Bee Cross Stitch - and a WiP

Jun 30, 2018 19:51

I finished another set of small designs for cards, this time some bees and honey. The two small ones were stitched on 14 count and and the four larger ones on 16 count, because that was all I had that was easily accessible. Most of my fabric is stored in a big old chest that currently has a lot of stuff piled on top it and I didn't feel like moving ( Read more... )

cross stitch, real life, craft

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lexxiescott June 30 2018, 22:12:53 UTC
I love the little Queen bee, but they’re all awesome!!!!


lexxiescott July 3 2018, 23:36:29 UTC
I'm quite sure Jack can always suggest things to do. *Grins* I forgot to tell you that one of the food shows I watch featured half an hour on food in Cardiff. I got really happy whenever they showed Torchwood and the quay.

It's amazing how people adjust to their surroundings. I also think houses shrink as we grow, however, so that has to play in there somewhere. It was a good place to grow up, though. Lots of good memories from that house.

We really do. :) I love winter down here because we get all the birds that come from the north so we get to see all sorts of fun colors and species.

That sounds exhausting, and whoever wrote those directions obviously didn't stitch them. I think doing something in between sounds like a good plan, if only so you don't go spare.


badly_knitted July 4 2018, 10:25:11 UTC
Heee! That sounds like fun, learning all the things the Torchwood Team eat when they're not at work!

Houses definitely shrink as you grow, but I never got all that big anyway. Mostly I think it's all the clutter... I never had so much stuff when dad was still here.

W get some migratory birds passing through, but it's mostly ducks and geese so they just fly over. It must be fun seeing so many birds as they had south.

I'm not a novice stitcher, I just don't see how anyone can stitch one of these in a mere 5 hours. And I used the wrong colour in one place >.


lexxiescott July 4 2018, 22:27:47 UTC
It was remarkable, especially all the different way they use lamb. I think my favorite was the Welsh rarebit though. The sheer amount of care the chef put into making it was amazing.

True, clutter has a way of taking out way more space than should be logical. I don't wonder if clutter doesn't create some sort of gravitational field of its own that we can't sense.

Totally is. I saw a male cardinal a few days ago. They're so red. It's amazing that color appears in nature like that.

Uniquess for your piece then. But yeah, I know what you mean. I had to go back and rip out three hours worth of stitches one time. Honestly, I'm not sure how anyone can stitch something in five hours. It seems more than a little fishy to me.


badly_knitted July 5 2018, 10:53:24 UTC
Yeah, Welsh Rarebit is more than just cheese on toast!

I seriously need to do something about the clutter in here, but I'm still chopping up the ivy from two weeks ago. The bin is full to go out tomorrow, but there's still ivy left...

I don't think we have any native birds that red over here. Bulfinches, the males at least, have nice pink tummies, and there are robins but their tummies are more orangey red.

Thy're only little designs, 49 stitches each way, and I've used a different colour in a few places where I couldn't be bothered to change for just two stitches. Just got the backstitch do do on the first one now.

The coloured blackwork designs I did a bit back, I spent half my time unpicking because of making mistakes. I posted pics of them as well as the elves and fairies Christmas set I finished before that.


lexxiescott July 5 2018, 22:27:18 UTC
Definitely. The chef they filmed used like four types of cheese and bread so thick that it honestly could have been a meal itself. I was hungry just watching her cook. :)

Maybe garden clutter in the good weather and indoor clutter in the bad? I know what you mean though, there's always so many projects that it seems more than impossible to do anything.

I'll try and get a picture next time I see one. They like the garden at work. We have a nice sized lake, ducks, catfish, koi, and a bunch of other critters hanging around.

I saw the Christmas set and the other ones you posted up. I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything when you posted this most recent set. :)


badly_knitted July 6 2018, 20:12:35 UTC
Sounds so good... I love simple cheese on toast though.

It's too hot outside to do anything at the moment, so I'm starting to do a bit of indoor sorting. I get too hot doing anything though, so... I'm roasting, but there are clouds in the sky... I'm hoping for rain.

That would be cool. Why is that the wildlife in other countries always seems more exotic?

Yay, glad you saw them. I'm quite pleased with them!

I finished the first of the fiddly designs yesterday, and it looks so pretty. I've started the second one, but I'm trying it differently. I figured if I tried doing the leaves first, one colour at a time, running the thread across the back instead of starting and stopping all the time, it might not be so frustrating. So far so good. The next one I might try doing the flowers first.


lexxiescott July 7 2018, 22:42:50 UTC
I have to be careful with cooked cheese. Sometimes the “bad” protein I’m allergic to will show up. I just had pasta and cheese for dinner though.

