoon horses - If Wishes Were Horses:

This is the one I was originally thinking of, also on, very short and you don't actually see My Little Pony Ianto, but it's cute:


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badly_knitted September 23 2011, 19:35:02 UTC
You're welcome, and I hope you enjoy them!

I haven't seen any MLP cartoons! I guess I'm too old to have caught them before, and these days I hardly watch TV at all. I'm too addicted to TW fanfic, I can't tear myself away to do anything else, lol!


0theavantgarde September 22 2011, 16:00:45 UTC
I read a fic vaguely recently in which Jack was turned into a cat and Owen into a rat... and its sequal where Jack was a cat again and Ianto a dog.

I've seen other transformation fics but that's the one I remember liking. It does seem to be an occupational hazard (one of many, huh?)


badly_knitted September 22 2011, 16:18:59 UTC
Well, it's Torchwood, lots of weird alien tech that does unexpected things!

I read those two, but I can't for the life of me remember who they're by or what they're called, it was a while ago. Can you remember?

I love when they get turned into something odd, hence the search for more fics! I vaguely recall a bodyswap fic where Ianto and Myfanwy got switched, with predictably chaotic results.


0theavantgarde September 22 2011, 16:22:53 UTC
Haha, yes. And that's what makes it such an awesome fandom to write for.

Quick Google search and here they are:

Oh, wow, that sounds interesting! If you could remember who it was by/where it was I'd love to read it.


badly_knitted September 22 2011, 17:13:01 UTC
Aha! ceefax_the_sane, of course! Brain like a sieve, me!

The Ianto/Myfanwy fic was so long ago, I can't remember. Think I'll put out a plea for it on twstoryfinder - I'm sure someone will remember! I'll let you know when I find out =)


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