Drabble: The Seventh Day…

Dec 27, 2013 15:44

Title: The Seventh Day…

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Owen, Ianto, Jack, team, OCs

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 303 - Twelve Days at tw100

Spoilers: None.

Warnings: Random insanity.

Summary: It’s Christmas, and the Rift is apparently in a giving mood…

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

A/N: Part 7 of ‘The Twelve Days of Riftmas’.

The Sixth Day...

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twelve days, fic, owen harper, jack harkness, ianto jones, humour, team, torchwood fic, tw100, other character/s, drabble, fic: g

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Comments 29

tardisjournal December 27 2013, 15:53:56 UTC
Awww--seven non-swans! Poor things probably didn't know what hit 'em when they hit the water. Guess the gang will have to haul them back to the Hub to dry them off. *Giggles at the mental image of Ianto using a hair-dryer on a big swan-like thing.*


badly_knitted December 27 2013, 16:24:36 UTC
I suspect they don't look much like swans either - but the hairdryer? Probably. I'm sure Jack will loan his for a good cause, and Tosh and Gwen probably have haidryers in their lockers. Owen and Jack can work on towel-drying the other four until the first three are dry. I'm thinking they might not be a sentient race either, but I haven't decided. I still might write the fates of some of the things/people gifted to Torchwood by the Rift. I'm open to suggestions on what Melicans are like!

Thank you.


too_beauty December 27 2013, 16:18:36 UTC
poor Melicans, coming to water, cold water, I guess!
loved the name!


badly_knitted December 27 2013, 16:25:37 UTC
Poor soggy Melicans. The didn't like it, but they had a good try at swimming!

Thank you.


bluelilacs December 27 2013, 16:42:25 UTC
Poor Melicans. I bet about now they're wishing they lived anywhere but the Swan Nebula.

I can't come up with anything for the Melicans at the moment, but I have a few ideas for the six guys a-laying.


badly_knitted December 27 2013, 16:52:40 UTC
Do tell! All ideas are welcome!

Yeah, poor waterlogged Melicans, they've never seen so much water in their lives! Usually at home there are only small pools and springs, the occasional shower of rain... Swimming is a completely alien concept to them.


lexxiescott December 27 2013, 20:40:27 UTC
*snickers* Sounds like the team has caught on. I still just want to give Ianto hugs.

Is this number 200??


badly_knitted December 27 2013, 21:23:19 UTC
IT IS! I can't believe I forgot to mention that in the notes *headdesk* Somehow it managed to slip my mind o_O

I think perhaps Ianto has explained to the rest of the team, since they were so slow, so by this point they have a vague idea of what to expect, they just have to work out how to interpret each 'gift'.

Fear not, Jack is providing copious hugs for his frazzled Ianto. *pets Ianto* Poor boy would be hiding under the bed if not for Jack!


lexxiescott December 27 2013, 22:20:12 UTC
I read this right after reading over on AO3, so it was right in front of my mind. :) That's so awesome you made your goal!!!

I, somehow, have a mental image of Jack being very amused by all of this. That grin he gets every so often. Except for how upset it's making Ianto. I know he hates that.


badly_knitted December 27 2013, 22:38:09 UTC
I'm sure Jack IS finding it amusing, it's fun seeing what the Rift will drop on them next, except for the unfortunate effect it's having on a very stressed Ianto!


owensheart December 28 2013, 12:26:46 UTC
Oh brilliant LOL poor birds, great drabble.


badly_knitted December 28 2013, 15:42:57 UTC
They certainly didn't sign up for swimming lessons! They've never seen so much water, poor things. on their world the most they find is a shallow spring or small stream. Thankfully Torchwood got to them quickly and noner of them drowned.

Thank you.


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