I’ll hope for rain too. Wish I could send you some of ours. I can hear thunder grumbling outside again. I know what you mean about too hot to do anything. I always think melting would be the better option.

Maybe because no matter how exotic what we grow up with is, it’s common for us to see it, so we’re used to it and can’t always see what others do.

I normally managed to bunch the fabric at least once running the thread, but it’s definitely easier than starting and stopping and changing threads all the time. I’ll look forward to seeing them when you have them done. :-)


badly_knitted July 8 2018, 10:13:47 UTC
That's sad. Cheese on toast is one of life's little luxuries when it's cold out.

Still no rain, just more heat. I've had enough. There's a breeze today but it's not helping much.

The designs are small enough that I can avoid bunching. Normally I don't like running the thread across the back unless it's going to get stitched over, because it tends to show through, but I'll just have to put with that this time for ease of stitching.


lexxiescott July 8 2018, 16:39:09 UTC
Me sending you anything from down here wouldn't help you any right now. We're at about 89F with 88% humidity. Summer is definitely here. >.<

I think if these go on cards, it'll be a bit harder to see the running over the back. Definitely sounds like it'll be easier on you no matter what. *nods*


badly_knitted July 8 2018, 22:53:12 UTC
That is serious heat! We're around 80, so a bit cooler than you, but still too hot.

I'm actually enjoying stitching the second one, so my new strategy is working ;) Most of the threads at the back should get at least partly covered with stitching. Shouldn't be too noticeable.


lexxiescott July 8 2018, 23:07:17 UTC
It is, and this still isn't as hot as it could be for down here. I'm just glad I don't have to be outside in my uniform right now.

That's awesome news :) I'm glad the stitches running across the back will be mostly covered. Plus, maybe when you mount it, it'll be hidden depending on the back color you use. :)


badly_knitted July 9 2018, 10:50:54 UTC
I'll just keep hoping your weather doesn't get too hot, especially when you're working.

Each one is still taking quite a while to stitch, but I'll get there. Finished the border on the rose yesterday, but the designs I want to stitch are piling up - I'm going through all my magazines and I keep finding ones with the fabric tucked inside already cut and prepared for certain designs... I'm looking for suitable designs for my sister and Collin, both of whom turn 60 on their next birthdays. o_O


lexxiescott July 9 2018, 21:57:05 UTC
We need bosses with a sense of humor so we could do the "I'm melting" routine from the Wizard of Oz. *grins* We had to do parking enforcement this morning because of new hire orientation - Rich turned away 42 and Dennis got around 20 - so they were outside for hours. Fortunately in the early part of the day, but at 1330 when Rich left, he was dreading the walk his wife was going to be dragging him on.

And the thunder rolls. Loudly.

On one hand it's good you're prepared and have marked out the ones you liked and want to attempt, but it's probably getting a bit overwhelming. You should do a garden something for Collin. *giggles* Seriously, I know you'll find something that will work for them. I'm sure it's in there somewhere.


badly_knitted July 9 2018, 22:40:25 UTC
It's a shame your bosses seemed to have had their sense of humour surgically removed =(

No one needs to be walking anywhere in those temperatures.

Oh, I've got boxes filled with fabric cut and prepared for stitching, but I'm surprised by how many pieces are inside magazines that were in storage for 6 years! Several are for designs I was going to stitch for mum =(

I'm thinking Collin might be wrong, he might not be 60 until next year - he gets mixed up with his age sometimes - but I know I have a nice cowboy and cowgirl design that might work well. We used to dress up in our western gear and go out to country clubs. If I change the hair colour... I'll find something floral for my sister, probably. I think she's had enough elephants.


lexxiescott July 9 2018, 23:17:18 UTC
I think that it's a requirement to become a boss. No sense of humor at all. >.<

Rich's wife, Lisa, is obsessed with losing weight and drags him along on a minimum 5 mile walk no matter what the weather. So I'm quite sure that she dragged him out into the heat tonight.

Aw, that's sad. :(

That sounds like a cute one. :) Cowboys are always good no matter what. Flowers are good, too, although I think elephants are more fun. Maybe and elephant holding flowers? *giggles* I think the heat is getting to me. I'm getting silly.


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