Cross Stitch: 60th Birthday Card

Dec 23, 2018 17:59

A little later than intended, thanks to life getting in the way, but here at last are the pics of the 60th birthday card I made for my friend. Unfortunately, it went a bit wonky when I stuck it to the card because it's quite large. I used one strand of thread on 18 count fabric, so the stitched piece is a little over 6 inches tall by about 3 1/3 ( Read more... )

yay!, cross stitch, real life, craft

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Comments 39

m_findlow December 24 2018, 22:07:46 UTC

It's gorgeous. Well done you!
I do love crossstitch. It made me go and pull out some unfinished ones of my own and start up again, whilst I'm on a bit of a hiatus from writing (or at least my brain wants to be it seems). I can't find the one with the orcas though. I'm sure I never finished it but it's gone walkabout. I found a barely started one with dolphins that's less fiddly than most of them which is probably why I abandoned it. I did notice however that the black thread has torn off the card and wasn't in the bag with the rest of the kit, so I've stolen some from what I think is a finished thread card. At least it's black so it's easy to buy more if I can't locate the bundle that went missing. I'm sure I must've stashed the other half of my crossstitch stuff somewhere else. There's a bunch I recall now that weren't in the sewing bag. Hmmm....


badly_knitted December 24 2018, 23:45:49 UTC
Thank you!

And ya, I inspired you to get your stitching out! I hope you'll post pics when you get something finished!

I really hate when threads - or projects - go walkabout. I spent ages the other evening trying to locate all the threads I needs for some small bird designs I want to stitch, and some owl designs. Black is at least a colour you can borrow from elsewhere and replace later. It's not like you get different shades of black thread.

Hopefully you'll find the ones that have wandered off. I wonder if I'll have time for stitching before the New Year... I'm still trying to boost my word count a little more because I haven't dropped below 1k a day all year and I'm so close to the finish line...

I've only signed up for 200k next year, although I'll probably write more than that. I want more time for stitching and reading though, I'm way behind!

Merry Christmas!


m_findlow December 25 2018, 00:00:28 UTC
I think I'm going to cut back my pledge for next year down to 350k. I've really struggled these past few months with inspiration and energy. Less pressure might be a good thing and let me work on longer projects. That or the two week Christmas break is what I need to re-energise. Reading and other projects want a bit of time and my current writing schedule doesn't allow for that.
Merry Christmas to you! I hope you have a wonderful day. *hugs*


badly_knitted December 25 2018, 00:12:45 UTC
I can understand that, I've been struggling for inspiration myself and I haven't been happy with some of what I've written. We both need to reduce the pressure we put on ourselves. Just because we're lowering our pledges doesn't mean we can't write more if inspiration and enthusiasm hits, but too much pressure can turn a pleasure into a chore. I want to catch up on reading your fics, and to of milady_dragon's dragon-verse stories, among other things. I miss having time to read.

I'll be having a very quiet day, mostly alone, but that's okay. I can do whatever I want.

Enjoy your break!


lil_1337 January 3 2019, 06:28:09 UTC
That is lovely. I have the same problem with lighting especially when working with darker cloth.


badly_knitted January 3 2019, 11:44:59 UTC
Thank you!

I haven't tried stitching on darker cloth although I have fabric cut out for some designs on dark blue fabric (so many things to stitch) but I find stitching with light colours on light fabric can be really difficult in artificial light, especially when working on high count fabric with one strand of thread. I have a daylight lamp somewhere, but I have no idea where.


lil_1337 January 3 2019, 20:46:16 UTC
I haven't done light on white in a long time so I suspect you are right about that too. My next project is going to be ornaments for next year so hopefully it will have good contrast.


badly_knitted January 3 2019, 21:07:17 UTC
Are you going to post photos? I love to see the results!

I have another 60th birthday card to do as soon as the evenings get a bit lighter, this time for my sister. In the meantime I've go some small birds designs on 14 count that I want to get on with. If I can tear myself away from writing!


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